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<< <   35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44   > >>
Competiţii în aşteptarea înscrierilor

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Competiţie în desfãşurare

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Competiţie terminatã

Nume Controlul timpului (?) Creator
Champions League in Chess-Group A 5 zileLabbeda
Champions League in Chess-Group H 5 zileLabbeda
Champions League in Chess-Group F 7 zileLabbeda
Champions League in Chess-Group D 4 zileLabbeda
Chess from 1600 to 2100 7 ziletonyh
Elite Chess Invitational I 7 zileGrim Reaper
MyFavourite Games Summer Holiday Tourney(all open) 3 zilejoshi tm
Wijk aan Zee 2007 A 5 zilePavel Zuska
Linares 2006 4 zilePavel Zuska
MEGA CHESS TOURNAMENT..... !!! COME ALL !!! 7 zileIgeman
Elimination Station 2 zile 12 oreRetep
Cavalier Games 4 zileNirvana
Brainking Chess Championship 2006 4 zilePavel Zuska
Summer Chess Tournament 25 zilePavel Zuska
This TIME We Mean It 10/0/10Pioneer54
PAVOUK - osminohý 3 zilelukec
First tournament 5 zile 12 oreWaterfall
In honor of Carpenter Ant Awareness Week 4 zileNirvana
Go for 2 3 zilePioneer54
privat chesstournament 7 zileschaakgraag1
sicilian opening tournament 7 zileschaakgraag1
Chess Invitational (1600 - 2000 BKR) 5 zileClandestine 1
LOSE A GAME AND YOUR OUT 3 zile 5 oreScrambledEggs
Dolphins Chessfestival Harderwijk 3 zileschaakgraag1
Grand Prix de Juin 2 zileDannyWilde
great game 7 zilegigino42
Chess for all... =oD Have fun... 4 zileIgeman
king of chess 3 zilegigino42
Movie night #7 (The Man Who Would Be King) 10/0/10Ugo
First 5 to sign - All games - # MMDLXXXVI 3 zile 3
Fischbrains Second Elimination 3 zilefischbrain
JoshiTM's All open single game Eliminator 8 7 zilejoshi tm
1 year membership 4 zilegogul
RYCHLOVKA 2 zilejasink
single elimination 4 players 7 zileScrambledEggs
quick first 4 single elimination all games <2100 3 zilesnowhugs
ČERVNOVÉ KLÁNÍ II. 7 zileBorowitz
ČERVNOVÉ KLÁNÍ! 7 zileBorowitz
Improve your RATINGS all GAMES Under 1600 2 zile"GERRY"
All games, 16 players, fast eliminator 2/0.22/5Harassed
Cacøεtħεs 5 4 zileNirvana
Chess (and its Variants) for beginners (F8) tosign 7 zilejoshi tm
Chess for real beginners 7 ziletoedder
Champions League in Chess-Group E 6 zileLabbeda
Champions League in Chess-Group C 3 zileLabbeda
Champions League in Chess-Group B 4 zileLabbeda
Some Games, Single Elimination 3 zilegrafzahl
Narozeninový turnaj :) 4 zileMARFIČKA

<< <   35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44   > >>
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