Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE
Today, it was created a new team tournament of anglo-american checkers, and there's some time ago, it was created another team tournament of anglo-american checkers.
Well, i like very much this game (and all checkers variant), but i think that could choose other checker variant never played in team tournament, like international checkers, brazilian checkers, russian checkers, portuguese checkers, italian checkers, dameo, etc. There're many choice.
So, i don't understand why anglo-american checkers, again.
Another black rook :) my great friend Aaru :) and soon another one could become a black rook :) more details soon :) a mega tourney with a black rook for first place .. to all members of Yesterday's World fellowship join :) sponsor by .. meeeee
Artful Dodger:you very welcome to join the fs and if you win you can do whatever you want :) actually it will be nice to know wich game should be the mega tourney becuae i havent decided .. i want to give everyone a chance to win ( means : no lines games ,no checkers ,no chess because there are many sofware around and people will probably cheat ) let me know wich game i should use for the mega tourney :) i would say between the 3 of battleboats and ludo or ??? open to suggestion :)
Modificat de MadMonkey (27. Ianuarie 2009, 11:31:28)
FrancescoLR: Il agree with Pedro, the games here i would say in your case would fall into 3 groups.
Cheversi, Scrambled Eggs, Logik, Amazons, Knight Fight, Ataxx, Assimilation, BB, DBB, BB+, Racing Kings, Jarmo, Mancala, Tank Battle, Camelot etc..... - Involve most skill (dont think you can get software to help, but probably get proved wrong lol)
All Gammons, All Pokers, Dice Chess etc..... - Controlled by Dice, yet still decisions to be made.
Chess, Checkers, Line4 etc..... - Can get software to help you, BUT of course we have some GREAT players that DO NOT use it.
Of course, they are my views, and others would feel different I guess its totally down to you as the Tournament creator. If it was me personally for such a GREAT PRIZE i would run a Random group Tournament and pick a few games from each section to give everyone a chance
MadMonkey:hmm random games ??? but Ian if someone has never played such games then it will be unfair .. i must give to all players a chance to win and so the game has also to be known by most players even pawns that just join brainking ...
FrancescoLR: True, but unless you pick the most popular games Gammon, Dice Poker & Ludo, you will find there are many games people have not played (Jungle, Tank Battle etc..) AND AGAIN the problem is some of the great skill players here will not take part in Tournaments like that as games are controlled by dice and therefore involve luck
Winner will get 6 month rook membership. It's been going on for over 5 years.It looks like harassed will win it.I hope you had fun playing it. CONGRATS:}}}
FrancescoLR: i think the backgammons would be the most popular with the most joining. i wouldnt join the camelot or logic game. Ludo and dice poker would be second most popular. in my opinion
I will be giving a free 1 year ROOK MEMBERSHIP To the PLAYER who wins the most games WON In all my OPEN BK TOURNAMENTS. From the time i start them until Dec 31 2009. Good Luck & Have Fun in All of them:}}} I will be keeping a running total in my fellowship as the wins come to me.
We have a Plakoto and Fevga tournie starting tomorrow in our Fellowship. 100 brains each to winner of each tourny. Send me a pm if you would like to join these tournies. Thank you.
i have question and i make it public because my efforts to get an answer from coan net were ignored .. ( maybe he was too busy for the poll ) If i create a tourney by invitation ( as it will be the mega tourney with black rook for the first place ) and tourney starts ... but then i see that someone somehow signed for the tourneis ,someone that wasn;t suppose to be there .. can i still take him/her out of the tourney even still the tourney start ?? thank you for support and answer
Vikings:thank you .. 2 more questions : 1)if i create a tourney open to pawns can i then invite other players (not pawns)? and if so how i should set up the tounrey ? (Fencer said to try set up tourney for pawns and then invite but will it work ?) 2) then if happens that someone signed as pawn can Fencer stop the prize in case that pawns wasn;t suppose to be there and wins ??
FrancescoLR: Sorry I never got a chance to answer before... but will try to jump in here and help a little if I can.
The best thing might be to be around when the tournament is ready to start, and before it starts - kick out any players that are not suppose to be there - since as Vikings said, once it starts, there is really no way to remove anyone. (weather Fencer will not give out a prize to someone would be something you would need to talk to him about.)
One thing you could do is a few hours before a tournament is set to start, look at the list - remove the players, and even change the "start time" to a time that has already past - which would mean that when the tournament start-up script runs within the next hour, the tournament will start... hopefully without anyone who is not suppose to be in there signs in.
Other idea - make it an invite only tournament - and if someone wants to play, have them send you a message where you can invite them he can also remove unwanted players and then set the numbers of players to what is left so it closes the tournament of to other players ive found that is the easy way to go
Snoopy:if i remove someone before the start can that player could still come back and join ? hopefully i will be there 100% when tourney starts ... in general it will be for pple of certain fellowships besides of course a list of players that cannot join anyway and that i will say .... ( Vikings is on that list too .. ) or people that have decided not to play in it anyway ( Snoopy for exemple ) but whom i will send invite if they want to :). Now friend Coan Net and Snoopy wich is the best set up for a tourney where there will be the first 10 players rewarded ?? how i set up the tourney ?? ( do 10 groups and the winners will play then ? do eliminitaion and the last 10 do a different tourney ) // what are your suggestion esepcially you 2 that have done and organize tons of tourneis .. on this list i would like also the opinion of somelaughs and other big boss of fellowships :) thank you all