The left back door of taxi is automatically opened In Japan, taxi drivers mechanically open the left back door for customers ( note: Just like in England, in Japan, cars are driven on the left-hand side of the road) so you don't need to open the door for yourself. But, the other doors don't open automatically, so you open them when necessary. Înapoi la lista iazurilor
Felul iazului: Aleargã în jurul lacului Numãrul de identitate a iazului: 7093 Numãrul maxim de jucãtori: 16 Numãrul maxim de jucãtori: 25 Timp pentru mutare: 3 zile 12 ore Start: 22. Februarie 2012, 11:05:20 Sfârşit: 9. Mai 2012, 11:05:07
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