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<< <   36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45   > >>
Competiţii în aşteptarea înscrierilor

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Competiţie terminatã

Nume Controlul timpului (?) Creator
►ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated) #13 5 zile 5
BIG BAD WOLF Presents: All Games Eliminator(4) #3 2 zile 12
For the Hell of it # 10 4 zilePicasso1012
For the Hell of it # 9 4 zilePicasso1012
Chess with Oriental Flavour 7/0.8/15BlueJ
Feel the Spring Burn (all games, elim.) 1 ziPioneer54
First Five All Games ( < 1800 ) 2 zile"GERRY"
All games first 4 (1500-) 7 zileCrazy D
Kiwiyeti Birthday Bash 7 zileKiwiyeti
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007 7 zile 7 orekonec
ChessIt Tournament - Fast Beginners 10/0/10PerGioco
First Five All Games (< 1500 ) 2 zile"GERRY"
Chess Tourney 5 day moves two games (each color) 5 zilePapa Zoom
KVĚTNOVÉ KLÁNÍ 2 7 zileBorowitz
KVĚTNOVÉ KLÁNÍ 5 zileBorowitz
(Universal Eyes all games #2) all welcome! 7 zileUniversal Eyes
Easter Egg B (BKR<1800) 2 zile 12 oreRetep
Easter Egg A 2 zile 12 oreRetep
Ruy Lopez (Spanish) OPEN 5 zileOrlandu
Chess battle 7 zileDundee
In honour of World Bunsen Burner Day March 30th 4 zileNirvana
all games first 4 players only 3 2 zileScrambledEggs
Single Elimination Chess Variants 7 zilegrafzahl
KO turnaj oblíbených her II 5 zileBorowitz
all games single elimination max 4 players 5 zilesnowhugs
My 101 all games tournament 8 zile 8 oreHelenaTanein
Single Elim - All games - 1 win - 4P - #2 2 zile 12 oreGycixi0n
Single Elim - All games - 1 win - 4P 2 zile 12 oreGycixi0n
quick first 4 single elimination all games 5 zilesnowhugs
WIN WIN WIN 2 7 zileScrambledEggs
Chess for beginners 4 zilelukulus
Chess Elimination 1 ziEriisa
Chess & Variants for Medians 3 zilegrafzahl
Dubnové klání 2! 5 zileBorowitz
all games max 18 players, min 4 players. 7 zileGycixi0n
A B C 5 zilefurbster
Elimination or Bust!! 4 zilePioneer54
Cup with 4 people- everything is on list 7 ziledameningen
Mars 3 zileMarfitalu
Tournament for pleasure 2 zilechessik
1st World Championship Elimination 5 zilefischbrain
1st World Championship of Brainking 5 zilefischbrain
Fast Start Elimination 7/1/15charly2
Tiger's Chess Tournament 3 zileChessTiger
Minitournament for dummies I. 2 zilechessik
Cacøεtħεs 4 4 zileNirvana
Fischbrains Elimination 3 zilefischbrain
4th Charly2's Single Elimination 10/1/20charly2
3rd Charly2's Single Elimination 10/1/20charly2
All Games - Single Elim - Quick Start!!! 3 ziledmk

<< <   36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45   > >>
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