☺►►►►►►►►►► # 3,000 ◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄☺ (Ludo - Aratã regulire) My 3,000th tournament on the site!
Just under 4 years it has taken to make it to such a milestone. Joined the site in early February 2003, upgraded to a paid membership later that month - and quickly created my first tournament which started early March 2003. Of course 3,000 is not an exact number - I've created some tournaments which got deleted for whatever reason, and many tournaments I created were lost during a time the site "lost" a few months worth of data. But for the sake of making a special tournament - 3,000 is the number that lists in my profile tournament page (which includes site & fellowship tournaments I've created)
Well good luck to everyone in my 3,000th tournament on the site... with many more to come! The first 8 to sign up for each game type - lets see if we can get 8 players for EVERY GAME! Înapoi la lista jocurilor Tip de meci: Joc normal Tipul competiţiei (?): un joc pentru ambii jucãtori Nivel de membru: Numãrul maxim de jucãtori: 4 Numãrul maxim de jucãtori: 8 Numãrul maxim de jucãtori pe secţiuni: 8 Final de meci pentru secţiunea de 2 jucãtori: meci de 1 victorie Controlul timpului (?): 3 zile 12 ore, concediu standard Cotaţia jucãtorului: 100 <= BKR <= 4000 Jucãtori necotaţi: da Joc necotat(cotaţia jucãtorilor nu va fii afectat de aceastã competiţie): nu Competiţie privatã(vei trimite invitaţii personale): nu Sortează jucătorii după BKR: da Statutul: terminat Data ţi timpul de start: 30. Ianuarie 2007, 21:05:19 Data şi timpul încheierii: 27. Iulie 2007, 22:05:21