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10. Мая 2006, 00:02:18
Субъект: A fellowship Idea
While conversing in a game with Rose, I came up with the following idea... if anyone is interested, feel free to run with it!

I think there should be a fellowship for people to find people who are in their resective time zone areas (the America's, Europe and Africa, the Far East), there could very easily be two of these fellowships created, one for the America's and one for Europe and Africa, and the third (the Far East) could be... The point is; I sit here this evening, with lots of games, and hardly anyone playing. Why? Because they are all in Europe and have played their moves and gone to sleep! So, I figured, why not a fellowship for people to find other people that are on when they are... Hence, this idea. I know that you can go to "Who is online", but why not this in addition?

Any ideas about this?

Phil (rednaz23)

10. Мая 2006, 00:04:29
Субъект: Re: A fellowship Idea
rednaz23: Can you include lil ole Canada in your America's FS?

10. Мая 2006, 11:39:22
Субъект: Re: A fellowship Idea
rednaz23: Why not just pick players from your time zone, or increase the number of games you have going as you don't have that many. It solves the problem I've found.

17. Мая 2006, 09:29:48
Субъект: Timezones
I created a Dutch Fellowship some time ago. If there is anyone speaking dutch who wants to join, send me a message

I like the idea of a fellowship for a specific timezone. I would create a CET (central european time) fellowship, but i cant create a new one :(

Another idea would be to create a fellowship for people who are online at a certain time .. this is related to timezones, but some people are online during the day, other people at night. These fellowships can relate their time to GMT (which is CET-1) and then add the time at which people may be online

its nice to be online at the same with time with almost everyone in the fellowship :)

17. Мая 2006, 11:44:39
Субъект: Re: Timezones
Hrqls: This actually what I meant. A fellowship for people to meet other people that play at a specific time. For instance 18:00-24:00 Zulu time. Evening in Great Britian, Afternoon in the States, and a late shift for those in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Something like that is what I was thinking!

17. Мая 2006, 13:28:22
Субъект: Re: Timezones
rednaz23: *nod* great idea!!!!

now we just have to find someone who will create one :)

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