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Land-Sea-Air, Land on this board and Sea for yourself what is going on in the motoring world and Air your views. Also ask for advice.

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1. Ianuarie 2005, 22:34:22
It amazes me...whemn someone parks where they shouldnt..then moan about consequenses. Thats like speeding then moaning when you get a ticket...If you cant take consequences...DONT DO IT

1. Ianuarie 2005, 22:37:08
I totaly agree. On top on that, we have to be called by the property owner/manager to come tow there car AND they have to sign for it. But who do you think they get mad at lol.

1. Ianuarie 2005, 22:39:33
run em over if they get gobby LOL

1. Ianuarie 2005, 22:41:40
the guard we have at the gate can run um over without a car. he's like 6'5", 325.

1. Ianuarie 2005, 22:46:53
ouch LOL Bet he is only 2 stroke though ;) LOL

1. Ianuarie 2005, 22:47:16

16. Ianuarie 2005, 21:48:56
Modificat de Backoff (16. Ianuarie 2005, 21:49:08)
quiet in here, did somebody put a new muffler on this place?

16. Ianuarie 2005, 22:37:24
LMAO wrong time of year and weather I gues

17. Ianuarie 2005, 00:50:55
It was cold here today! It was 81F (27C). I almost thought about going to buy a jacket (I don't own one)

17. Ianuarie 2005, 00:54:23
I went to an outdoor Japanese car meet today..was nice and sunny...but still cold LOL

17. Ianuarie 2005, 00:57:41
I got called out to a Jap car meet of sorts the other night. A honda accord, a honda civic, a nissan altima, and a mitsu mirage. Nasty little accident. Rain and new pavement.

17. Ianuarie 2005, 01:01:51
Bummer :o(

This is where I went ( mine is piccy with son next to it, wifes scooby wasnt there

17. Ianuarie 2005, 06:39:29
yea I saw those, nice pics!

23. Ianuarie 2005, 18:38:24

Here's a pic of my tow truck. That's a 05 F-550 on the bed.

23. Ianuarie 2005, 18:42:30
Subiectul: Re:
Backoff: HEY!!! put my truck back! LOL:)

23. Ianuarie 2005, 21:47:34
It only just fitted on there too LOL

23. Ianuarie 2005, 22:21:12
well my truck is only a F-650 lol. That's nothing, I'll have to get a pic with a sweeper on there. Those are a blast!

23. Ianuarie 2005, 22:21:59
Modificat de Stevie (23. Ianuarie 2005, 22:22:10)
i guess the back tilts and slides?

23. Ianuarie 2005, 22:23:04
yep, it's a flatbed tow truck lol

23. Ianuarie 2005, 22:24:47
LOL I didnt think I saw a crane LOL

23. Ianuarie 2005, 22:42:38
I landed the helo a block away or so!

23. Ianuarie 2005, 23:46:46

24. Ianuarie 2005, 02:16:07
ACURA -Another Crummy, Useless, Rotten Automobile
AMC -All Makes Combined
AMC -A Major Cost
AMC -A Mutated Car
AMC -A Morons Car
AMC -Another Major Catastrophe
AUDI -Accelerates Under Demonic Influence
AUDI -All Unsafe Designs Implemented
AUDI -Another Ugly Duetsche Invention
AUDI -Always Undermining Deutsche Intelligence
AUDI -Automobile Unsafe Designs, Inc.
BMW -Babbling Mechanical Wench
BMW -Beastly Monstrous Wonder
BMW -Beautiful Masterpieces on Wheels
BMW -Beautiful Mechanical Wonder
BMW -Barely Moving Wreck
BMW -Big Money Waste
BMW -Big Money. Why?
BMW -Big Money Works
BMW -Born Moderately Wealthy
BMW -Breaks Most Wrenches
BMW -Bring Many Wrenches
BMW -Brings Me Women
BMW -Brings More Women
BMW -Broken Money Waster
BMW -Broke My Wallet
BMW -Broken Monstrous Wonder
BMW -Brutal Money Waster
BMW -Bumbling Mechanical Wretch
BMW -Blasphemous Motorized Wreck
BUICK -Big Ugly Import Car Killer
BUICK -Big Ugly Imitation Chrome King
BUICK -Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer
BUICK -Big Ugly Indestructible Compact Killer
BUICK -Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer
CADILLAC -Crazy And Demented Idiots Like Large American Cars
CADILLAC -Cars Are Driven In Long Lines And Crashed
CHEVROLET -Car Has Extensive Valve Rattle, Or Loud Engine Ticks
CHEVROLET -Cracked Heads, Every Valve Rattles, Oil Leaks Every Time
CHEVROLET -Can Hear Every Valve Rap On Long Extended Trips
CHEVROLET -Car Has Extensive Valve Rattle On Long Extended Trips
CHEVROLET -Cheap, Hardly Efficient, Virtually Runs On Luck Every Time
CHEVROLET -Cheap Heaps Erratically Vibrate Running On Level Even Terrain
CHEVROLET -Constantly Having Every Vehicle Recalled Over Lousy Engineering
CHEVROLET -Cracked Heads, Every Valve's Rotten, Oil Leaks Every Time
CHEVY -Cheapest Heap Ever Visioned Yet
CHEVY -Can Hear Every Valve Yell
DODGE -Damn Old Dirty Gas Eater
DODGE -Dead Old Dog Going East
DODGE -Dead On Day Guarantee Expires
DODGE -Dead On Delivery, Go Easy
DODGE -Dead On Delivery, Guarantee Expired
DODGE -Dead Or Dying Garbage Emitter
DODGE -Drips Oil Drops Grease Everywhere
DODGE -Driven Only During Grey Evenings
EDSEL -Every Day Something Else Leaks
FIAT -Failed In A Tunnel
FIAT -Fails In Attempted Turns
FIAT -Failure In Automotive Technology
FIAT -Feeble Italian Attempt at Transportation
FIAT -Fits In A Thimble
FIAT -Fix It Again Tony
FIAT -Flats In All Tires
FIAT -Found In A Trench
FORD -Force of Rapid Departure
FORD -Fabricated Of Refried Dung
FORD -Fails On Rainy Days
FORD -Famous Odor Resistant Dog
FORD -Falling Off: Rusty Door
FORD -Fast Only Rolling Downhill
FORD -Fantastically Orgasmic Realistic Dream
FORD -Fastest On Road, Dip!
FORD -Fatally Obese Redneck Driver
FORD -Fault Of R&D
FORD -Final Organ of Reproductive Discipline
FORD -Finally Obsolete Racing Device
FORD -Fireball On Rear Denting
FORD -First On Recall Day
FORD -First On Race Day
FORD -First On Road to Dump
FORD -First On Rust and Deterioration
FORD -First Order of Reproductive Discipline
FORD -Fix Or Recycle Dilemma
FORD -Fixed Or Repaired Daily
FORD -Flip Over Read Directions
FORD -Flipping Over Results in Death
FORD -Flipped Over Roadside Disaster
FORD -Flintstone Or Rubble Driven
FORD -Follow Our Ruddy Dogsled
FORD -Fond Of Resonating Decibels
FORD -Foot On Road Decelerates
FORD -Fords Only Run Downhill
FORD -Forced On Reluctant Drivers
FORD -Formed Of Rejected DNA
FORD -Forwarded Once; Return Denied
FORD -Forward Only; Reverse Defective
FORD -Forgot Our Recommended Defaults
FORD -Forlorn, Old, Ratridden Dustbin
FORD -For Old, Rotten Deadbeat
FORD -Fork Over Repair Dough
FORD -Found On Red Dumpster
FORD -Found On Redneck's Driveway
FORD -Found On Roadside Dead
FORD -Found On Rubbish Dump
FORD -Found Outside Refuse Dump
FORD -Found Outside Rotting Dump
FORD -Found On Russian Dump
FORD -Fouled Out Re-done Dodge
FORD -Fraternal Order of Restored DeSotos
FORD -Frequent Overhaul, Rapid Deterioration
FORD -Frequently On Ritalin, Designers
FORD -Free Or Reduced Drastically
FORD -Frequent Opinion: Really Disappointed
FORD -Fumes and Odors Readily Detectable
FORD -Funny Old Rattling Dump
FORD -Funky Old Rebuilt Dodge
FORD -(spelled backwards)Driver Returns On Foot
GEO -Good Engineering Overlooked
G. M. -General Maintenance
G. M. -Goshdarn Mess
G. M. -Generally Misunderstood
G. M. -Garbage Motors
G. M. -Generally Miserable
G. M. -Grossley Misconceived
G. M. -Gluteus Maximus
GMC -Garage Man's Companion
GMC -Generally Mediocre Cars
GMC -Generic Made Chevy
GMC -German Milk Cow
GMC -Get More Chicks
GMC -Gets Mechanics Crazy
GMC -Gods Mechanical Curse
GMC -Gotta Mechanic coming
GMC -Got More Crap
GMC -Great Mountain Climber
GMC -Great Motor Car
HONDA -Had One, Never Do-that Again
HONDA -Hang On, Not Done Accelerating
HONDA -Has Often Nice Dealer Accessories
HYUNDAI -How Your Usual Nerd Drives An Import
HYUNDAI -Hope You Understand Nothing's Drivable And Inexpensive
IROC -I Race Other Cars
IROC -I Run Over Critters
IROC -I Run Off Cliffs
IROC -I Reek Of Cologne
IROC -Italian Resting On Console
IROC -Ignorant Retard Out Cruising
JEEP -Just Eats Every Part
JEEP -Junk Engineering Executed Poorly
JEEP - Just Empty Every Pocket
KIA -Killed In Action
KIA -Kills In Accidents
LTD -Long Term Debt
LTD -Lousy Transportation, Dammit!
LTD -Little Tin Dream
LTD -Last Try from Detroit
LTD -Long, Thin Dumpster
LTD -Long Time Driving
MAZDA -Most Always Zipping Dangerously Along
MAZDA -My! Another Zany Detroit Assassin!
MERCEDES -Most Eccentric Rich Capitalists Enjoy Driving Expensive Sedans
M.G. -Money Guzzler
MITSUBISHI -Mostly In The Shop Undergoing Big Investments, Sometimes Halfway
MOPAR -Many Odd Parts Arranged Randomly
MOPAR -Miscellaneous Oddball Parts Assembled Ridiculously
MOPAR -Most Often Passed At Races
MOPAR -Mostly Old Parts And Rust
MOPAR -Mostly Old Paint And Rust
MOPAR -Move Over People Are Racing
MOPAR -Move Over Plymouth Approaching Rapidly
MOPAR -My Old Pig Ain't Running
MOPAR -My Only Problems Are Repairs
MUSTANG -Men Usually Stand Together And Never Go
NISSAN -Nine Idiots Standing, Saying Absolutely Nothing
NISSAN -Needless Innovations, Silly, Stupid, Automotive Nonsense
OLDS MOBILE -Oh, Look, Dammit! Some Massive Oil Burning Idiot's Leaking
OLDSMOBILE -Old Ladies Driving Slowly Make Others Behind Infuriatingly Late
Every day.
OLDSMOBILE -Old Loose Dented Sheet Metal Out-dated By Infamies Like Edsel.
OLDSMOBILE -Overpriced, Leisurely Driven Sedan Made Of Buick's Irregular
Leftover Equipment
OLDSMOBILE -Old Ladies Drive Slow - Mostly Over Bridges Into Lake Erie
PINTO -Put In Nickel To Operate
PINTO -Paid Inspector Nicely To Overlook
PLYMOUTH -Please Let Your Mother Out (from) Under The Hood!
PLYMOUTH -Police Laugh, Young Men Ogle, All Underestimating This Heap
PONTIAC -People On Narcotics Think It's A Chevy
PONTIAC -Poor Old Nitwit Thinks It's A Cadillac
PONTIAC -Puts Out Noxious Toxins In All Cities
PORSCHE -Piece Of Rubbish, Saps Continually High Expense
PORSCHE -Proof Of Rich Spoiled Children Having Everything
PROBE -Plainly Runs Only By Exception
SAAB -Send Another Automobile Back
SAAB -Swedish Automobiles Always Breakdown.
SAAB -Swedish Automobiles Are Beastly
SAAB -Sad Attempt At Beauty
SAAB -Sorry Auto, Always Broken
SAAB -Swedish Automobile-Always Broken
SATURN -Sounds Absolutely Terrible, Unbelievable Rattling Noises
SUBARU -Screwed Up Beyond All Repair Usually
SUBARU -Sorry Unreal Bonsai Attempt at a Russian U-boat
TOYOTA -Too Often Yankees Overprice This Auto
TOYOTA -Torturous On Your Old Tired Ass
TRIUMPH -This Really Is Unreliable Man, Please Help!
TRIUMPH -Tried Repairing It Until My Parts Hurt!
TRIUMPH -The Risk In Useless Machinery Pays Heavily
VOLVO -Very Odd Looking Vehicular Object
VW -Virtually Worthless
VOLKSWAGEN -Very Obsolete, Losers Knowingly Suffer With All German Engineered Nonsense

24. Ianuarie 2005, 09:56:51
Subiectul: you forgot to reverse SUBARU
to get URABUS LOL You are a bus LOL

24. Ianuarie 2005, 14:14:14
Subiectul: Hyundai
if you pronounce it as 'high-oon-die'.....then it's "high and dry" ie always up on the hoist!!

24. Ianuarie 2005, 14:15:24
Subiectul: GM Commodore (Aussie model)
...Common as Whores

29. Ianuarie 2005, 22:47:54
Any bathroom cleaner should work for ya. I would start with a milder one like Scrubbing Bubbles or Tilex. Test a small hidden area first to make sure there's no color faiding.

29. Ianuarie 2005, 22:53:31

30. Ianuarie 2005, 00:01:45
Subiectul: Re: Test a small hidden area first to make sure there's no color faiding.
Backoff: you sound like a sooap comercial LOL

as Backoff says..or you can now get purpose made foam spray for the job

30. Ianuarie 2005, 00:08:33
Yea but Scrubbing Bubbles is about $1 a can....

31. Ianuarie 2005, 03:20:00
Modificat de Mousetrap (31. Ianuarie 2005, 03:36:04)
Here are some photos of the Granda Ghia I had.
I posted them in this group online because I don,t have my own web site online at the moment. Here is the link,link

31. Ianuarie 2005, 03:39:23
Subiectul: Re:
Mousetrap: that link doesnt work quite right...can you double check the url?

31. Ianuarie 2005, 03:59:36

31. Ianuarie 2005, 04:50:07
Subiectul: Re:
Mousetrap: there ya go!..nice car! did you do the add ons?

31. Ianuarie 2005, 04:52:05
Modificat de Mousetrap (31. Ianuarie 2005, 04:52:27)
No I had them done, I told them what I wanted and they did them on PC and put them on for me.

31. Ianuarie 2005, 04:55:20
LOL...I meant the add on's on the car...or is that what you meant?

31. Ianuarie 2005, 04:57:59
Subiectul: Add ons
LOL! Yes I meant the add ons.

31. Ianuarie 2005, 05:06:10
Subiectul: Re: Add ons
Mousetrap: cool

31. Ianuarie 2005, 05:09:40
what's done to the motor?

31. Ianuarie 2005, 05:21:48
If you are talking about mine, I had big number 20 put on the bonnet and roof and T Stewart on one side and NASCAR on the other, I ran arround with them on for the last 3 or 4 years I had it. only trouble is with something like that most people down my way knew whos car it was and where I was lol, even the coppers I guess.

31. Ianuarie 2005, 05:29:19
I was asking if there was anything done to the motor (i.e. to make more hp)

31. Ianuarie 2005, 05:56:15
No but I used to put my paws down now and again that did the trick!

31. Ianuarie 2005, 10:10:40
Standard 2.8inj was about 150bhp. That was a 2.9 so I think they were 170bhp...theres a lot of car there to pull along with only 170. BUT they went well......and mixed with rwd and the weight...they were fun for drifting :oD

31. Ianuarie 2005, 16:25:05
what is "drifting'?

31. Ianuarie 2005, 18:57:32
racing as sideways as possible. Its mainly a jap car in Japan type sport..but growing in UK now

2. Februarie 2005, 09:12:56
Lieutenant Minz 
Anybody have an opinion about which is better, wet motors or dry motors?

2. Februarie 2005, 11:36:55
dont wanna get water in any of them LMAO ;oÞ

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