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18. 10月 2007, 20:42:23
件名: Wow! Thanks!!
Thatnk you, Ewe.  I'm always gratified when you enjoy one of my posts being so much younger than I.  That was old stuff, but still timely, as far as I can tell.

Jim Dandy  I so don't believe you.  You are quality kinda guy, I knew that from minute one that I saw you here.

awesome Thank you for that.  It was an interesting video, besides being a very timely tune in 1967.  The video reminded me of WWII, and my minds eye went to my uncle who served as a bombardier  during that war.  1967, however, was more Viet Nam era.  When I saw your description of what was to come, I thought of this::

My Back Pages  - This is a round robin sorta thing of a lot of favorites from the time.  This song is copyrighted 1964, and was penned by poet-songwriter, Bob Dylan.  Give it a listen. 

18. 10月 2007, 21:16:35
件名: Re: Wow! Thanks!!
TexasToest: Age is just a number!

18. 10月 2007, 22:33:26
The Col 
件名: Re: Wow! Thanks!!
Ewe: try using that excuse at the beer store

18. 10月 2007, 23:19:36
件名: Re: Wow! Thanks!!
Jim Dandy: well its legal to drink here at 18 so you can usually get away with it at 16...but shhh dont tell anyone! Time flys, that was over 20 years ago!!
Wish I knew an apt song to put a link to now.....lol

18. 10月 2007, 23:25:57
The Col 
件名: Re: Wow! Thanks!!
Ewe: 18 here too.I remember being carded in Florida when I was 30,I couldda kissed the guy


19. 10月 2007, 00:47:00
件名: Re: Wow! Thanks!!
Jim Dandy:  Donny Osmund....how dramatic he was at....what was he, 14?  I can tell you that never happened to me.  The most any guy ever sang to me was Happy Birthday.  Although the washboard player with Ponty Bone one night, came over to me, and let me play his chest.  Hahaha!  He said later he saw I couldn't sit still to the music, and he wanted to include me.  I think that was nice.  When you go everywhere by yourself, it's always nice to be recognized by the performers.  Don't you think? 

Ewe:  I guess I was getting kind close to old at that point.  Evidently, he didn't think I was too old to have some fun. 

18. 10月 2007, 23:22:52
件名: Re: Wow! Thanks!!
Ewe:Thank you, Ewe.  Unfortunately the reality from this end seems a little different.  It's an insult when your body starts giving out when you feel so young.

Jim Dandy:  You don't think they'd buy it?

18. 10月 2007, 23:37:25
件名: Re: Wow! Thanks!!
TexasToest: Yes I know what you mean.....when Im really old (if I get that far) I hope my mind goes first!

Jim Dandy - hahaha I wish that would happen to me, no chance though, small kids have a great knack at ageing me!!!!

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