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22. Aprile 2007, 05:06:33
Argomento: Re info Fencer's Blog
I had to check on the 44444th person to register (assuming all registrations are different users) and unfortunately that person Varol53 Varol53 is lsited as
never logged in
That is sort of anti climactic. Maybe the number can be put up as a prize of some kind and given to the winner (eek multi nick)

20. Aprile 2007, 01:26:36
Argomento: Re: <font size="4">Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr</font>
BIG BAD WOLF: Thank you !!! That saves a lot of time in loading

12. Aprile 2007, 04:35:57
Argomento: Re:
Eriisa: surely autopass is a great option to have and of course both players would have to agree to it to make it part of the game they were playing. It would just give those the choice if they wanted it. Players can then opt not to use it if they so choose also.

16. Settembre 2006, 22:03:51
Argomento: Brainking Issue
I think the staff at brainking have some big issues to deal with when it comes to posting.

I made a post for a general question about music sites. Sure it was on a board that is not perfectly suited to the post, but then again, how many other posts are not perfectly suited to the board they are posted on?

To be outright harassed and attacked on my post, and to make blatant accusations on another board about the meaning of such an innocent post is not right at all. I have taken great offence to this treatment and I would hope this will be looked into a little more.

Thank you

16. Settembre 2006, 21:36:03
Argomento: Re:
Vikings: where would you suggest in that case Vikings?

16. Settembre 2006, 21:35:36
Argomento: Re:
Vikings: everyone looks here and anyone who would look at a music board would also look on this board anyway. The same cannot be said about the reverse.

16. Settembre 2006, 21:29:24
Argomento: Re: fastest music download site?
Vikings: I think GC is the most appropriate because it spans numerous topics. That is not an option for me though

4. Settembre 2006, 17:51:14
Argomento: Re: Fencer
Groucho: they were playbunny's idea.
Thanks playbunny !!!

2. Settembre 2006, 20:46:17
Argomento: Re: Hrqls
Hrqls: good job. I see my work is done here. Thanks

31. Agosto 2006, 14:27:37
Argomento: Transferring Brains
I dont think we should be given the option to transfer brains. This would be far too unfair to Fencer and the site allowing far to many "free" account for nothing. I have always been a firm believer in earning your own food etc and I feel the sane should apply to brains. If you can personally accumulate enough for a free membership or the like, that is great!!! But until you do, you should have to keep accumulating. This is the best way to benefit Brainking by ensuring the maximum number of people are out there trying to bring new members to the site etc.

12. Agosto 2006, 18:53:26
Argomento: Re: Vacation days
Fencer: I thought so.
Can I suggest capping the vacation days allocation to any members capped to a maximum of 30 days per year?

12. Agosto 2006, 16:18:22
Argomento: Re: Vacation days
Fencer: Does that mean that black rooks are penalized because they dont have to renew their membership? I saw a post some time ago stating that when you renew, you get a new credit, and this meant that white rooks would get 2 credits every year (assuming they only bought 1 year memberships) They get a credit on renewal (bummer if you renew in December) and a credit on Jan 1st.

I might be mistaken but that is how I thought it worked.

9. Agosto 2006, 03:11:25
Argomento: Re: Secret Points are for the Birds.
Somelaughs2: dont let it bother you too much, just enjoy for the games and wait until the rules fair up for you maybe next month. Certainly nothing to worry about.

9. Agosto 2006, 03:09:28
Argomento: Re:
Dolittle: no problem, glad I could help (or try to at least :))

9. Agosto 2006, 02:49:42
Argomento: Re:
Dolittle: settings page I think?

17. Luglio 2006, 01:06:32
Argomento: Re:
KotDB: I like to use google for my world and local news

15. Luglio 2006, 23:20:45
Argomento: Re:
playBunny: I think he is just trying to stir trouble bunny, best not to discuss anymore

15. Luglio 2006, 23:08:09
Argomento: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: her kids accounts havent been used in a long time also

15. Luglio 2006, 23:07:34
Argomento: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: I read she was emailed and said she wasnt coming back to play at this site.

3. Luglio 2006, 01:58:07
Argomento: Great tactics by Luisifer
Well I worked out how he is doing it by following his actions.

He is just simply going to a url and then increasing the number by 1 each time. I did this a few times and it is amazing what boards you see that normally you cannot.

Just try this, go to the following links

etc etc, go down 1 by 1 or go up 1 by 1. I would suggest going down but I havent tried it all the way.

1. Luglio 2006, 14:40:46
Argomento: Re: Board points
Jason: I am simply trying to give people some perspective. It isnt the end all and be all of existence and you have to admit, there have been quite a few recent posts from people who are taking this far too seriously

1. Luglio 2006, 14:32:19
Argomento: Re: Board points
Modificato da SafariGal (1. Luglio 2006, 14:57:17)
Fencer: It would seem a lot of people are taking this far to seriously. As Fencer said, it will be fixed, please dont lose any sleep over it LOL

I can just imagine sitting down to dinner and Welly Walezs complaining to the family in a sobby voice "someone cheated me out of getting higher points on brainking this month boo hoo"

Geez peeps, lighten up and get some perspective !!!

25. Giugno 2006, 15:30:51
Argomento: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: why not get one of the resident experts to remote link to your PC and fix it for you?

24. Giugno 2006, 22:07:16
Argomento: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: we know that !!

24. Giugno 2006, 22:00:28
Argomento: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: ctrl f5

17. Giugno 2006, 16:41:13
you can use firfox adblock image, works well

7. Maggio 2006, 20:33:10
Argomento: Re:
thank you.

7. Maggio 2006, 19:09:23
Argomento: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: I have seen you on the boards before trying to stir up trouble

7. Maggio 2006, 18:58:57
Argomento: Re:
WatfordFC: ok let's just let it drop. Thank you

7. Maggio 2006, 18:38:17
Argomento: Re:
harley: thank you Harley, it is getting a bit tiresome

7. Maggio 2006, 15:08:25
Argomento: Re:
anastasia: she is asking the same thing over and over again. Fencder is already looking into the issue so it doesnt need to be constantly brought up on public boards. Obsessions like that are not healthy. We should really end this discussion

7. Maggio 2006, 14:01:30
Argomento: Re:
WatfordFC: I still understand your concern, what I don't understand is why you keep on and on and on about it. At the end of the day, who really cares? Start a new fast tournament yourself and play in that one.

7. Maggio 2006, 00:20:26
Argomento: Re: FENCER
WatfordFC: turn based game sites always have such complaints. I suggest dont let it bother you and get on with your other games

3. Maggio 2006, 11:56:12
Argomento: Re: black rook
Fencer: countered for or accounted for? It is an impressive idea if it achieves its purpose. Good thoughts Fencer

3. Maggio 2006, 04:08:38
Argomento: Re: black rook
rednaz23: Is there a server upgrade coming. This type of thing can dramatically decrease future revenue for a business and I am hopeful that has been countered for.

30. Aprile 2006, 14:32:52
Argomento: Re: Killing Machine
Pedro Martínez: what does this mean?

23. Aprile 2006, 23:20:45
Argomento: Re:
Modificato da SafariGal (23. Aprile 2006, 23:23:38)
baddessi: I am very new to this site and only playing a few games but already i see people acting childish and trying to antagonize not only me but what looks like other prominent long term members too. This is rather embarassing for them and I hope they realize how they are perceived in the eyes of others.
*shakes head at the shame they must feel*

23. Aprile 2006, 22:28:51
Argomento: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: are you suggesting that one person would not get to see this elsewhere on the internet? All I am trying to say is, lets not blow it out of proportion !!

btw I never saw the posts so I can only speculate. If you care to send me a copy I can at least make better judgement

23. Aprile 2006, 22:28:29
are you suggesting that one person would not get to see this elsewhere on the internet? All I am trying to say is, lets not blow it out of proportion !!

btw I never saw the posts so I can only speculate. If you care to send me a copy I can at least make better judgement

23. Aprile 2006, 22:23:56
Argomento: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: there will ALWAYS be inappropriate stuff on the internet. I hope you are not going overboard in trying to describe the importance of one rogue poster on an indiscriminant little board such as this. Cmon now, lets not exagerate. People will start to think you are bi polar or something

23. Aprile 2006, 21:44:29
Argomento: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: robbing youth of their innocence? How can anything, no matter what, be really that bad on a tiny little message board such as this when we are exposed to beheadings and all other forms of cruelty in this world. All these boards are is just a bunch of harmless fun. Some men obviously go overboard to make up for small appendages , granted, but who cares, the joke is on them.

23. Aprile 2006, 18:20:22
Argomento: Re:
mook53lhd: i am curious too. what happened that was so bad? this is only internet chat board cant be taken too seriously surely

22. Aprile 2006, 19:15:44
Argomento: Re:
Maxxina: silly me thank you. I was expecting it to be a separate rank like the gold rook, not hidden within the rookhidde

22. Aprile 2006, 14:20:43
Argomento: Re: Black Rooks
pauloaguia: I do not see black rook on there so this is why I asked

22. Aprile 2006, 04:53:33
Argomento: Re: Black Rooks
Fencer: how much do those cost?

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