How about this, I havent a name for it but it will make rain ponds better I think...
Instead of 500 bonus points for the player with the second highest bid, that player earns a "life" of "life vest", which, of course, could be used once in later rounds to stay dry instead of falling in the pond. The player with the highest bid without life vests falls in, as so the lowest without a life vest, and all players with lifevest who has lower or higher bids use those. Of course, if a life vest is used, the player cannot earn another in that round. The number of life vests is always shown in another collumn.
Vikings: Sorry for confusing you, but I meant the lowest bid of round 21 (enderme's 441). Backoff's lowest bid was 595, that's above the criterium of 200.
Vikings: No, because FANTAS had the lowest bid of 53 (after bidding everything he has), and in that round he has the lowest inside the criteria. so 200 under the last bid of FANTAS would be -147, and is all fair again.
Rose: Yes this play is not correct. So my suggestion is when a bid is way lower than the lowest bid in the last round (say 200 pts), if this is not almost all they have (say, max 2000 pts left), this bid doesn't count as the lowest (while falling in), the next player with the lowest bid falls also in, and so on till a player ''succeeds'' for these criteria. This way stops that advantagous playing Viking told about, for me that is called CHEATING.
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