blue duke: the same thing happened to me yesterday at home. However, at my college no such thing has happened. Perhaps it is a setting issue? I'd like this looked at myself.
i was playing battleboat plus..when i got 5 bomb to use, i clcik one on game grid then suddely the game went proof** (gone).. the only option is to click on chosse other piece, so i click on that do other move but same thing happen???
I requested that once, ColonelCrockett. (Actually it may have been a different site, now that I think about it.) I called it Super Battleboats. Except, I would only do it as a "plus" game, because with diagnol ships, a "regular" one-shot a piece game could be way too long and boring..
ColonelCrockett: I'm not sure, but I have a beter discussion topic.
Can anyone think of some interesting variants of the game that would be good on this site?
Here are some I posted about awhile back:
# Bonus Battleboats - One shot each turn, if you get a hit when you hit "submit this move", the game is back in your hands to make another move.
# Outline Battleboats - A sort of "anti-battleboats" - goal is to outline the boats without hitting them. 5 hits and you lose. My question: What is an outline - just the 2 sides, and above - or the 4 corners also? And if it's near a side, you just need do the 3 sides?
# HexBoats - Game is played on a hex/honeycomb type of board - So instead of a boat being about to be placed either up&down, or left&right - it will be able to be place 3 different ways.... making the game a little more interesting
# Dark battleboats Plus - You start with 5 shots each, but you lose 1 for each of your ships that are sunk. Not only do you not see which ships you sunk, you DO NOT see your own board either! (This is to solve the problem of seeing your opponent shooting 4 shots and hence knowing you sunk a ship that way)
wellywales: It's not a bug, it's because some people like to keep their boat positions secret - they might want to use the same winning formula again, so to speak.
After finishing a game, I click on the "Show Game" in the Message box, but it does not show my Opponents boats that I have missed, is there a reason for this? regards David
rod03801: not sure .. yesterday evening i had the bad performance ... this morning the perfomance was ok again .. except in my games of battleboats which didnt show the board after i made my move :)
Skyking: Of course they won on their merits, they used their brain whereas and studied their opposition. You think an army goes into battle unprepared?
pauloaguia: An easy way to represent that variant you describe is to use the windows mines program where you can tag a square with a "?" when you are not sure if a mine is there or not.
Instead of the square turning orange or blue as is the case now, it would be a "?" and only with subsequent tries could you determine if it was a hit or not
Outline Battle Boats: Anti-battle boats - the object is to not hit your opponent boats... 5 hit chances..
Miss Fire... Shoot until you miss... On the Electronic handheld is a very hard game... I have played many times and the computer keeps coming back... You can hit all your opponents boats and not even let him have a chance...
in the dark bb+ version it could also be so that you dont have to use all your available shots
suppose your opponent has placed 3 shots in a row .. he can then think he sank your boat .. when you dont use all your available 5 shots (as it he only got 3 of the 4 spots of your 4-size boat) but only use 4 and pass on the 5th
I like all the battleboats version ideas. In my opinion, more options for the better. All game sites of the basic games that we have here but the more interesting and fun variants we can have on those games is what will intrigue new people to check out this website.
Brian1971 - The only thing Fencer does not want an autopass for is Backgammon, and I don't think that is a reason why he does not want your version of the game (or to even say that he does or does not want your version of the game)
I have posted many versions of games, from battleboat variants to backgammon variants. Many others have also posted game idea, and many many variant ideas, so it would be impossible for Fencer to implement them all.
Also Fencer once said he would prefer to work on new games then work on variants of current games, but that's not saying he won't introduce new variants.
But lets start taking a vote from everyone, Fencer does look at these boards and if he see's enough interest in new game ideas, he may work on them.
Bonus Battleboats - One shot each turn, if you get a hit when you hit "submit this move", the game is back in your hands to make another move.
Outline Battleboats - A sort of "anti-battleboats" - goal is to outline the boats without hitting them. 5 hits and you lose. My question: What is an outline - just the 2 sides, and above - or the 4 corners also? And if it's near a side, you just need do the 3 sides?
HexBoats - Game is played on a hex/honeycomb type of board - So instead of a boat being about to be placed either up&down, or left&right - it will be able to be place 3 different ways.... making the game a little more interesting
Dark battleboats Plus - You start with 5 shots each, but you lose 1 for each of your ships that are sunk. Not only do you not see which ships you sunk, you DO NOT see your own board either! (This is to solve the problem of seeing your opponent shooting 4 shots and hence knowing you sunk a ship that way)
Feel free to vote for any of those - those last 2 are ideas I have had for versions of the game also. Plus other ideas or comments about these versions will be welcomed also.
that seems like a twist on battleboats Daniel. I also have a variant on BB that seems to be avoiding Fencer's attention or interest. It is Bonus Battleboats. You get one shot per turn. However if you get a hit on that turn the game would pass on your opponents turn and you would get another shot. You keep shooting until you get a miss. Of course to prevent cheating you would have to submit the move after each shot. However if you get the game would AUTOPASS your opponent it would still be your turn. I know this is ignored because Fencer doesnt want such type of autopass feature at brainking. however you are missing out on a fun version of battleboats.
although i have never looked back at anybodys previous games,it would be foolish to keep using the same set ups all the time.
they are asking for it if you ask me?
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