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<< <   15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24   > >>
Competiţie terminatã

Nume Controlul timpului (?) Creator
World Champions from the Czech Republic – WHC 2010 5 zileEvásek
 Tallinn Old Town Days 2010 7/1/30Jaak
*131* Fyrans Schackmästerskap *131* 7 zileKlinsmann
..:: Fyrans Cupturnering i Schack ::.. 7 zileKlinsmann
Pat a Mat (10. Mai 2010, 11:25:21) 2 zilešili
Prázdniny plné kouzelných her III. 10 zilemájinka
 Tuhala Witch`s Well 2010 7/1/30Jaak
*1165* NoVice Chess 2o1o 7 zileRomanZak
 McMahons fast tournaments 1 ziMcMahon
 Week 18 7 zileFilsdeTycho
Super tournament 7 zileFilsdeTycho
chess  7 zilekurtovec
Pedestrian's 38½ Birthday 7/1/15pedestrian
Week 17 7 zile 7 oreFilsdeTycho
Week 15 7 zile 7 oreFilsdeTycho
June 2010 6 zile 6 oreFilsdeTycho
 15000 :D 3/0.8/15aaru
 Oul de Paşte *1246**1246**1246* 3 zileVarazslo
1 Aprilie - Ziua păcălelilor 2010 7/1/30Jaak
Fyrans schackturnering #1 14 zileKlinsmann
Lente Knock Out Toernooi. 4 zileXenia02
 Spring Coming 7/1/15takjas
Den, kdy tančí víly IV. ....*1197**1199**1197* 5 zileEvásek
 Chess Cup Tournament #1 - 2010 - 16 Players 7 zileYoshie
 Hurá, je mi osmnáct! 3 zile 6 oremilionovej kluk
 Estonian Republic 92 years 7/1/30Jaak
minipavouček - VI. Šachy 7 zilelukec
Winter Knock Out toernooi. 4 zileXenia02
 *124* My Valentine..... *123**124* 7 zileEvásek
Mistrovství kontinentů 2010 - Evropa 2 zile 12 orehoky
Championship world BK 2011 2 zile 12 orehoky
*15* Den matek II. *15* 7 zilemájinka
All games each time 3 zilerealeclipse
 Treaty of Tartu - 90 years 7/1/30Jaak
 all games 2 zileangelstar
 14000 :D 3/0.8/15aaru
1. Tournament 7 zileLord Dalio
*1262*A WHAM BAMS*1262* Favorites 3 zileUniversal Eyes
 January Single Elimination Tournament 2010 4 zileMustang John
 All the games - All the time #313 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #306 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #303 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #300 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #267 5 zileAbigailII
 Talihari 7/1/30Jaak
 All the games - All the time #256 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #242 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #221 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #219 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #216 5 zileAbigailII

<< <   15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24   > >>
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