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 Feature requests

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10. Februarie 2004, 12:54:34
Subiectul: RE: Matching BKRs
Anotehr option would be to rank order on BKR and the first 4 go in the first section, secondin second and so on. May end up more tahn 200BKR or less, but atleast they would be the closest matches. Sort of anti-seeding!

10. Februarie 2004, 12:56:14
Subiectul: Re: RE: Matching BKRs
I guess there could be three options (sorry Fencer more work for you) when the tournament director starts a tournment to have "seeding" (a la tennis etc), anti-seeding (as just described) or random ... go to it my man (when you have time :)

12. Februarie 2004, 04:07:16
Subiectul: Re: RE: Matching BKRs
<Whispers: I think that would be an -excellent- idea (ranking BKRs).

Fencer: Options are good -- from a user's standpoint, at least. :> (And iirc, they were fun to code, if a pita at times. ;) Though I agree fully with Whispers about it not being 'priority'.

Whispers (on the windows bit): I use mozilla's tabbed browsing, and just keep two tabs going for BK along with my others.

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