*31*St. Knyaz Boris I Mihail*1000* (Vrchcábe - vesvětlet špil) St. Knyaz Boris I Mihail Do this for civilization - proclamation of Christianity as an official state religion , and only allowed ! So we belong to European civilization from the middle of the ninth century , the time of Boris . The motives of Boris to accept Christianity civilization . Then there is the concept of ' family of Christian nations. " Christianity at that time in Europe , the Arabs kill him in North Africa and the Middle East. This family is actually prototypes of today's EU. Relations between the Christian states are quite different from those of the pagan countries. Contracts are awarded in the name of Christ, if it comes to war, it is far more humane - Christians do not take slaves , prisoners are released . Zpátke na véčet drohu špilu
Droh mača: Obečéné špil Droh tornaja (?): trojity vrchcábe Véška členstvi: Kolek može bét némiň špilošu: 4 Kolek može bét névic špilošu: co to pode Kolek može bét névic špilošu ve větvi : 8 Koncové mač pro větvo s dvóma špilošama: Obečéné špil Časové hlidač (?): 7 dni, obečéná flákárna BKR špilošu: 100 <= BKR <= 4000 Špiloši bez BKR: ja Nebodovany špile (toďten tornaj nebode započitané do BKR): ne Sókromé tornaj (bodeš vepóštět osobni zvaci léstky): ne Verovnat do řade špiloše podle BKR: ja Jaké je stav: okončeny Datom a čas odmávnoti: 31. května 2014, 16:05:04 Datom a čas okončeni: 24. května 2015, 21:05:06