This fellowship is for people interested in discussing and learning about the financial markets. We are interested in:
- stocks,
- futures,
- options, etc.
Topics of interest are:
- economics,
- finance,
- fundamental analysis,
- technical analysis,
- trading strategies,
- hedging methodologies,
- even-driven trading,
- mass psychology,
- analysis of external financial manipulation, etc.
Everyone is welcome and everyone will be approved to join (even those people that had conflicts with the head moderator in the past!). No personal insults or venom spitting are allowed. That's what the Flame Pit is for! :-) Let's keep the conversation friendly, constructive, informative, etc.
Nu te poţi alãtura frãţiei deoarece este accesibil doar membrilor Brain Knight sau de nivel superior.
Poţi rezolva aceastã neplãcutã situaţie href=PaidMembership>schimbând calitatea de membru.
Fundal grii-membrul v-a fii inactiv pentru mai mult de 30 zile.