Marshmud: It also depends on how you got the black rook I believe - I know I don't have that achievement since I took advantage of the "1/2" price deal, which is not in the database the same as a true black rook... or something like that. I think it was discussed in this board awhile back.
As a suggestion, since you have all kinds of cool names for the achievements (Mission: Impossible) for different games, I would love to see it a little more organized with possible the game name in the achievement name.
So something like:
Knight Fight - Mission: Impossible Knight Fight - Double defeat Knight Fight - Path of twins Knight Fight - Galloper Gammon - Stick around Gammon - My three sixes Gammon - Double strike
... it's well organized in a persons profile, but if I go to the Achievements page and use the drop down, it's hard to know which achievement is for which game.
AbigailII: I never noticed that one - yea, I think that one is stupid also. I mean a pass is a pass - no matter if the so-called "autopass" so called "feature" is used.
Well I don't consider it a true autopass feature anyway, so maybe Fencer should count it anyway?????
lukulus: I have an issue with achievements for losing - that is if I want to try to go for more achievements (which is what I think Fencer would like), it would encourage me to lose on purpose to get them... that is purposely lose just to gain them.
Of course myself I don't think I could force myself to lose on purpose, but many others would, and I think having achievements that encourage you to lose are a bad choice. (Like the Pond BKR gain achievement... something I mentioned before, where if I ever want to fall outside of the top 10 and still gain BKR ratings - I would have to purposely lose many games to lower my BKR just to have a chance at that achievement.)
AbigailII: "Changes your roll 1-2 11 times in a row while your opponent rolls the appropriate double: 1 in 8459117637862050464804269719552. (If the entire populate of the world (6.75 billion people) rolls 22 times a second, it still will only happen about once every 40 trillion years - a time span about 3000 times the estimated age of the universe)."
..... so what you are saying if 11 passes in Hyper is made into an achievement, it should be worth a lot of points?
AbigailII: In theory, it could be unlimited number of passes.
There could be a time when both players are sent to the bar, and both have 2 piece "blocks" in their home area - and if the the players keep rolling the same dice and neither could get out unless they rolled a certain amount - then it could in theory be unlimited if they never roll that dice number they need.
I'm trying to imagine a similar situation in Hyper, but can't imagine it with only 3 pieces per side in play., so I would guess there could be a limit of times in a row.... but for most others, I would think it could be unlimited.
Modificat de (16. Aprilie 2009, 16:32:27)
I really don't like the Achievements that are based on BKR ratings - for example, the one for the ponds to increase your BKR when you finish 10th or worse. Well that would be impossible for me to do since I already have a good pond rating. Anything out of the top 5 or so will result in my losing ratings points - I would basically have to lose on purpose a few times to drop my rating just to try to get that one..... and even though some will do that, I don't think it is in the spirit of the game site to lose on purpose just so you can then achieve an achievement.
So any achievement which might lead to people to lose on purpose so they can achieve something should not be an achievement.
I know a goal that I'm personally trying for (and screwed myself out of when I at one time started to play a lot of games I don't like when I was trying to get a rating in every game) - is if a person has a 66.66666% win rate (after 1000 played games) - meaning they win 2 our of every 3 games.
Gror: yea... awhile back the special of "buy 1, get 1 free" was a deal. (Normally a black rook lifetime membership costs the same as 10 year membership.) So some (like myself) was able to pay for a 5 year membership, and someone else pay for the other 5 year membership - and then both of us would get the black rook at basically 1/2 cost.
Got mine in 2006 - 2 more years and my "investment" will have paid off.
Second - Public Polls - There is also an achivement for voting on public polls. If you have a good idea for a poll, feel free to leave the idea in the Opinion Polls Discussion Board.