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Team Tournaments

Jan 2025 - Connect6 3 - starts 28th Feb

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8. Iulie 2004, 10:22:47
Subiectul: eagleeagle
It is as LongJohn says, just forget steps 2 and 5

7. Iulie 2004, 22:42:01

7. Iulie 2004, 22:33:57
leaving games till their final hours

7. Iulie 2004, 22:08:36
Ill refer to the top line of my last post again then

7. Iulie 2004, 21:56:35
Why not grow up and stop playing silly games with us.
It is relevant, its tournaments that you are ruining

And I guess that admission is also proof that you deliberately play slow then?

7. Iulie 2004, 21:45:22
Just hurry up and finish our games and I wont pester you

7. Iulie 2004, 13:12:28
Could have played my games too instead of posting on a few boards

6. Iulie 2004, 16:00:31
As Monkey says, PM fencer and ask to be withdrawn, he will do it. Its quite common :o)

6. Iulie 2004, 02:34:01
Thats just picking holes in it really isnt it?

3. Iulie 2004, 20:41:57

What is your other memberships nic?

3. Iulie 2004, 20:10:32
tournaments are tournaments, if they want to play fun games, play normal ones :o)

3. Iulie 2004, 20:08:14
I think all tournaments should forget about weekends etc

30. Iunie 2004, 21:53:42
nope, it says max 8 teams per section doesnt it?

30. Iunie 2004, 19:16:01
Subiectul: Re: Mike here
I left it yesterday

30. Iunie 2004, 14:30:03
Subiectul: Dark boats tourny

30. Iunie 2004, 01:26:32
Subiectul: Come play with women of the jungle

28. Iunie 2004, 12:49:41
I mean inter fellowship ones, Can WE as big bosses set them up in the future?

28. Iunie 2004, 12:31:13
Subiectul: Inter fellowship tournies
Is it just Fencer who can initiate these?
Cos I cant find link, or is it a "soon to come addition"?

10. Iunie 2004, 02:42:44
Subiectul: Quick Reversi tournys
Stevies Reversi Tourny's #3 (2day moves)

Enjoy and have fun with the games :o)


11. Mai 2004, 01:37:56
best part of 48 hrs for someone to notice LOL

9. Mai 2004, 01:28:11
Subiectul: Ladders are tournaments of a fashion
So if interested, contact me or Aragon or MadMnonkey :o)

7. Mai 2004, 01:32:30

1. Mai 2004, 15:36:27
Subiectul: Re: Reversi 10x10 (and BTTT this one to)
For the big reversi fans :o)
Stevies Reversi 10x10

Have fun and enjoy your games :o)


1. Mai 2004, 15:35:41
Subiectul: back to tournaments now please !!!! Re: Anti Reversi ( BTTT this one)
Only 8 signed up :o( Ill give another couple of days
Stevie want 2 Get more interested in anti Reversi

As it says, I wan to get more of you interested in anti reversi so you all want to join Aragon and my ladder tournament too :o) pawns and knights be sure to have space to play.All known frequent last minute movers will be removed before tourny starts Have fun and enjoy :o) Steve

30. Aprilie 2004, 13:04:35

29. Aprilie 2004, 10:26:37

28. Aprilie 2004, 19:52:36
Linda, maybe Anders was replying to what I was on about :o)

28. Aprilie 2004, 13:54:17
At least the time out has stayed at 1 day not gone to 30 like others did LOL

28. Aprilie 2004, 13:09:59
Subiectul: Hes done it again
Great, lets change a tourny or its name once it has started *
yes that little mark is a link with the same name as tourny :o(

grow up

28. Aprilie 2004, 02:50:05
Subiectul: Ladders
Anyone wanna join a ladder tourny?
Got battleboats and all reversis and scrabble and checkers all set up now :o)

Contact me if interested

28. Aprilie 2004, 01:33:42
Subiectul: Reversi 10x10
For the big reversi fans :o)
Stevies Reversi 10x10

Have fun and enjoy your games :o)


26. Aprilie 2004, 18:20:23
Subiectul: Re:
Well you are in the right position Fencer to be able to choose a pawn that isnt the same IP as a Rook and know it LMAO

25. Aprilie 2004, 23:29:18
Subiectul: Anti Reversi
Stevie want 2 Get more interested in anti Reversi

As it says, I wan to get more of you interested in anti reversi so you all want to join Aragon and my ladder tournament too :o) pawns and knights be sure to have space to play.All known frequent last minute movers will be removed before tourny starts Have fun and enjoy :o) Steve

23. Aprilie 2004, 23:14:24
and my 2

23. Aprilie 2004, 23:13:46
yep and the Canadian families 1000 ;oÞ

23. Aprilie 2004, 23:08:48
Oh yeah, 600 members x 4 = 2400 divide by a couple and adjust by a tad, 9000+ - result

ummmmmmmm 2000+ then

23. Aprilie 2004, 23:04:39
only 9000+

21. Aprilie 2004, 00:13:01
The +8 has gone LOL

20. Aprilie 2004, 23:52:35
have you figured who and what it is yet? I havent

20. Aprilie 2004, 16:51:15
Subiectul: I have had this.........
........nuber 8 for nearly a week now Total number of your started games: 134 + 8 (?)
I guess one of you lot has forgotten to start your tourny after closing it for sign ups :o)
please have a look

12. Aprilie 2004, 00:20:08
Subiectul: Checkers tourny
Stevies quick checkers under 1700BKR

have fun and enjoy the games :o)


10. Aprilie 2004, 10:56:08
LMAO if they have set weeks of vacation I guess ;oÞ

31. Martie 2004, 05:14:45
Subiectul: Stevies faves tourny, needs more players
Stevies faves tourny

• Checkers (6)
• Gothic Checkers (2)
• Turkish Checkers (1)
• Five in Line (5)
• Reversi 6x6 (5)
• Reversi 8x8 (4)
• Anti Reversi (2)
Have fun and enjoy the games,
Steve :o)

24. Martie 2004, 16:33:04
A tourny thing isnt a chance thing, its a competition for god sake LOL
I think its stupid when players leave a tourny or wont enter it, just cos best player is in it. Everyone is human and makes mistakes sometime. And I am happy when I get to a final against a player like that.
If you are bothered by a certain player winning all the time, then just stick to pleasure games.
You dont see F1 racers not entering a race for a prize etc, just because Ferrari always win. see what I mean?

Normally the winner would give a prize to a pawn or knight anyway if they are a Rook etc already, so whats the problem.

24. Martie 2004, 16:20:53
Subiectul: Stevies faves tourny, open for sign ups
Stevies faves tourny

• Checkers
• Gothic Checkers
• Turkish Checkers
• Five in Line
• Reversi 6x6
• Reversi 8x8
• Anti Reversi
Have fun and enjoy the games,
Steve :o)

24. Martie 2004, 16:06:04
Have a look at the ratings page, 5 in line is popular, or spiderline 4 etc

24. Martie 2004, 15:58:20
Do something other than Gammons Chatty :o) every body does that.
Maybe a line game for a change

24. Martie 2004, 12:11:37
Subiectul: Stevies Dollar per player donation Reversi tourny
Hi all, probs sorted so donation made finally of 41 Euro = $50
Dollar donation tourny
So along with the 20.5 Euro that Harley pledged (50cents per player, so hopefully you will remember to send it in) Thats 61.5 Euro = $75
Thanks for those that joined :o)

18. Martie 2004, 23:56:05
PS I am such a bad guy apparently, so maybe its a good idea to get rid of people like me from a site like this. Who are just detrimental to the site.

18. Martie 2004, 23:52:03
LOL You are not forking out to be in mine I am, I would fork out again to be in yours. I will be paying 10 times the amount when my paypal account is sorted out (yep got a silly prob with it :o( )and then the two prize tournies that I also have on the go at the same time on top. So already gonna put in best part of 100 dollars of my money.
Sorry Linda :o)

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