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25. Сентября 2009, 16:48:10
Übergeek 바둑이 
Субъект: Glenn Beck
For those who don't know who Glenn Beck is, Wikipedia has some more information:


Having seen videos of the man in YouTube I think Gogul's comments were warranted. I see no reason why Gogul was banned, other than calling the man a donkey orifice.

25. Сентября 2009, 17:09:10
Pedro Martínez 
Субъект: Re: Glenn Beck
Übergeek 바둑이: Vikings modified my post in which I quoted gogul and replaced the word that had caused the removal of gogul's original post with “idiot”. But Vikings missed the last occurrence of that word, so go back to my post and I'm sure you can find it. Then you can also post a reference link to Wikipedia for those who don't know what it is.

25. Сентября 2009, 19:23:48
Субъект: Re: Glenn Beck
Pedro Martínez: I would have to say that Fox news is carrying on the English tradition of having a 'village idiot'. Fox nEwS being a 'village' of sorts of the Murdoch empire..

I guess O'Reilly was losing his .... attention grabbing potential.

25. Сентября 2009, 19:27:14
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: Glenn Beck
(V):   Yeah, that must explain why Fox is number one in every time slot and burries the other new outlets.  Oh, and it must also take an idiot to uncover corruption and bring it to the attention of the American public.  Because that's what Beck has done.  And what about the other networks?  Silence.  Even cover-ups. 

25. Сентября 2009, 20:04:44
Субъект: Re: Glenn Beck
Artful Dodger: As you say people like theatrics, and Fox's editorials are good at that. And btw... he like all 'faces' has researchers.

And saying someone is an idiot is not an insult, it's using metaphorical description. I heard worse being said of a 'nazi-elitist' by his defence lawyer in crown court.

As you said.. "It would be boring to watch Beck if he didn't get a bit theatrical at times."

25. Сентября 2009, 20:14:24
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: Glenn Beck
(V):  Nonsense.  It's name calling.  People who have a problem with Beck always resort to name calling.  They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.  Name calling, sarcasm, mocking, those are the trademark responses of Beck's opponents when they can offer no real counter argument. 

25. Сентября 2009, 21:10:58
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
Artful Dodger: I'm not people... I'm me.

I expect now that next time you disagree with Obama and/or Washington you'll drop the use of "idiot"..... Seeing as you feel so strongly about the use of the word. And that I hear Beck treating people like idiots and implying as such.

... Look, you can't have one rule "Republicans can do this, Democrats can do that." .. It's not real, just theatrics.

25. Сентября 2009, 21:18:27
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
(V):   I back up my "they are idiots" with facts and logical arguments.  Dismissing someone as an "idiot" but offering no reason is name calling.   Case in point:  A leading "idiot" democrat was quoted as saying that he didn't read the bills he voted for because they are a: too many pages; and b: too difficult to understand.

They guy's an idiot.  Do the math.  He's voting YES on bills he's NEVER READ and he justifies never reading those bills saying they are too difficult to understand.

BTW, they are idiots on both sides of the isle.  In the final analysis, Bush was an idiot.  Why?  He violated nearly every Conservative principle.  He's responsible for the huge government as it started with him.  Huge government systems spell fraud, incompetence, waste, and inefficiency.  

You'd have to be an idiot not to see the difference. 

25. Сентября 2009, 21:26:31
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
Artful Dodger: Over here.. 1000+ construction companies conspired to defraud public, private and charity building projects. We can play the '''''fraud''''' game all night. Madoff..... 50 billion... gone.

What is the conservative principle?? I find it confusing seeing as so much change has gone on in that in the last 100 years!!

And Beck does play the race game. He plays many games to 'get a reaction'.. including fake crying.

Come on Art, it's pointless saying the guy doesn't do this, they do that when Beck's stuff is all on youtube.

25. Сентября 2009, 21:29:42
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
(V):  Then you should have no trouble showing several examples of where Beck played the race card.  Go for it.

25. Сентября 2009, 21:33:07
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
Artful Dodger: I can, but it'd be more easy just to look on theyoungturks channel. I'm a bit concerned about posting actual links to them, as.. as most people do.. they swear from time to time.

I'm sure, you finding "idiot" as a 'bad' insult, you can understand my suggestion just to look.

25. Сентября 2009, 21:39:06
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
(V):  So you can't really offer any examples then. 

25. Сентября 2009, 21:46:12
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
Artful Dodger: I'm not repeating myself. *says in an Ben Kenobi voice from the old Star Wars*.....

goooo look Art, the video is there...

25. Сентября 2009, 21:49:50
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
(V):  I have seen one video where he was interviewed on Fox and Friends.  He clearly says he thinks Obama is a racist.  I've seen that one before.  You are claiming that Beck plays the race card.  I don't see it.  So if this one video you have is all you've got, you've got nothing. 

Like I said, you don't get the race card ploy.  YOu only think you do.

25. Сентября 2009, 21:51:14
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
Artful Dodger: go loook Art.

You are making a empty argument. And you know it.

25. Сентября 2009, 21:53:05
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
(V):  Just as I thought.  You have no examples to offer.  If you make the claim, back it up.  Otherwise it's clear that you are the one who is running on empty. 

25. Сентября 2009, 21:56:01
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
Artful Dodger: Art...... seriously .. do you think a reply like that ain't gonna be considered anything more than theatrics??

25. Сентября 2009, 21:58:20
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
(V):  Send those links in a PM.  There, yer out of excuses.

25. Сентября 2009, 22:05:26
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
Сделано для Mort (25. Сентября 2009, 22:07:01)
Artful Dodger: I'll post one.. his point is the small minority (aka the bloke commentating) who like with the film "Dogma" get ... .... over responsive.

Ya moan about the 'liberal fringe.. respect right has a lunatic element as well.


25. Сентября 2009, 22:07:07
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
(V):  Send the others to me via PM.  Unless of course you have nothing to send.  Which is what I suspect.  Hot air flows up. 

25. Сентября 2009, 22:11:02
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
Artful Dodger: Yes... hot air flows up.. also warming cold air in the process.

Is this a Zen night??

Gotta get another beer then! *burp*

25. Сентября 2009, 22:15:52
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
(V):I saw that program live.  It was funny and Beck makes a good point.   But nowhere did I see him play any race card.  He's talking about illegal immigration.  Note the word illegal.  Yeah.  But blundered here big time.  Do you know what the US Constitution has to say about that?  I do. 

The Young Turks is a far left internet radio outfit.  What else would you expect from them? 

25. Сентября 2009, 22:18:57
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
Artful Dodger: He is funny, and goes over the edge. The really funny thing is that he gets paid so much to be a real American.

Like Douglas Adams said... "from a time when men were real men, when women were real women.. and small furry creatures from Alpha Centuri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centuri".

Note the over use of the word "real".

25. Сентября 2009, 22:23:07
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
(V):  Beck is right about most things.   He's exposed a lot of fraud in the White House.  Recently he exposed a few things about John McCain.  He said McCain would have been worse for the country than Obama.  

If Obama was white, and McCain black, Beck would have been called a racist for that comment.   That's how the game is played.

25. Сентября 2009, 22:27:31
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
Artful Dodger: I don't play it that way. McCain I hear had health problems that could have left Palin as Pres... doesn't that make you afraid??

There is fraud everywhere.... Agreed?

25. Сентября 2009, 22:36:18
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
(V):"There is fraud everywhere.... Agreed?"

Everywhere?  Even under the couch?   In principle I agree.  But that alone doesn't mean that everyone is a fraud.   Clearly that's not the case.

Palin was the best choice for President.  Better than ANY other choice. 

25. Сентября 2009, 22:38:10
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
Сделано для Mort (25. Сентября 2009, 22:39:20)
Artful Dodger: Palin... as Pesident.... You need to watch "V for Vendetta"

And no... not everyone is a fraud... but such is business that people want to make a profit

25. Сентября 2009, 22:40:45
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
(V):  Seen it.  He'd vote for Palin. 

25. Сентября 2009, 22:44:00
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
Artful Dodger: Nahhhhhhh...

He wanted people to have hope... not tons of dresses.

25. Сентября 2009, 22:48:31
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: He wanted people to have hope... not tons of dresses.
(V):  weak

25. Сентября 2009, 22:45:55
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
(V):  BTW, using excerpts from "The Young Turks" show as evidence against Beck is like using an excerpt from Beck's show as evidence against them.  You can't get much more far left than that group. 

25. Сентября 2009, 22:49:11
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
Artful Dodger: Awww I just punched Beck's name in youtube I saw what came up.

Beck would be great in a certain out take show over here...

He'd be up there with Maradona

25. Сентября 2009, 22:50:54
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
(V):  His show is number one.

The Young Turks were offered a slot by MSNBC. 

That says it all. 

25. Сентября 2009, 22:56:21
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
Artful Dodger: Is criticising Conservative ideas illegal in the USA, or just a normal part of politics, media and what not?

And ya forget... I ain't American.. saying "offered a slot by MSNBC. " means nothing.. is it a USA conservative metaphor?

25. Сентября 2009, 23:03:33
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
(V):  shhhhhh, I'm watching Glen Beck.  He's making great points as I write this!!! 

25. Сентября 2009, 23:07:34
Субъект: Re: lways resort to name calling. They rarely offer rational reasons as to why they disagree with his positions.
Artful Dodger: I'm still waiting to know what the Conservative idea is. I feel like Columbo.. so confused over it all.

25. Сентября 2009, 17:37:11
Субъект: Re: Glenn Beck
Übergeek 바둑이: He sounds ... opinionated from youtube. Basically paid to be 'better than life'..


25. Сентября 2009, 19:22:08
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: Glenn Beck
(V):  We're all opinionated. 

25. Сентября 2009, 19:25:32
Субъект: Re: Glenn Beck
Artful Dodger: Aye.... but media likes over the top guys. helps advertising revenue.

25. Сентября 2009, 19:32:06
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: Glenn Beck
(V):   People like theatrics.  It would be boring to watch Beck if he didn't get a bit theatrical at times.  But there's a message in his madness.  He is brilliant.  Calling him names reflects on you, not him.

25. Сентября 2009, 20:19:15
Übergeek 바둑이 
Субъект: Re: Glenn Beck
Artful Dodger:

I can see some signs of intelligence in Glenn Beck's comments. However, when he becomes stubborn about something it seems that he has no control over what he says. The time in which he called Obama a "racist" seems to me a veiled way to put forth his own racism and dislike of an African American president. It seems to me that Glenn Beck dislikes Obama, not for well thought-out political reasons, but because Obama is a black Democrat.

Beck sunk too low when he carried a smear campaign against Van Jones, the former White House Council for Environmental Quality. Glenn Beck accused Jones of being a communist. However, I find it interesting that Beck carried a vendetta against an African American who had called on advertisers to remove ads from Beck's show after he called Obama a racist.

I am trying to find some examples of his uncovering corruption. I found references to ACORN corruption. I am not that familiar with all the issues surrounding ACORN but it seems to me that Fox news published a doctored video made in Baltimore. There is a pending defamation lawsuit against Fox and the "conservative activists" who made the video. I am just curious: Was Glenn Beck this enthusiastic during the Bush administration or are his efforts entirely partisan? I imagine that he understands that the press is supposed to be impartial.

25. Сентября 2009, 20:26:30
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: Glenn Beck
Übergeek 바둑이:  All nonsense.  Beck doesn't like Obama's policies.   Obama's being black has nothing to do with it.  You play the race card and I've no respect for that.

You have to be blind to suggest Van Jones was "smeared."  HOW exactly did Beck accomplish this?  All Beck did was to quote Van Jones, play tapes of Van Jones's own speeches and ask questions. 

You don't have your facts straight about ACORN.  There is no doctored video.  You have no evidence of that.  You are just parroting some nonsense you've read.  You will see.  ACORN will lose in this suit.  Odd that for a doctored video all the people involved on ACORN's side were fired by ACORN. 

Get your facts straight.  ACORN has been caught in election fraud, over 30 of their people have been charged in election fraud, one of it's founders is now under investigation for embezzlement, and on more than one occasion, ACORN officials assisted in getting housing for the sole purpose of under age prostitution.

Wise up.

25. Сентября 2009, 21:12:55
Субъект: Re: You play the race card and I've no respect for that.
Artful Dodger: As Glen Beck does??

25. Сентября 2009, 21:19:26
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: You play the race card and I've no respect for that.
(V):  Glen Beck doesn't play the race card.  I doubt you really understand what that even means.

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