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Moderator: ScarletRose , Apaleunicorn 
 World of Arts

Please come in and share your passions.. whether it be drawing, sculpting, painting, working with clay or photography, just to name a few.

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31. Mai 2010, 05:57:38
Subiectul: online art gallery
Wholesale Art Mall is a professional supplier of oil paintings and shall be pleased to establish business relations with you.

12. Martie 2010, 22:01:12
The Col 
Subiectul: Re: Anything from kindergarten even....
Tuesday: actually, it looked very Henry Moore,kinda abstract

12. Martie 2010, 21:51:22
The Col 
Subiectul: Re: Anything from kindergarten even....
Tuesday: actually,I've got a funny (art) story.When my dad passed away us kids were at his house dividing items amongst us.When I was about 13 I made a plaster paris sculpture, my dad kept it on his desk,anyway,my sister's boyfriend thought it was so valuable that he wouldn't part with it for a beautiful table true story

12. Martie 2010, 21:39:29
The Col 
I wish I could claim I was being coy, but I got nuthin

12. Martie 2010, 21:33:31
The Col 
Subiectul: Re:
Tuesday: I'm so out of my depth discussing art,that I'm drowning

12. Martie 2010, 21:24:51
The Col 
Subiectul: Re:

I posted the song coupled with Van Gogh's art on the music board

12. Martie 2010, 21:14:02
The Col 
Subiectul: Re:
Tuesday: are you thinkin what I'm thinkin?

12. Martie 2010, 21:11:25
The Col 
Subiectul: Re:
Tuesday: I didn't guess the painting, unless it was called "starry starry night"

12. Martie 2010, 17:18:07
The Col 
Subiectul: Re:
Tuesday: Vincent by Don McLean

9. Ianuarie 2009, 19:48:19
Subiectul: Pottery
Towards the end of the month I will be getting a potters wheel and supplies.. My husband is helping me get my studio started.. if any of you have your own potters wheel and have suggestions and hints as to ones you have found to be good.. please make notes to this.. we are expecting to pay around 1200.00 for the wheel.. 

18. Aprilie 2008, 23:53:34
Painting Elephant.. you gotta see this!

28. Februarie 2008, 14:10:30
Subiectul: Re: This board needs a boost ...
ScarletRose: I'm not sure exactly what you mean ... but I think you liked it. ;)

28. Februarie 2008, 05:26:38
Subiectul: Re: This board needs a boost ...
ColonelCrockett: kewl.. that will work! I don't see any hard links to avoid.. so it should be accepted..

27. Februarie 2008, 17:19:08
Subiectul: This board needs a boost ...
... what about my Flickr page?

let me know what you think.

19. Septembrie 2007, 20:18:12
Subiectul: Thanks for the link Noble
haven't seen you in a long time.. hope everything is going well for you!

19. Septembrie 2007, 19:14:01
Subiectul: search-engines-art

20. August 2007, 22:27:11
Subiectul: I have some of the art I like here

28. Aprilie 2007, 18:38:51

12. Ianuarie 2007, 19:17:38
Subiectul: I have some art in other places..

7. Decembrie 2006, 21:27:44
Subiectul: art art art

13. Noiembrie 2006, 07:31:34
Subiectul: Re: some art
Wow - nice - Thank you nobleheart

13. Noiembrie 2006, 02:20:55
Subiectul: clean big art(as in large .jpgs or .gifs)

9. Noiembrie 2006, 04:34:51
Subiectul: some art

23. Octombrie 2006, 16:30:17
Subiectul: an artist at work

27. Septembrie 2006, 19:37:08
Subiectul: have you read this
AZUZ: Time for the Shoutout! Who painted this picture? If you think you know it, shout it out! Was it: A) Leonardo da Vinci, B) Vincent van Gogh, C) Michelangelo Buonarroti, or D) Pablo Picasso? You've got three seconds--GO! The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci sometime between 1503 and 1506. That's your answer and that's your Shoutout!

A New Look

LLOYD: It's a smile that's mystified people for centuries. And ever since da Vinci created his "Mona Lisa" masterpiece, art lovers have looked for the secret behind the smirk. A team of Canadian scientists used sophisticated 3D technology to unearth clues behind the riddle. Danny Globerman reveals what they found when they peered through the layers.


DANNY GLOBERMAN, REPORTER: The Da Vinci Code phenomenon teased us with the notion that all sorts of great secrets lie hidden in the artist's work. Well, now we've learned, they do. And they're hidden no longer.

But the secrets announced at the National Research Council have more to do with art than religious conspiracies. In October 2004, an NRC team jouneyed to the Louvre for the most extensive physical the Mona Lisa has ever received. There were x-rays, infared and ultraviolet photos, and thanks to the Research Council's world leading technology, a state of the art, 3-dimensional laser scan.

FRANCOIS BLAIS, NATL. RESEARCH COUNCIL OF CANADA: Now, we have very precise information about the thickness of the layers. We know how the painting was painted, with very very thin layers of painting. That's one of the things we couldn't see by the naked eye and that technology brought us.

GLOBERMAN: All sorts of elements not visible to the eye are now known. A bonnet, a full veil, a waistband. They're all there, you just can't see them.

JOHN TAYLOR, NRC SCIENTIST: It just doesn't get any better than this, because great art and great science.

GLOBERMAN: John Taylor is one of the NRC scientists who took part in the project. He says while the Mona Lisa has now given up many of her secrets, he's still amazed and baffled by one of them.

TAYLOR: In this painting, there are no signs of brush strokes anywhere on the painting. That includes the very fine details of embroidery on the dress, the hair. This is the "Je ne sais quoi" of Leonardo, the genius. We don't know how he applied it.

GLOBERMAN: Beyond the mysteries, this project gives and accurate and highly detailed snapshot of the painting's current physical condition. That will allow conservators to know if anything changes in the painting over the years. And while the wood panel on which she rests is warped, the experts say Mona's ailments are all under control and should be for some time to come. And for art lovers, that's truly something to smile about.



14. Septembrie 2006, 18:18:02
Subiectul: a nice photo

14. Septembrie 2006, 17:29:01
Subiectul: nice works of art
Modificat de nobleheart (14. Septembrie 2006, 18:21:06)

6. Septembrie 2006, 01:55:44
Subiectul: Re:
nobleheart: it's been deleted Steve..

5. Septembrie 2006, 21:48:34
which link was to nudity?msg me please.did thet change the target link? oh no

5. Septembrie 2006, 07:47:20
NOT a floosie 
For the record. I didn't remove the link of a link. I removed a link that contained nudity. That link should not have been put there, and should have been REMOVED by the moderators of this board.

What people do or do not let their children do does not pertain to the issue here.

The issue is, NO LINKS containing nudity should be posted on this board, or any other public board. I fail to see why this seems to be so hard to understand.

3. Septembrie 2006, 16:16:52
Subiectul: Re: todays art

Toofer: I didn't mean to sound uncaring about the link of a link.. I just meant realistically it is very hard to meet the levels of everyone's tolerance.. and to get upset about another link on a link is ridiculous.. I certainly am not going to chase through web page after web page. It is NOT my responsibility to make sure every young child on the net is free from those kinds of sites.. I myself didn't let my children online to play until they were older.. I grew up without online and did just fine.. I got involved with outdoor activities and I prefered my children learning how to enjoy fresh air .. As far as worrying about a link on a page I recognize and suggest. I cannot always be assured that another link isn't of ill taste.. however, it wasn't the page I had recommended.. nor should I have to take criticism or get abusive words thrown as if I intended to do harm. If someone has a child online I would hope they were monitoring their use since even the pop ups or the spam mail we all seem to get are enough to make anyone cringe due to content. Perhaps instead of focusing on the one who may have placed a link.. we should concentrate on the "Why is this form of advertising allowed to continue anywhere online?"

And your taste in art.. Let me be the judge.. I enjoy all different mediums of art.. especially working with Clay..

3. Septembrie 2006, 07:42:49
Lisa G 
Subiectul: Re: todays art
ScarletRose: No it's your job as moderator to check the links to this board.If i was a minor would you tell me the same? My kind of Art would bore you.

1. Septembrie 2006, 20:13:51
Subiectul: Re: todays art

Toofer: Good afternoon Toofer.. Please feel free to share some links to Art that you enjoy. And as far as clicking on links of links.. you take your own risk doing so. There is no way of really monitoring that.. other than each individual setting their own level of tolerance on their browsers..


1. Septembrie 2006, 19:05:35
Lisa G 
Subiectul: Re: todays art
nobleheart: I read your link which linked to other links that weren't very nice for this board.

29. August 2006, 16:18:03
Subiectul: Re: todays art
Modificat de nobleheart (30. August 2006, 14:19:49)
Toofer: no nude photos please.I realize that photography is an art.too many "artisitic" directions these days push the envelope af art too far towards porn.
I agree the human form is beautiful,and in an innocent & descent world this would be an accepted concept.but we live in a world of many unhealthy,depraved & abusive ideas towards the body.
I saw nothing wrong with the paintings posted,nothing revealing,but to avoid controversy,lets avoid anything that might even possibly be offensive.
I have heard of people who have an extreme viewpoint,taking offense at the most innocent of artworks.
even if we limit ourselves to really nice art,we could not be guaranteed to avoid an art controversy,example:

The Kiss (Rodin sculpture)controversy
read about it here:
* link removed

*Being that it is difficult to define exactly where a line should be drawn, the Globals do not want to see direct links to nudes be posted on the public boards. This is a public board. We expect the moderators of this board to adhere to this issue. This is not an "art" site, this is a "game site".....a family game site.

23. August 2006, 15:06:58 
Subiectul: nude art
Hello - I figured I would share my opinion on the subject just so everyone understands what I'm thinking on the subject.

First I wanted to say that I think the pictures that were linked to here were very nice pieces of art. The problem that I see is where do you draw the line to what is art and what is "porn". For example, I have a page of naked girls who were painted on to create works of art. Since it includes nudity, I'm carefull on who sees these pictures so I won't post a link in public. But would something like be acceptable since it is art? Lets take an extreme example, I strip down and take a picture of myself naked. I call it art. Is it? The problem is where do you draw the line on the public board. For that reason, I personally feel it is almost beter to say "no nudity" at all then to have to try to determine where the line is between what is art and what is not.

The second reason I'm concerned is that all public boards on BrainKing are searchable from the outside (non-members). This incudes search engines like Google, and "bad site" blocker sites. [I'm going to use a worse-case senerio] Lets say one of the "bad site" blocker sites decided to scan BrainKing to make sure the site was acceptable, and came across a link to a site which contains nude pictures. Since some of these program are very picky, they may end up putting BrainKing on their blocked site list - which in turn may be a program used by ISP's or work of some of the players, which in turn may lose them access to this game site. Again, I'm using a worse-case type of example, but is another reason why I would worry if links to nude pictures would be allowed on a public board.

Those are my opinions on the subject

23. August 2006, 01:01:25

It's a shame that true art is cackled and questioned.. I would suggest anyone who doesn't respect even the works which were linked just a few posts down to stay off this board.. I didn't feel they were in dire need to delete .. I am surprised at some of the views of the higher up (globals)..  I guess I am just getting more and more agitated by their opinions and pushing their beliefs in the public..

I am an Art Major.. and I will challenge any of their arguments.. You can count on it!

22. August 2006, 18:59:15
NOT a floosie 
Subiectul: Re: todays art
Toofer: That is a good question. This issue has been brought up in the Globals fellowship for discussion. After all of them have had a chance to contribute to the discussion, the moderators of this board will be notified of what we feel are or aren't appropriate links for this (public) board.

This is a difficult line to draw when comes to appreciating classic, masterful artists, and the appropriateness of this being a family site.

22. August 2006, 06:54:34
Lisa G 
Subiectul: Re: todays art
nobleheart: nude pictures of women are allowed here?

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