2006 World Cup - Group F - Backgammon Important: one of the groups participant did not have enough slots available and that was why this tournament was not started. This tournament takes its place then.
Thank you - I'll invite the participant players and if one player wants to fill the 4th slot here, just send me a message so I can invite you to it (as it will be invitational).
Group F of the World Cup (which corresponds originally to the following countries).
Brazil Croatia Australia Japan
Final Standings: 1. BElanna 2. lunedith 3. deadly1 4. Mat'atko
Important Rules:
*Top 2 Finishers (of each group) will be invited to the FINAL SINGLE ELIMINATION tournament, to define the Winner of the World Cup.
*Please notice the time limit! The game consists of two games. Like in football: two halftimes! :)
*If there are ties in the group final standing, the tiebrakers will be done in the following sequence: 1) S-B (as calculated by Brainking)
2) Overall less points left in Hyperbackgammon and Backgammon. (the less points left in all games, the better - so it is not good to resign a game, even if it is lost!) Overall boats still afloat for Battleboats Plus (the more boats have not been sunk, the better). If a player resigns, all boats are considered sunk (for the loser) and all afloat boats at that time count as afloat for the winner
3) Flip of a coin (done by me) OR one normal extra extra game between the players that are still tied after 1) and 2) in backgammon and hyperbackgammon. For Battleboats+, the player who has the better hit-differential wins the tie-braker (squares hit - squares hit by opponent). If there is still a tie, then I flip a coin.
Tip de meci: meci de 2 jocuri Tipul competiţiei (?): un joc pentru ambii jucãtori Nivel de membru: Numãrul maxim de jucãtori: 4 Numãrul maxim de jucãtori: 4 Numãrul maxim de jucãtori pe secţiuni: 5 Final de meci pentru secţiunea de 2 jucãtori: meci de 1 victorie Controlul timpului (?): Timp: 4 zile, Bonus: 1 zi, Limitã: 4 zile, Nu sunt zile libere Cotaţia jucãtorului: 100 <= BKR <= 4000 Jucãtori necotaţi: da Joc necotat(cotaţia jucãtorilor nu va fii afectat de aceastã competiţie): nu Competiţie privatã(vei trimite invitaţii personale): da Sortează jucătorii după BKR: da Statutul: terminat
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