Stevies Dollar Donation per player Reversi Hi all, for every player who enters this tourney ,I will donate 1 dollar to Brainking. So more pawns and Knights can join in, I have set 1 game each and max 5 slots needed (means 2 games each colour too). If less than 15 players, I will donate 2 Dollars per player. Have fun and enjoy the games :o) It would be nice to have 1 or more others willing to donate the same amount as myself with this to double or treble the donation :o)UNFORTUNATELY DUE TO OUTSIDE UNFLUENCES (do-gooders and hypocrits) I WAS BANNED AND MY DONATION RETURNED TO ME, I AM SORRY TO SAY I WILL NOT TRY TO GIVE IT IN AGAIN. THERE ARE ONLY A FEW BAD APPLES HERE, AND YOU NEED TO BLAME THEM FOR IT. Steve Înapoi la lista competiţiilor
Tip de meci: Joc normal Tipul competiţiei (?): un joc pentru ambii jucãtori Nivel de membru: Numãrul maxim de jucãtori: 4 Numãrul maxim de jucãtori: 50 Numãrul maxim de jucãtori pe secţiuni: 5 Final de meci pentru secţiunea de 2 jucãtori: meci de 3 victorii Controlul timpului (?): 5 zile, concediu standard Cotaţia jucãtorului: 100 <= BKR <= 4000 Jucãtori necotaţi: da Joc necotat(cotaţia jucãtorilor nu va fii afectat de aceastã competiţie): nu Competiţie privatã(vei trimite invitaţii personale): nu Sortează jucătorii după BKR: da Statutul: terminat
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