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Competiţii în aşteptarea înscrierilor

Nume Timp rãmas pânã la termenul limitã Controlul timpului (?) Creator

Competiţie în desfãşurare

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Competiţie terminatã

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Joacă şi câştigă # 3 5 zile 1 orãFilsdeTycho
Mes jeux favoris 5 zileFilsdeTycho
chess 7 zileAlhimik
New years 2010 5 zileFilsdeTycho
Joacă şi câştigă # 2 5 zile 1 orãFilsdeTycho
Merry Christmas to all! 4 zile 12 oreFilsdeTycho
1900 ;) 3/0.8/15aaru
More Quickies 2 zileGammonator
 Retired Jaak 10/1/30Jaak
 Už mám 700!!! *139**839**836**1197* 4 zileEvásek
 Vendolasův turnájek no. 18 4 zileVendolas
 All Souls' Day 2009 10/3/30Jaak
Win tournament 5 players 7 zileFilsdeTycho
Arvo 1938 7 zileennukene00
Chess (2000-2200) 5 zilecyrex2002
Adventure IX 3 zilepauloaguia
Vendolasův turnájek no. 17 4 zileVendolas
Vánoční turnájek 2009 10 zilemájinka
 Kiwiyeti Birthday Bash 2010 3 zileKiwiyeti
Herfst Knockout toernooi. 4/1/15Xenia02
 Scramble4 7 zileSentineL
Vendolasův turnájek no. 16 4 zileVendolas
 Michaelmas 2009 7/1/30Jaak
September 2009 6 zileidko
Chess (1300-1700) 10 zilecyrex2002
SRPNOVÉ KLÁNÍ 2009 3 zileBorowitz
 All the games - All the time #137 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #135 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #134 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #131 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #128 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #118 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #103 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #99 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #84 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #77 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #73 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #71 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #23 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #8 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #6 5 zileAbigailII
 All the games - All the time #1 5 zileAbigailII
Şah – sistem eliminatoriu în toate variantele III 3 zileVarazslo
 13000 :D 3/0.8/15aaru
Шахматы  7 zilecyrex2002
Old Red's First 5 all games # 4 7 zile"GERRY"
Old Red's First 4 single # 4 7 zile"GERRY"
connect6 >1750 7 zileNewTry
1. e4 e5 2. d4 exd4 3. Qxd4 Nc6 7 zileFilsdeTycho
 Name day of Jaak 2009 7 zileJaak

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