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terminat (1990)
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<< <   32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41   > >>
Competiţii în aşteptarea înscrierilor

Nume Timp rãmas pânã la termenul limitã Controlul timpului (?) Creator

Competiţie în desfãşurare

Nume Controlul timpului (?) Creator
JoshiTM's all open single game Eliminator 8 #5 4 zilejoshi tm

Competiţie terminatã

Nume Controlul timpului (?) Creator
A WHAM BAMS (All Games) 7 zileUniversal Eyes
a short sommernight 7 zileJopie
if you want to play everygame for action points 2 zile 12 oreScrambledEggs
St. Patty's Day Fast Games Tourney 1 ziearldrake
BŘEZNOVÉ KLÁNÍ 2 7 zileBorowitz
BŘEZNOVÉ KLÁNÍ 1 5 zileBorowitz
Slzavé údolí 7 zilemájinka
☺ANYTHING GOES☺ Spring Tourny 2 zile♥♫βaβyĢіґŁŁє♫♥
Bye-bye tourney! 7 zileGabriel Almeida
Baltic Sea Tournament I 10/1/21Kaarel
MDŽ *48**16**145* 7 zileHelenaTanein
Pavouk pro 4 nejrychlejší 2 zileMARFIČKA
1300 -1500 3 zilegogul
Kevade turniir 7 zileandresT
Richard Reti's memorial (1600+) 7 zileDundee
Amazing Grace #13 7/0/7Ugo
Backgammon 2 zilezimmermann
My birthday games 7 zileLadybird68
JoshiTM's all open single game Eliminator 8 #4 7 zilejoshi tm
♥♫Babygirlle's♫♥ ♥Valentine Tourny♥ 3 zile♥♫βaβyĢіґŁŁє♫♥
NO WAY OUT!!!!!!!!! 7 zilevoldemort
my favorite games 5 zilejerom
Baltle according Black / Čierny / 5 zile 12 orezetes
Cacøεtħεs 9 7 zileNirvana
alquerque and games 5 zilemarcus.aurelius
Abigail - Chess #2 7 zileAbigailII
Adventure – VI 5 zileaissi
Valentines day games 3 zileScrambledEggs
Alexander Alechine Memorial 5 zilePavel Zuska
Šachové mléčnodrážní závody 7 zilePavel Zuska
CHESS - küünlapäev 7/1/30Jaak
Kiwiyeti Birthday Bash 2007 5 zileKiwiyeti
All gmes for players under 2000points 7 zileWaterfall
Mega Adventure - I 5 zileaissi
CHESS fast tournament Harku 7/1/30Jaak
Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Chess #29 2 zile 20
Keep Moving ..... 5/0.10/8Pioneer54
Chess 9 zileWaterfall
Champions League in Chess- Final Stage 5 zileLabbeda
WORLD CHAMPIONSCHIP 2007 7 zilemarcus.aurelius
Chess&Antichess 7 zileWaterfall
francesco's Moving Experience! 2 zileNirvana
Score 1 in 2 ...... if you can!! 2 zilePioneer54
Amazing Grace #11 7/0/7Ugo
Snowhugs single elimination games fast 4 players 1 zisnowhugs
CHESS - remember Paul Keres 7/2.12/30Jaak
ELEKTRICKÁ MYŠ 3 zilekonec
Record moves attempt!!! All games 1 zipedrored
JoshiTM's all open Single game Eliminator 8 #3 7 zilejoshi tm

<< <   32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41   > >>
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