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16. Мая 2009, 07:33:28
cd power 
Субъект: Re: 50 won games of 10 game types/50 won games of 50 game types
AbigailII: I think there is a bug in those achievements, too. For the achievement "10 won games of 50 game types and at least 10 moves," I have watched and counted several variants where I have sailed past 10 victories against unique opponents and more than 10 moves, but the counter never changed. The only explanation I can think of is this: The unique opponents that you have beaten in one variant can not be the same opponents you have beaten in another variant. For example, if I beat 10 different people in atomic chess, I must beat a totally different set of 10 people in corner chess in order for me to get credit for those 2 variants, meaning 20 unique people. If this is not the case, then there is definitely a bug.

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