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5. Ноября 2008, 15:54:15
Herlock Sholmes 
Субъект: Re: Time limits
mctrivia: You know what ? I do not really understand this kind of arguments. You say: " I can't play no vacation games because I like to take vacations some times and work forces me to keep to 7 days per move ..." ... then you should probably try to find a correspondence club and if you take vacations, just blame UPS for any delay ... if you don't care if someone takes 40 days +seven then PLEASE accept also 120 days BECAUSE someone likes to take vacations, but a little bit longer than yours ... all these makes no sense ... internet made you lazy, you abuse the privilage of not being forced to move like in life tournaments ... If I want to play in a tournament I like the competition, NOW and HERE and taking vacations kills the whole fun ...
If I were Fencer I would never create any vacation option ... forget it ... you would like my torunament
from day 1 and you would take your vacations after the tournament is over ... period. Fencer was trying to please you, to be as flexible as possible, but like in a famous saying: give someone a finger and he/she soon will take you the whole hand.
Vacation idea should be completely removed from this site. I someone cannot find time to play 28 days of tournament, or 21 days tournament, then I have a proposal ... find another job or stop playing tournaments ... vacations are good after the job is done and not in the middle of it.

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