Subiectul: The Old Flag by Jeff Laferriere wrriten 1983 and read on the Blue-grass Radio by Billy Bluegrass
I was walking into an old general store when I spotted a worn American flag on the wall... It's ends were tattered and frayed...the stripes were faded. It had forty-eight stars on a whitened field of blue. I went into the store and I continued shopping inside the store and made my choices, then...after I set my purchase down, I spoke to the old man. "isn't it time to get a new flag, sir?" I asked The old man stood there silently and there was no change in his expression...then finally-he spoke: "Son..." he replied, "ME and my buddies PLAYED under THAT flag! "Later," he continued, "...we JOINED the Army to FIGHT under that flag...some of us DIED for it!" "Yes," he concluded, "We FAUGHT AND DIED for it so that an American child could play SAFELY while BELIEVING that ANYTHING can be done without being oppressed...The same rights YOUR youngsters enjoy today!" "Son..." he finished, "I would not replace THAT flag for all the gold...IN THE WORLD! As I turned to leave, I thought about his words and when I went outside, I SALUTED that old flag!
I was right all along. They were3 miniature aliens and a mask fell off of one of them. Big chicken that I was I ran and they were shooting some kind of weapon.
I discovered kid's in there playing and I had no right of calling them outtta there. If I find the owner of it, they would get me on a trustpass charge.
MelissaMarie: I decided to try getting in that barn and discovered creatures that were not of our earth. I's be crazy to say they might me aliens. See you and the loony bin...
Hariot had to offer him passage on her time machine if she ever figured it out. The professor would be furious. She decided without no one elses help she would figure this out herself...
Heriot Juston wasn't a student of poetry but she had to involve a friend who might know who wrote this poem. So she asked a Guy named Peter Hern who was majoring in Literature....
.This is how she learned of Time travel. Her college professor, Dolittle in physics was fabricating a time machine as a hobby that he believed wouldn't work. Heriot heard his theory's about it and then..
Jim was flying his lear jet over Cuba on his flight to Brazil. He was a representative of a coffee company in Florida who was checking on companies in South America. All of a sudden all his gages were malfunctioning and he was loosing control of his plane....
The Queen yelled "Give me that Christal. Tickwater only intimidated her with "I don't have what your looking for. The queen lifted him up and shhook him but nothing flew out. She then threw Tickwater down the stairs to a gaurd. "Go cut his head of so I can feed it to the dogs" She yelled . The Doctor and Sarah heard this yelling from outside. They were up in a tree next to the window. "We must help him" Sarah pleaded With The Doctor. "And what pray tell do you want us to do about it?" grumbled The Doctor.
He safely waited hours before he left the barn. Late afternoon the sky was clear and seems all life had humans, the slautered cows and animals
Tom went to the barn and weved his way into the demolished structure. Plugging his ears with his fingers and shutting his eyes, he wanted to drown out his senses to the horror going on outside.
The dwarf came upon a Queen who noticed the glowing object that Tickwater had in his hand. The Doctor feeling upset by this incounter but could not let himself be seen by Tickwater or this Queen.
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