Discussion Board Tip: Another thing I changed was on the discussion boards, I changed the "Messages per page" down to a lower number.
I had it at 100 for the longest time, but recently put it down to 50 which should speed things up also. (might even go down lower since I normally catch all boards before too many post are put on it.)
BIG BAD WOLF: LOL! It just happend again as I was typing this message. I get a page not found at times too and unknown url message. I call it being booted off when it happens constantly. This is the only site it happens on. Maybe it is trying to tell me something lmbo!
Mousetrap: Just wait 20-30 seconds and hit reload on the browser page. It does happen to me (not very often - at most 1-2 times a day) - but like someone else said, it seems to be when Fencer is on - and last time I seen him looking at the bug tracker right before I could not access the site for about 10-20 seconds..... like he was fixing the bug and took a short down time while the fix went in would be my guess.
Everytime I come back from a boot or even from shutting down FF all my passwords are gone. Anyone had this occur in FF before and know how to make the change so I dont have to put my password in here an every where else online every time I go to the sites that need them? Im at a loss.. Even the settings here arent being kept for the new site look. I switch to simple view from castle but every time it goes back to castle mode
Rose: Do you have some privacy software or something installed that clears the cache or Cookies?
Or for example, in FireFox - Tools, Options - Privacy Tab - there is an option to "Always clear my private data when I close FireFox"..... make sure that is not checked.
Rose: Check your preferences (on Windows they are under the tools menu, I think. On Linux they're under the edit menu) -> Privacy. If there is a checkmark before "Always clear my private data when I exit Firefox", you might uncheck it, or click on Settings and uncheck "saved passwords" and "cookies". The former checked means that the passwords from the password manager are deleted, and the latter means that the information Brainking stores in a cookie, are also deleted. If you have checked "remember user name and password" on the login page, this information is stored in a cookie.
For the style switching: There are three links: "To simple style", "simple" and "castle". The latter two change the style but don't save it, only the first option saves it in the database.
Gordon Shumway& BBW: I looked at the privacy tab on FF and the clear private data is not check boxed. I never had this problem before this week ( The only change I made this week was I installed Fasterfox so wonder if there is a correlation there?) Gordon you must mean in FF and IE, NOT windows to check the tools , privacy I am assuming. There is no tools, privacy with in WIndows XP tools area.
Rose: I have FasterFox installed on my computer at home, and if no one else answers before then, I will take a look at those settings and see if anything jumps out at me. Probable some kind of "performace" thing FasterFox does is clearing that data out - to help make firefox "faster".
When I loaded it at home, I played with the setting but did not find any difference... which is why I haven't loaded it on the computer that I'm using now.
But if FasterFox is the only change - most likely that is the cause of the problem.
BIG BAD WOLF: I have a feeling it could be that. Which is a shame as I do notice a bit more speed using it but I have so many usernames and passwords to use daily that this is a huge pain in the patootey having to enter them in every time I go to a site that requires em.
Rose: You're right, sorry. I was talking about the FF Preferences and where they are located inside FF on different operating systems. If you use FF in Windows, they are located in "tools", if you use it on Linux they're located in "edit".
And in the preferences the privacy settings are located.
But this all doesn't seem to be the issue anyway ;)
Rose: I installed FasterFox and am not experiencing those problems.
Personally, I don't find FasterFox any faster, though. LOL.. Oh well..
Anyone: This may not be the board for this question, but maybe it is.. All of a sudden, in rich text editor, my scissors, copy and paste icons are dimmed out, as though they are not available to use. It's been like this for a few days now. Also, I have a special formatted good luck message that I have saved in notepad. It just has a couple smileys and colored letters. I used to just go to notepad, click edit on the entry, copy it, and paste it right into my game message. Ever since these icons have been "dimmed", when I copy the message, and then paste it (using ctrl+c, and ctrl+v since the appropriate icons aren't working), When it pastes, the smileys are there, but not moving, and when I submit the move, it shows up in the game as "<img> Good Luck <img>" (The letters are colored the way I wanted, but the smileys show up as <img>") Can anyone tell me why? It worked fine for quite a while, then suddenly changed. Have I changed something on my computer that might have caused this????
I keep hearing how great Firefox is, but I'm finding it to be very frustrating because it doesn't want to scroll! When I try to scroll down a page, it lags and sticks. The scroll bar on the touchpad on my laptop won't even work so I have to actually move my cursor to the right of the screen and click to scroll, which takes a lot of time when you're not using a mouse. Anyone know if this is fixable?
ßăķëď Äłáşķǻñ: Strange, I just connected a mouse to my computer and the scrolling doesn't lag at all. Something about using the touchpad doesn't work right with FF. It does work fine with IE.
I wonder if somebody could help me please. I run the AVG 7.5.446 which has now expired, i only install the freebie one, you see. Hmmmm, try to download it again, but it wont let me, does anybody know of any other free Anti Virus programmes. Thank you
Oceans Apart: You sure it expired? that isnt suppose to expire. It just came out Go to this link double check to see if its the OLD one that expired.. it was to run out very soon if not already.. the newest shouldnt expire on you
Sorted the problem out, for some reason i had the wrong month on my pc, changed to right month, updated AVG and all ok now. Thanks White Tower for your help and also Rose
For those that keep up to date about things, just a very little article about Firefox. Also, the site lockergnome is a great one to join (for free), you get a newsletter most days full of computer/internet stuff
15 Feb, 2007 Lockergnome General, Blogroll, Technology
Being curious by nature, I thought I would take a look at Firefox 3, the next release of Firefox which is in Alpha stage 2, and not ready for public testing. But since I have a test box to throw the latest Firefox on, I thought why not.
Note: Alpha release are development software and are not meant for the general public to play with. So wait until the software is released to beta.
Well as the website states, the interface is Firefox 2. And nothing more, nothing less so far. But there is one thing I noticed right away. Whether it is planned or not, this browser is fast. Very,very fast. And during use, the memory problem that has effected other versions seems to have been tamed. I opened multiple versions of Firefox 3 and and multiple tabs and there was not that HUGE memory burst and cpu thrashing that I have seen before.
It seems that the developers are making some efforts to improving the overall performance of Firefox 3, and not just some cosmetic changes. Good job Mozilla team.
I’m looking forward to the beta of Firefox 3. Estimated release date of final version - end of 2007. Bring it on
Subiectul: System Restore effects MSN Sign-in Page
Can anyone assist me with this problem? I have eMachine PC w/Windows XP & MSN-9.5 premium. I lost some folder emails from 11/15/06 to 3/15/07 and missing 2 or 3 folders I created in January. I pick a good date to do the restore, all went well, but after reboot and tried to bring up my MSN sign-in page, it was a bluish/green "blank" page. So I un-do and repeated restore with a different date and still, a blank sign-in page for MSN. I do not know if restore helped to retrieve the missing items for I could not sign in after the restore. My question is; How do I bring back my MSN sign-in page once I restore the system..?
Subiectul: Re: System Restore effects MSN Sign-in Page
Mystery Man: I have a Dell Demension E520. When I had to reboot my comp, I had to re-sign up for MSN & lost everything that I already had saved an such. I didn't have a problem when I was rebooting using System Restore but did lose info that I did save prior to the rebooting to an earlier date tho..sorry if I didn't answer your question
Which is a good camera to get? Which 1's didn't measure up good at all? Going to be getting a camera but doing some compare shopping at the moment. Thank You
Modificat de MagicDragon (25. Martie 2007, 20:16:50)
I have 2 pic's in my My Picture folder & wondering how I can chop a pic & when I send it out, how to put it in a jpeg attachment? I have tried everything so far that I could think of but it isn't cooperating w/ me so far
Modificat de MagicDragon (26. Martie 2007, 23:31:58)
Mousetrap: If I can remember it right, I went to My Pictures on the main page right before I click on start. I selected a pic & chopped it to a smaller size. I then saved it. I sent an e-mail to myself w/ the pic attached. I either would get the whole pic in the e-mail or get an attachment right under the subject line. Just can't get it into a jpeg or something else that would go into the e-mail where you just click on the bottom to get the pic. That is 1 way I tried doing this but I forgot the other ways I tried sorry
MagicDragon: I just did you what you said. Went to my pics, I choose one and sent it to my photo editor, cropped it and save it as jpg and email it to myself. I got the attachment at the bottom and clicked on view and it opened with the cropped pic. I can,t understand why it is not working for you sorry.
Mousetrap: I even checked my mail security level ( which is on medium) to be sure. Still it happens everytime I try doing this. Always right under the subject line instead of the e-mail. I even saved it as a jpeg & still can't get it. Unless it is because of the type of comp I have
Oceans Apart: Anything that is idiot proof would be great! LOL I checked to see which kind of cameras is compatible w/ this comp but yours I didn't see listed. Would any camera be compatible or just the 1's that have the cables & CD-Rom to match my comp?
MagicDragon: You should still be able to do it I should,nt think the type of pc makes any difference but I don,t know. Is it still under garentee? I would get someone to show me how it was done and if they can,t you know its its the pc.
Mousetrap: Yes it is under a 4 yr guarantee plus at home service just in case w/ the way my luck has been going LOL...Was just curious if I was doing something wrong ( still learning new things)
MagicDragon: Mine is compatible with my pc, it comes with the cd rom and all the cables, , like Bernice said it is a fantastic camera, really easy to use and quite compact.