"We're singin' in the rain.." (yet again!) Just singing in the rain What a glorious feeling We're happy again We're laughing at clouds So dark up above The sun's in our hearts And we're ready for love For love Let the stormy clouds chase Everyone from the place Come on with the rain We've a smile on our face We'll walk down the lane With a happy refrain Singing, singing in the rain In the rain.
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Felul iazului: Alergând prin ploaie Numãrul de identitate a iazului: 2825 Numãrul maxim de jucãtori: 16 Numãrul maxim de jucãtori: nelimitat Timp pentru mutare: 1 zi Start: 15. Octombrie 2006, 15:00:00 Sfârşit: 27. Octombrie 2006, 20:05:51
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