The Battle of Lake Kwania IX Kwania is a lovely lake in Uganda and very good place for single elimination tournament in all three kinds of Battleboats. Come on, sign up an try to win it all and become the Kwania Triple Crown Winner. :-)
I'm sick and tired of re-writing my list of winners. So I made that resume easier for me. And again - Máťa (me) says that nickchanging is NOT cool.
Previous Kwania winners: ----------------------------------------------------- BATTLEBOATS: 3x SEE MYPROFILE:) (III,IV) 2x grafzahl (VI,VII) 1x MIHEL (V), Salongo (II) and Pokemon (I)
BATTLEBOATS PLUS: 1x gene (VII), Labbeda (II), MARFIČKA (VI), Mia (VIII), Salongo (V), sabre rattling (I), Syn (IV) and urys (III)
DARK BATTLEBOATS: 3x FOTBALISTA (II,V,VI) 1x dalkelly (I), kid_game_2001 (VII), MIHEL (VIII), Salongo (IV) and TeamBundy (III)
Kwania Triple Crown Winner: (that means that the player have won all three kinds of Battleboats) May 15, 2006 10:53:19 - Salongo Înapoi la lista competiţiilor
Tip de meci: Joc normal Tipul competiţiei (?): eliminare singulară Nivel de membru: Numãrul maxim de jucãtori: 4 Numãrul maxim de jucãtori: 4 Controlul timpului (?): 3 zile, Nu sunt zile libere Cotaţia jucãtorului: 100 <= BKR <= 4000 Jucãtori necotaţi: da Joc necotat(cotaţia jucãtorilor nu va fii afectat de aceastã competiţie): nu Competiţie privatã(vei trimite invitaţii personale): nu Sortează jucătorii după BKR: da Statutul: terminat