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<< <   16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25   > >>
Competiţii în aşteptarea înscrierilor

Nume Timp rãmas pânã la termenul limitã Controlul timpului (?) Creator

Competiţie în desfãşurare

Nume Controlul timpului (?) Creator

Competiţie terminatã

Nume Controlul timpului (?) Creator
minipavouček - VI. Šachy 7 zilelukec
Winter Knock Out toernooi. 4 zileXenia02
 *124* My Valentine..... *123**124* 7 zileEvásek
Mistrovství kontinentů 2010 - Evropa 2 zile 12 orehoky
Championship world BK 2011 2 zile 12 orehoky
*15* Den matek II. *15* 7 zilemájinka
All games each time 3 zilerealeclipse
 Treaty of Tartu - 90 years 7/1/30Jaak
 all games 2 zileangelstar
 14000 :D 3/0.8/15aaru
1. Tournament 7 zileLord Dalio
*1262*A WHAM BAMS*1262* Favorites 3 zileUniversal Eyes
 January Single Elimination Tournament 2010 4 zileMustang John
 All the games - All the time #313 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #306 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #303 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #300 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #267 5 zileAbigailII
 Talihari 7/1/30Jaak
 All the games - All the time #256 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #242 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #221 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #219 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #216 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #202 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #186 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #183 5 zileAbigailII
Relax u compu 7 zileRolf
Kiwiyeti Birthday Bash 2010 Elimination 4 zileKiwiyeti
Vendolasův turnájek no. 19 4 zileVendolas
*236*HAPPY NEW YEAR*236* 3 zile♥♫βaβyĢіґŁŁє♫♥
 All the games - All the time #168 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #153 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #152 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #150 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #141 5 zileAbigailII
 All games; 5 players; fast start. #97 5 zile 5 oreAbigailII
 All games; 5 players; fast start. #96 5 zile 5 oreAbigailII
 All games; 5 players; fast start. #95 5 zile 5 oreAbigailII
 All games; 5 players; fast start. #94 5 zile 5 oreAbigailII
 All games; 5 players; fast start. #93 5 zile 5 oreAbigailII
 All games; 5 players; fast start. #92 5 zile 5 oreAbigailII
 All games; 5 players; fast start. #91 5 zile 5 oreAbigailII
 All games; 5 players; fast start. #89 5 zile 5 oreAbigailII
 All games; 5 players; fast start. #88 5 zile 5 oreAbigailII
 All games; 5 players; fast start. #87 5 zile 5 oreAbigailII
 All games; 5 players; fast start. #86 5 zile 5 oreAbigailII
 All games; 5 players; fast start. #85 5 zile 5 oreAbigailII
 All games; 5 players; fast start. #84 5 zile 5 oreAbigailII
 All games; 5 players; fast start. #83 5 zile 5 oreAbigailII

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