Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers.
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Nu eşti autorizat sã scrii pe acest panou.Pentru a putea adãuga mesaje trebuie sã ai nivelul de (0)
Pedro Martínez: The games were 14 hours per move without days off. I didn't pay attention to the "no days off" and I timed out over the weekend. If I knew it was no days off I wouldn't of timed out!
There should be an option to reset one's own BKR anyways.
david upshaw: It's fine. It will just take longer than it would of to be high rated. First 4 games in this rating system are the most important to getting a good head start.
(ascunde) Pentru un joc rapid care se poate tremina în două ore,crează un joc setând Timpul pe 0 zile /1 oră,Bonus la 0 zile / 0 ore şi Limita la 0 zile / 1 oră. (TeamBundy) (arată toate sfaturile)