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<< <   44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53   > >>
Competiţii în aşteptarea înscrierilor

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Competiţie în desfãşurare

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Competiţie terminatã

Nume Controlul timpului (?) Creator
 *133**13**13*Heart Alone 1987*15**15* 7 zile_Road Runner___
 *1108**672**672*ENYA*147**672**672**1108* 7 zile_Road Runner___
 *84**84**84* BRUCE LEE 1940-1973*84**84**84* 7 zile_Road Runner___
win covid 19 2 zilegoseji
 *1100* Shrek & Princess Fiona *1101* 7 zile_Road Runner___
Week46 150 Brains *1148* 2 zile_Road Runner___
 *96**1168*It's Snowing in UK*1168**35**693**1174* 4 zile_Road Runner___
 Week45 INVITE ONLY *1148* 2 zile_Road Runner___
 *1197**1185* 10,000 Wins *1197**129**146**545* 6 zile_Road Runner___
November rain *93* 1 zi 20 oreekko
 *1130**1130**1130*The Leaves are FALLing *35**115* 7 zile_Road Runner___
 12/2020 BACKGAMMON *26**26**26* 7 zile_Road Runner___
 *131**131*T.REX*1199**1268**121* 7 zile_Road Runner___
Week nr. 43 5 zileidko
Week nr. 45 5 zileidko
Week nr. 44 5 zileidko
Week nr. 43 5 zileidko
 *75**131**1161*PARANOID*40**142**1272* 7 zile_Road Runner___
 October Fun 3 zilebeach
*1102* Also sprach *30**567* Zarathustra *1169* 3 zilealchirodo
 *26**26*CHRISTMASTIME TOURNY 2020 *115**1121* 5 zile_Road Runner___
 *1248**1248*Birthday Cake B/G Tourny*1248**1248* 7 zile_Road Runner___
 *1150**61**1187**1271* Hallowe'en*1271**1187**675* 7 zile_Road Runner___
 *29**96* CLOCKS BACK/DARK NIGHTS *97**94* 7 zile_Road Runner___
 *1218**1174* BONFIRE NIGHT *1174**573* 7 zile_Road Runner___
 *1264* CHEERS! BIG EARS *1264**89**89* 7 zile_Road Runner___
October Speedy Backgammon 2 zileTerryS
 *1209* A NIGHTMARE *1209* ON ELM STREET *1209* 2 zileLEGENDA
 *1001* SOLDIERS *525* OF *525* FORTUNE *1138* 2 zileLEGENDA
 Brained fast start W40 2 zilemisterned
 Sunday Backgammon INVITE ONLY *1197* 2 zile_Road Runner___
 11/2020 BACKGAMMON *1150**1150**1150* 7 zile_Road Runner___
 *1077**188* Won 600 Tournaments*1185**1184**1185* 7 zile_Road Runner___
 Pawn Backgammon by INVITE. Ask to Join 3 zile_Road Runner___
The Impossible Dream - Triple Gammon #1 3 zilemal4inara
 The Impossible Dream - Gammon #1 3 zilemal4inara
 6. MINI K.O. - Backgammon 3 zilelukec
 *1183**1183**1183**1183**1183**1183**1183**1183* 7 zile_Road Runner___
 Sunday Backgammon INVITE ONLY *1197* 2 zile_Road Runner___
 *133**131*The Cardigans - Erase / Rewind *657**64* 7 zile_Road Runner___
September 2020 1 zi 18 oreekko
*1256*~~[]*1256* notorious RBG *1256**145**1256*[] 2 zileseldom
 Sunday Backgammon INVITE ONLY *1197* 2 zile_Road Runner___
*1256*~~[]*1256*()*126**1148**48**126**1256*[]{3} 2 zileseldom
 Mid September Tourney 3 zilebeach
*1256*~~[]*1256*()*126**1148**126**48**1256*[]{1} 2 zileseldom
*1256*~~[]*1256*()*48**1148**1256**126**1256*[] 1 ziseldom
 *** Backgammon 100 Brains *** 3 zile_Road Runner___
*1256*~~[]*1256*()*1194*()*195*()*1194*()*1256*[] 2 zileseldom

<< <   44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53   > >>
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