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BBW's Tips on how to speed up page load the brainking site
Computers (BIG BAD WOLF, 2007-03-12 20:16:01)

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<< <   46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55   > >>
2. Aprilie 2006, 08:11:51
Papa Zoom 
Subiectul: Re:
BerniceC: We're making my room into a computer lab (I mentioned it to the principal and then next thing I's a done deal) and I'll be teaching compuer applications and general computer use to 1st - 5th grades. I'll still teach art but it will only be about 40% of my responsibilities. I also teach a reading group. ;)

2. Aprilie 2006, 08:16:16
Subiectul: Re:
Groucho: double the work.....double the pay?? hehehe ....guess not huh?

2. Aprilie 2006, 08:17:03
Papa Zoom 
Subiectul: Re:
BerniceC: I wish :)

2. Aprilie 2006, 08:27:01

2. Aprilie 2006, 08:32:47
Papa Zoom 
Subiectul: Re:
BerniceC: thanks for that. I've saved it. It will be very helpful. ;)

2. Aprilie 2006, 13:23:13
Subiectul: widgets
does anyone know of any nice widgets ?
i am just starting to run some and wonder if there are some nice ones :)

for anyone who wants to try some as well, its easy.
download the konfabulator and install it (runs on windows xp)

2. Aprilie 2006, 15:06:11
Subiectul: Re: widgets
Hrqls: Wow, I just knew it from Mac OS X, and consider it a great feature! Just installed it, and didn't make it to search new and nice ones, but I will :) Already thinking of a Brainking-Widget to tell you about new pms, posts, time left or number of moves to make etc. ;) Or new defined tournaments!

2. Aprilie 2006, 18:42:33
Subiectul: Re: Re: widgets
Mr. Shumway: *nod* i was thinking the same .. that will the next stage though .. first i will have to find some nice existing widgets and have some examples :)

2. Aprilie 2006, 23:51:11
Subiectul: Re: Re: Re: widgets
Hrqls: let me know, if you have any idea :)

3. Aprilie 2006, 19:26:03
Subiectul: Re:
ali: An SSE2 emulator is just a program that will.. ermm.. emulate SSE2.

There are a few ways to do it:

* Go through ALL the assembly and replace SSE2 with code that's equivelant, but isn't SSE2.
* Wait for invalid instructions to be hit (which should cause an exception/whatever your CPU wants to call it), then emulate them if they're SSE2. (I'm not sure this would work on x86.. but certainly it's a way of emulating instructions)
* 'Virtual machine': read the program and emulate all the instructions, updating it inside virtual machine (so change to eax register doesn't necesarily change eax register on real machine (it still could!)).

As far as finding one? Sorry, no idea. QEMU might do SSE2, but I doubt it... I think it just does PII.

3. Aprilie 2006, 19:28:48
Subiectul: Re:
Groucho: Errk, whatever happened to just teaching HTML rather than Frontpage? Or was that just a <strike>wonderful</strike> better dream?

3. Aprilie 2006, 19:34:38
Subiectul: Re: videoconverter
Andersp: mencoder.

3. Aprilie 2006, 20:14:39
Subiectul: Re:
bitwisexor: Thanks a lot for instructions.

5. Aprilie 2006, 17:04:22
Subiectul: HELP!
My two year old had a few minutes of fun with my, whenever I click a link it opens a new window. I have about 20 Brainking windows open! What's the deal? I've never seen this before. Does anyone know how to fix this?

5. Aprilie 2006, 17:12:30
Subiectul: Re: HELP!
OK...I restarted my computer and everything looks back to normal.

5. Aprilie 2006, 17:18:40
Papa Zoom 
Subiectul: Re: HELP!
SueQ: Glad you got it fixed. Buy your two year old an old keyboard :)

5. Aprilie 2006, 17:31:59 
Subiectul: Re: HELP!
Groucho: I cut the end off of an old mouse (so he did not strangle himself with the long cord) to let my young one play with while I used the "real" mouse when he was younger....

5. Aprilie 2006, 17:36:03
Papa Zoom 
Subiectul: Re: HELP!
BIG BAD WOLF: My one year old granddaughter loves to "whack" the keys when I'm online. She loves my cell phone too. Opens it up, turns it upside down, puts it on her neck, and says, "hi" ;)

5. Aprilie 2006, 17:36:16
Subiectul: Re: HELP!
SueQ: system restore!

5. Aprilie 2006, 17:38:58
Papa Zoom 
Subiectul: Re: HELP!
ScarletRose: I love that feature. I've factory restored my XP twice now. ;) Have to reinstall everything but it's quick and easy.

5. Aprilie 2006, 18:00:14
Subiectul: Re: HELP!
Groucho: oh I was meaning just to restore back to an earlier day.. like when her 2 year old played on the puter she could system restore it to perhaps the day before that happened..

5. Aprilie 2006, 18:02:54
Papa Zoom 
Subiectul: Re: HELP!
ScarletRose: Yeah, I knew that. I've done that too. But when it starts to run slowly, I just start from scratch ;)

5. Aprilie 2006, 18:06:35
Subiectul: Re: HELP!
ScarletRose: It works fine now...since I restarted it. But for future reference, how do I do a system restore? Sounds useful with my little one around!

5. Aprilie 2006, 18:10:24
Subiectul: Re: HELP!

Go to "Start" --> "All Programs" --> "Accessories" --> "System Tools" --> "System Restore"

5. Aprilie 2006, 18:12:33
Subiectul: Re: HELP!
ScarletRose: Found it...nice!

5. Aprilie 2006, 22:22:02
could this be a browser issue? when i right click anywhere on this site (except in text boxes) i get a box with "interviews, vacations, logout. a line with dashes, and lastly change" as options.... ive never seen that before? and if i click, say vacation for instance, it brings me to the page where i can set my days..

5. Aprilie 2006, 22:23:49 
Subiectul: Re:
Antje: It is a new "feature" of BrainKing - kind of like "quick links" which you can customize.

Under "Statics", there is a + sign which will take you right there (or go to Settings, JavaScript) and turn it off there.

5. Aprilie 2006, 22:26:29
Subiectul: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: ok, thanks, so many features to learn, how is one to keep up???

5. Aprilie 2006, 22:27:15
Papa Zoom 
Subiectul: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: Lots of nice added features here lately. Fencer needs to keep that programmer. He's pretty good. ;)

5. Aprilie 2006, 22:42:24
Subiectul: Re:
Don't get anything when i right click around here. When i checked the little box, show context menu, is allready checked.

6. Aprilie 2006, 08:12:27

why cant I right click on this and open another window???

Ive read all the advice from what people have said but because I cant open another window i just get lost.....please put it in Kindergarten prose please hehhehehehehe

6. Aprilie 2006, 08:31:33
Subiectul: Re:
BerniceC: are you able to c & p the link to another opened browser?? It appears that Fencer started a new feature for the site and has allowed that feature to be accessed by the right click..

6. Aprilie 2006, 15:38:07 
Subiectul: Re:
BerniceC: You can do a couple of things:

1) Turn off the new feature - go to Settings, JavaScript, and uncheck "Show context menu" [and your old right click functions will work]

2) If you use IE or Firefox browser, you can hold down the SHIFT key while you click on the link to open a new window

7. Aprilie 2006, 07:17:59
Subiectul: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: thank you BBW...the shift key works LOL...I have been transferring by the c&p method but takes time LOLOL

9. Aprilie 2006, 15:35:45
Subiectul: IM
my IM shows my full name when I can I change this to show a screen name only? I e-mailed the yahoo support but what she said makes no sence to me..she told me to go to the IM menu..well,I cannot find that anywhere..I have looked under everything and see nothing that resembles what she wants me to go to..then she tells me to sign out of the messenger..HA,can't find how to do that eiteher..can someone help?

9. Aprilie 2006, 17:41:12
Subiectul: Re: IM
anastasia: You can choose a Messenger from the top of the yahoo messenger and then go to the "My contact detail" and change your name in there, that is the name that IM shows it to others.

9. Aprilie 2006, 19:05:49
Subiectul: Re: IM
ali: I did that..but then it gives me the option of choosing one or the other...I wanted to have only my screen name...would I have to totally erase my IM list and start over? If I did do that then would that erase them all from my address book also?

10. Aprilie 2006, 08:47:27
Walter Montego 
Subiectul: Re: IM
Does AOL block yahoo's instant message service?

10. Aprilie 2006, 11:42:06
Subiectul: Re: IM
anastasia:i didn't understand your problem exactly, explain it more.

10. Aprilie 2006, 11:43:28
Subiectul: Re: IM
Walter Montego: Let's just say the two proggies don't like each other.. I prefer Yahoo so I don't have Aim downloaded.. but, when I did years ago.. whoa.. my puter acted up all the time.. I suggest pick one or the other..

10. Aprilie 2006, 11:56:00
Subiectul: Re: IM
ali: mige oon kariyo ke to gofti karde, hala vaghti mikhad message bede yahoo azash miporse mikhad esmesho bege ya IDsho. Mikhad yejoori beshe ke yahoo khodesh faghat IDsho neshun bede.

10. Aprilie 2006, 15:29:41
Subiectul: Re: IM
ali: my e-mail address is my full name is what people that I IM see on the screen...I would like to change that so they see my screen name of anastasia INSTEAD of my actual full name.I have a choice of the 2 BUT when someone IM's me they see my full name..if I start the IM first THEN I can choose to let them see only my screen name.I want it to be ONLY screen name ALL THE TIME...hope this helped more,lol.

10. Aprilie 2006, 18:27:53
Subiectul: Re: HELP!

It's good for first time users to remember that you will lose all programs and any updates you've installed(anti virus updates/windows updates,etc.)within the dates you are eliminating when you go back to an older restore date...

11. Aprilie 2006, 16:41:24
Subiectul: AOL vs. Linksys router
I am trying to help my parents install a linksys wireless router. They are using AOL with a Cable Modem. I can get the router up and running. the computer connects to it just fine. I can browse the internet with IE. I cannot get AOL to succesfully log in. If I connect the cable modem directly into the computer (bypass the router), AOL connects just fine. Any Suggestions?

11. Aprilie 2006, 17:03:07
Subiectul: Re: AOL vs. Linksys router
Summertop: there might be a firewall configured in the router

i have little experience with firewalls though, so i dont know how you can check :)

11. Aprilie 2006, 17:12:06 
Subiectul: Re: AOL vs. Linksys router
Summertop: Check out Linksys's website. (Easier to do with model # of router and such)


But if that page does not help, continue to search Linksys's website - chances are someone else has had the problem and a solution should be there.

11. Aprilie 2006, 22:58:06
Baked Alaskan 
Subiectul: Flash with Firefox
Modificat de Baked Alaskan (11. Aprilie 2006, 22:58:44)
I seem to have lost flash on Firefox somehow. Dont know how LOL
I can see flash fine on IE (YUCK) but nothing on Firefox today. Was fine yesterday.

So short of uninstalling the browser and reinstalling, any ideas how to get flash back?

Sheeesh, I cant even view my own web site

12. Aprilie 2006, 08:07:02
Subiectul: Re: Flash with Firefox
Baked Alaskan: your site is just awesome!!!!

12. Aprilie 2006, 19:27:27
Baked Alaskan 
Subiectul: Re: Flash with Firefox

Wish I could see it

12. Aprilie 2006, 19:45:13 
Subiectul: Re: Flash with Firefox
Baked Alaskan: Do you have adblocks loaded? If so, try:

Tools > Adblock > Preferences > Adblock Options > un-check Obj-Tabs

(of course if adblocks is not loaded, you will not have that option)

You could also take a look at this which talks about what to do if Firefox stops working correctly. (I have not read it all yet, but hopefully it can help)

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