Liquid: hmmmmm, ja davam rada darky lidem i behem roku, ne jenom o Vanocich ... mne se spis libi, ze se konecne poradne sejdeme cela rodina, probereme vsechno co se za ten rok udalo, udelame si proste na sebe mnohem vic casu a ne jako behem roku, kdy je clovek v jednom kole ... nemuzu si pomoct, ale ja mam Vanoce rada :) a navic uznej, ze zpivat koledy v lete by vypadalo prinejmensim divne ;-) i kdyz pravda, i to se nam kolikrat povedlo :-D
Dark Devil: Nesnáším Vánoce, hned vysvětlím. Nesnáším jak se všichni pachtěj po dárcích, po obchodech, utrácel tisíce za dárky a přitom to není o tom. Nesnáším jak se všichni začnou na povel tvářit strašně HEPPY, jak začnou bejt všichni jak na povel hodní......... Kdyby tak to tak bylo celej rok.......
♫ ♪ Vánoce ... Vánoce přicházejí ... spívejme přátelé ... po roce Vánoce Vánoce přicházejí ... šasné a veseléééé ♫ ♪ Já mám rád Vánoce ... hlavně když dostávám dárky :oD
A víte co je nejhnusnější? Točený Svijany, lahváč Brouček a Měšan v igelitu. Když to někde zmerčíte, vemte nohy na ramena a upalujte až do Plzně. Anebo na Smíchov:-)
Pafl: jiste, ja jsem ta vrchni hosteska a organizator :))) to bylo jeste za dob, kdy jedno male kuzle bylo v Brne na vejsce :))) a ze jsme tam meli bezvadnou partu stejne ulitlych lidicek :)))))
Na nic se teï neptám, jenom bych chtěl, aby si Fencer přečetl posledních asi 10 příspěvků v diskusním klubu "Truth About the Trice". Mně to přijde přinejmenším velmi zajímavé.
pafl: tak co ja vim, tak v Brne vsem nejvic chutnal Pegas v Ruzovce prave ... Starobrno bylo az na jednom z poslednich mist, i kdyz pravda, na nasich soutezich piv Lahvac roku .... se umistovalo docela na slousnych mistech :)))
se jukni na stranky ..... jsou tam nekde i vysledkove listiny tusim :)
Myslis na Pisarkach? tak krome koleji, kde je par klubu nic moc pokud vim ... v centru to bylo lepsi na pobliz koleji Hvezda byly taky lepsi hospy pokud vim :)
Filipess: chlape v Brne je takovych bezvadnych hospod :) vsak jsme jich tam prolezli za studii hromadu :)))
ja radim Ruzovku na Konecnaku, eventuelne je jeste na Ceske nekde u lekarske fakulty tusim :)
co se týká telefonickýho připojení přes 220, tak je pravda že u nás se to testuje na bázi lokální sítě. Ale myslim že v Hannoveru (nebo to byl Hamburk? :o)) už na to jede celý město. Nemělo by být vůbec žádný omezení na množství dat v souvislosti s odběrem elektřiny...prostě jiná vlnová délka....
GothicInventor The environment is changing 15. November 2003, 10:33:17
In case you have not noticed. Everyone has been given a clear slate at ths point in time. Dano was warned about his posts, which were unwarranted, and now he is gone.
He keeps making mention of manipulated posts. I am not sure what he means by that. I occasionally make typo corrections or punctuation changes at the tournament board, if this is manipulation, so be it.
Yes, I posted that I would help everyone playing Dano in Gothic Chess to win. I was letting off steam, but I really meant it when I said it. Logistically, does anyone really believe this was possible? In fact, nobody took me up on my offer, as those who were members of the fellowship recall. They all wanted to try and give him a drubbing by their own hands, win, lose, or draw.
I posted it mostly because I knew it would agitate dano when it leaked, so the spies helped me immensely, and I thank you for it.
It was an impossible task to do (play every move for every opponent against dano) but knowing the way his paranoia is manifest, I knew it would send him over the deep end.
So what had I actually done?
I made a post, then took no action on it. How many times a day do we each do similar things? You see a beautiful woman walking down the street, do you think "I wonder if she likes doing Crossword Puzzles?" If you see an armored car making a cash pickup at a store, do you think "I wonder what kind of gas mileage it gets?"
No, we have fleeting thoughts about getting her in the sack, and tossing bags of money into the back seat and peeling off down the road. (Or maybe peeling off down the road with the girl in the back seat, and sleeping with the bags of money, whatever you prefer!)
The point being my previous fellowship was created for those to let off steam about dano, much as this one is most likely geared at letting steam off about me.
But does anyone really think I crashed the server just so dano, who won his section in the $3000 Gothic tournament, would not be able to continue on? Did he really think I was making all of those moves against him and he kept beating me game after game?
Folks, you have to face the fact that he was at least a little off his rocker. If nothing else, this must be conceeded.
The server crashed. That's all that happened.
A new policy is in place. It is one we can all live with. When I make a post about how the 4 kings in the deck of cards are not really modeled after those in antiquity that have permeated the culture, then someone calls me a prick for doing so, a line has been crossed. It was uncalled for.
Even now, I could of had this person banned, but I elected not to do so.
No more warnings will ever be issued, as the policy is any direct insult, in a private or public forum, will result in an immediate banning.
If it cannot be discussed without name calling, do us all a favor, and save yourself some keystrokes.
If you have read the hidden message I placed in this post, you know which 4 people will be banned next because they will most likely make snide remarks about this post. This is what I am hoping for. This is the bait
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