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10. Ноября 2003, 00:54:12
David S 
Субъект: partitioning
Yesterday I was using some "clean up" software and I think I screwed up some windows files, to make a long story short I'm going to reinstall Windows (again, I must have a record, still haven't learned I gotta save lol). I'm also going to repartion my hard drives-I have 2 (120 GB each), I have partioned them before, don't know if it makes much of a difference sort of do it just because I can. I was going to partion one into 3 drives of 40 GB's each, one for the Operating system and related software (security programs etc.}, One for Web development related software (really wasting space here-doesn't need nearly that much I think) and the last for audio. I'm keeping the other drives 120 GB's for video. What I'm wondering is would you go differently? maybe more for audio? is there any point to setting space up for another operating system? I don't know anything about them.

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