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Backgammon and variants.

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10. Ноября 2010, 17:08:35
Субъект: Re: Give me the Cube to use or DIE!!
pgt: ~~why ANYBODY who plays backgammon would want to play WITHOUT the cube beggars belief.

Isn't that a religious statement?

At the least, surely all that having no cube means is that you play each game to the end and have to overcome every game-snatching opportunity that presents itself to the opponent? I can't understand why anyone would have such animosity to that. Personally, I greatly enjoy cubeless play and both the challenge of maintaining the lead to the very end and the chance of snatching victory at the last moment.

On the other hand, if you'd said:

~~why ANYBODY who plays backgammon would want to play WITHOUT the checkers beggars belief.

Then I'd understand completely, for that would be sheer madess!!

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