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An outlet for players whose creativity extends beyond the board. Post your original works here!

The posting of song lyrics is not the purpose of this board and as such please refrain from doing so. Exceptions can be made to this rule if you are the copyrighted owner of the lyrics and the lyrics are not found offensive by the majority of the population.
This board is a place to post your original works of poetry and prose and also a place for discussion of poetry and related areas.

We have received word from Fencer that other's poetry can be posted to this board. These are the two conditions:
1) When someone posts a known copyrighted poem, he must add the author's name as well
2) If the author is not known, the poem can be posted without problems

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28. Martie 2005, 12:57:07
Subiectul: Re: Happy Easter
danoschek: Excellent!

28. Martie 2005, 09:26:43
Subiectul: Happy Easter


Warm breeze like a ribbon blue
Buds longing out for morning dew
Lake a mirror, meadows fair
Wake up, spring is in the air ... ~*~ .

28. Martie 2005, 09:10:44
Subiectul: where is the what when the what is in why

you killer clown
the house is yet down
your nose just brown

i smell the rat
the creep being wet
for rampage my pet
can't point up your set.


28. Martie 2005, 00:29:54
Bruno Jesus 
yo B:J; in tha house!
The gipsy spoke
this ain't cool
you are broke
they call me fool

who wants to mess with B:J;
is messing with tha streets
they are mean not gay
be careful when you sleep
cuz B:J; might creep


28. Martie 2005, 00:23:51
Yes, very well said Donna

28. Martie 2005, 00:20:53
Subiectul: Re:
Stardust: ~aha~ That was good Stardust

27. Martie 2005, 23:15:43
to write on this board
it's best to rhyme
or create creatively
or even to mime

idle chit chat
while fun to read
does not fill the poet's need

so let's respect the poet's pen
and make this place fun
like it was back when

27. Martie 2005, 22:33:57
Subiectul: Re:
sLaMdAnCe:Uh, thanks Slam!!

27. Martie 2005, 22:28:15
Bruno Jesus 
Subiectul: Re:
sLaMdAnCe:what?who's saying that?

27. Martie 2005, 22:26:11
Bruno Jesus 
Subiectul: Re:
sLaMdAnCe:yeah bro!B:J; cool in tha house!
let´s do some rhymes!

27. Martie 2005, 21:14:53
Subiectul: In respect for JamesHird
I like that poem, afraid it sounds like me!!
Thanks for posting!

27. Martie 2005, 18:05:33
Bruno Jesus 
Ireland is a great place lotsa gangsta-busta-rappers there!

27. Martie 2005, 18:02:21
Notes on the poem:

Maghermurphy (line 2) - a townland around Kilkeel, a fishing village in Co. Down
Binnian/Cock and Hen (line 6) - two peaks in the Mourne Mountains
Kingdom (line 7) - The kingdom of Mourne, which prides irself on being a 'separate' place
Whitehaven (line 13) - a fishing port in Cumbria, England
Carson (line 19) - Edward Carson, Unionist leader who opposed Home Rule for Ireland; in an earlier incarnation, he prosecuted Oscar Wilde
slieves (line 24) - anglicised version of Irish word for 'mountains', e.g. Slieve Binnian'
prods/taigs (line 27) - pejorative terms for Protestants/Catholics

Appears on a prominent UVF website, again though is this reason enough to ban my poem?? Whilst I do not agree with actions from any paramilitary group operating in Ireland the poem itself is outstanding!!

27. Martie 2005, 18:01:47
Bruno Jesus 
I sit and watch the moonlight
slowly dissapear
The first rays of sunlight
reflecting iin your tear
I know that you don't like me
And never did before
so now you have to hate me
'cause that is what I'm for

Why don't you hate me
Why don't you hate me
Why don't you hate me
Why don't you hate me
Why don't you hate me
Why don't you hate me
You have to hate me

27. Martie 2005, 17:56:23
Bruno Jesus 
Subiectul: Re:
Aragon: Hey thats great stuff!Who wrote that?
Can I use it in my gigs rapper-busta-gangsta style?

27. Martie 2005, 17:52:23
I think that since this board is public a few 'more detailed' rules need to be added, this will then allow all moderators of the board to fully decide when action is required.

Simply being a moderator does not give that person the right to delete posts they think are pointed at them or not up to 'thier' standards. Nor does it give reason to hide a user for posting poems with words that are offensive to certain communities!!


Fishers of Men
You’ll grow no spuds
in stony Magheramurphy.
The glaciers saw to that,
streaming their roundy droppings
in the brown earth, easing
from Binnian and the Cock and Hen;
so the people of the Kingdom
turned east in sturdy boats
and went to hunt the herring.

Today they’re doing it still,
forcing from subsidised harbours,
beating boats through coiled waves,
landing slippery silver at Whitehaven,
foiling the auctioneers’ ring,
losing arms to rolling hawsers,
leaving their sons in the sea.

When word pulsed from smoking Belfast,
pounding like lambeg drums,
heartbeat of Carson’s covenant,
they brought home a heavier harvest,
oiled in sacking, lugged from decks
and loaded clanking in trucks,
Larne-like in the watchless dark.

And they sit in bars below the slieves,
proudly swap tales of stalked shoals,
pausing to watch in deadpan bulletins
catch-crops of prods and taigs, trawled
in the brass-jacketed nets
woven by their fearful labour

Now am I or any other member from belfast to take offence at that because of our religion? Id like to think we can all see past the secterian usage and see the POEM!!

27. Martie 2005, 17:50:59
Bruno Jesus 
can I join the uncensored poetry fellowship medic man?

27. Martie 2005, 17:47:23
Bruno Jesus 
hey Amedical what do you think about those rhymes?

27. Martie 2005, 17:46:01
Bruno Jesus 
Yo check it out James is tha man!

27. Martie 2005, 17:43:28
Bruno Jesus 
Subiectul: In respect for Jameshird
They say that I’m a loser
And perhaps that may be true
Since I don’t have a lot of friends
And my interests are but few

I’m not a worldly person
Well versed in social graces
So I prefer Brainking at home
Than go to public places

I don’t go out to parties
Or places where you dance
And I haven’t had a date in years
Brainking has more romance

People always make me nervous
Because I’m rather shy
Lacking in the confidence
To be a stand up guy

I’m not a very clever man
Nor can I tell a joke
I’m neither tall or handsome
And I always am flat broke

I have no sense of humor
Or talent to create
Is it any wonder then
I need a Brainking mate

In spite of all that I am not
I never get depressed
For I’ve accepted who I am
Being second best

They say that I’m a loser
"It is the truth" I Cried
Because I have a Brainking life
And never go outside

Written by Jameshird

27. Martie 2005, 17:40:50
Subiectul: Re:
Bruno Jesus: Don't push it. Rules exist in here.
No flaming, no racist remarks, no swearing.

27. Martie 2005, 17:37:29
PhatPlaya 臭臭小指 
Not me. And my shoes are really dirty! LOL I am not a Jew though. I know some people will take offense to your rap. Let's see how long it lasts.

27. Martie 2005, 17:30:00
Bruno Jesus 
Does anyone has something against B:J; gangsta busta rapper rhymes?

27. Martie 2005, 17:23:38
Bruno Jesus 
Modificat de Bruno Jesus (27. Martie 2005, 17:41:35)
B:J; in tha house!
I'm making success in tha poetry DB
Everybody hates that's tha way to be
I come here to get cracking cool
but the house is filled with fools
The ******* has dirty shoes!"
I think he is ***!
come and mess with B:J; in tha streets
Gangsta rhymes dont come cheap!
Yo Busta rhymes rapper-gangsta style oin tha house!

27. Martie 2005, 17:12:16
Subiectul: Re: Re:
bumble: Point taken. LOL

27. Martie 2005, 17:11:08
PhatPlaya 臭臭小指 
Modificat de PhatPlaya 臭臭小指 (27. Martie 2005, 17:11:27)
I think we should honour Stardust's wishes and let this board go back to the way it was, for poems only. There is an Uncensored Poetry fellowship where people can post anything without censorship.

27. Martie 2005, 17:06:39
Subiectul: Re: Re:
Purple: Give me a break! You're asking me - who thinks 'Incey Wincey Spider' is the most noble, most profound, most emotional ode ever written! I'm a quivering, sobbing wreck every time I hear it.

27. Martie 2005, 17:05:34
Stardust has requested this board go back to poetry. Please honour that request. If you have any concerns about moderator actions, please message Stardust and I'm sure she'd be happy to listen, but this isn't the place.

Andre, I'm in two minds about your 'poem', so I'm going to place it (you) on hide until a mod comes online and they can make the decision if it should stay or not. Personally I see it as flaming of a moderator, but I'll let the mods decide that :o)

27. Martie 2005, 17:04:58
Nuno Miguel 
Subiectul: Re:
Andromedical: i agree with you
I SHOT THE SHERIFF... lalalala

27. Martie 2005, 16:58:24
PhatPlaya 臭臭小指 
I am wondering why redsales post was removed. He did not offend anybody by merely criticizing the moderating on the board. I saw his post and it was removed 3 minutes later. There was nothing offensive in it. If this board is only for posting poems, without discussions of any kind, it should say so clearly in the description.

27. Martie 2005, 16:11:53
Andre Faria 
This is a love poem I made last night with some beers in my head...

I don´t give a damn
I´ve the power to bann
My name is ****per
I´m the Brainking trooper

Hey, don´t be smart
It was Bruno to start
then cames James Hird
André will be the third

So don´t use that word
cos I carry the sword
I´ll cut off your head
I´m really really bad

27. Martie 2005, 15:51:54
I believe if Shakespeare were around today he would be banned by Usurper for being crude and offensive, as he often was in his own time.

Remember, nobody can offend you unless you allow them to.

27. Martie 2005, 15:30:53
Subiectul: Re: Re:
Modificat de Purple (27. Martie 2005, 15:32:27)
bumble: But you will admit my "Lady and the Tiger" poem stands as a beacon providing a standard against which all other poems must be measured? :)

27. Martie 2005, 15:20:48
Subiectul: Re: Re:
Stardust: If I may cut in a sec.
I've been watching this board over the last few days and some of the moderating has been a little over-zealous, in my opinion.

27. Martie 2005, 15:12:31
Subiectul: Re:
Aragon: The hidden users on this board were hidden for being argumentative. Not for the posting of their poems.
While I also found Bruno Jesus poems distateful,I chose to leave them until or unless there they were found to be offensive by the majority.
I have only been online sporadically over the past few days as I am visiting family. I see my co-mods saw reason to hide the users involved and delete the poems.
The mods on this board (all 4) are longtime BK members and each has a real love of poetry. (that is why each were chosen)
You're right Darren each person's idea of poetry may not match another's and vice versa. The same goes for moderating.
I'm sure whomever deleted and hid the poems and poster did so in the best interest of peace and of BK in general.
You say only 2 or 3 protested the posts. True,publically. I wonder if any pm's were recieved due to it?
Darren you are a valuable co mod of this board. Your knowledge and talent for poetry is awe inspiring. I don't wish to remove you as co mod unless you are certain you wish to go.
Let's just go back to enjoying the poetry submitted by the talented members of BK.

27. Martie 2005, 13:40:07
I think the moderation of this board has gone to pot, Poetry is as diverse as the people we have on BK. My idea of poetry may not match that of another member and vice versa, but for people to be hidden in such a manner is pathetic im afraid.

This board was a great place when a person was free to post what they felt was poetic!! You have given reasons such as 'offensive to the majority of the population' yet i recall only seeing 2 maybe 3 protestes to the posts? thats not majority to me.

Donna, please remove me as co-mod of this board please. I dont wish to share the honor with those that are all to willing to abuse it as some sort of higher authority on poetry.

27. Martie 2005, 06:00:11
Subiectul: Re: In remembrance of a dear friend to whom I dedicate my artwork...
Radiant 36 9: Wow!

My heart skipped a beat. How moving....

27. Martie 2005, 04:28:23
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subiectul: In remembrance of a dear friend to whom I dedicate my artwork...
One tip of blue Thinking of you
mingling with white As if you might
Dawn.. dusk in one Never imagined palet begun
and neverending You my love sending

Gone you are But angel for sure
soothing words came once knocking on my door
And as I mix colors You come to mind
the way you were: gentle, loving and kind.

These sheets, 5.. one by one
I dedicate to you, green with yellow; white and blue
Created for children to have fun
secretly remembring how this friendship begun

In stillness one tear drop followed by a smile
honoring the time we spent for a while.
These paintings created for a higher cause
make me wonder, smiling, pondering, remembering

and pause...

One tip of blue Thinking of you
mingling with white As if you might

return.. can't wait..

Dawn.. dusk in one Never imagined palet begun
and neverending You my love sending


Copyright: Josetta - NL - March 27th - 2005

27. Martie 2005, 00:33:27
Radiant2008 :-) 
Subiectul: Re: Taste
Hello alanback, we just like the poetry board to be clean from anything vulgar or bad language.. in one of the posts that got deleted the n-word was used. We agreed on this word not to be displayed on any of our public boards.

So, this has nothing to do with taste or that we are biased. And as is written in the description: the lyrics are not found offensive by the majority of the population.

I remember you once posted a very nice poem, plus your site you posted your site where you have beautiful poems.

Since this board is here we have never anything like this happened and I agree with Usurper.. we like to keep it that way.

Andromedical, you are welcome to post any of your poems. You have always been welcome, since the day you became a member here.. There has nothing changed here.

So, feel free to post and enjoy others posts.


27. Martie 2005, 00:18:56
Subiectul: Taste
Is a matter of taste. I refuse to accept any suggestion that you or anyone else can dictate what is "good taste"

26. Martie 2005, 23:15:56
Subiectul: Re: One cannot help but wonder
alanback: Express your criticism in a poem. Just please make it tasteful...i.e., no killing of cops & vulgar language, etc.

26. Martie 2005, 23:10:57
Subiectul: Re: Re:
Andre Faria: Freedom of speech is one of the most...perhaps the most...valuable rights we as individuals have. all valuable is not absolute, and much depends upon the context. A child may not stand up in a classroom & curse his teacher with an endless barrage of profanity, for example. Most of us would agree. Yet the child is certainly free to hate and/or disapprove of his teacher...and may at the proper time & in a suitable outlet express that hatred/disapproval publicly.

You certainly must curtail, to some extent, the natural freedom-of-speech right of your own child. That is, if it becomes necessary to do so. It doesn't mean you devalue freedom. We all have standards of taste, and they are not entirely bad or without warrant.

This board is about poetry. Social criticism in poetry is welcome. Poetry & art of all kinds are appropriate & excellent mediums for social protest. But most of the posts I've deleted....yours included....are not poems in themselves but rather a discussion about censorship. I call your attention to the fact that I've also deleted several of my own posts. No disrespect is intended. I want to get this board back on track.

26. Martie 2005, 23:10:32
Subiectul: One cannot help but wonder
What Alexander Dubcek would have said about this matter.

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