Ask questions or just talk about different languages. Since BrainKing is an international game site supporting many languages, this board can be kind of useful.
To see translations of some frequently used phrases and sentences in other languages see Languages
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I am trying...I stress,TRYING to learn German....are there any foreign language teachers here or someone that has the patience of a Saint,lol...that can give me some tips to make this learing a bit easier?? We are using audio CD's that I have loaded into the puter AND iPod so I can listen to them all the time..I can see the word,know the word,say the word..but when it comes to having a conversation with the woman I am learning with..I totally blank out!! Feel free to PM me...thanks!!
Ämne: Re: could someone please translate into English
TheCrazyPuppy: I haven't had much luck tracking down a translation. The "juden" translates to Jew in a couple of languages. Spilensi and spilen seem like related words to my eye. Knowing the language it is written in woiuld help a lot. Or if it is spelled correctly. I'll ask someone that has rejoined the site.
OK, awhile back I joined a Dutch only game site, and had the following phrase translated for me:
I only speak English
Dutch: "Ik spreek alleen Engels".
Well now I went and joined a German language game site, and would like the same translated to German. I would like to get that into my profile there so people don't think I'm rude or something when I don't reply back to them. Thanks.
A friend of mine has a webcomic he wants to get translated to as many useful languages as possible (id est, languages people will really read the comic in, unlike Latin, Old English, Irish, &c.). The comic is here:
He already has Spanish (Spain and America), Hebrew, French, German, Italian, and Brazilian Portuguese. If you like the comic (he only wants fans), send him an e-mail. Thank you =]
AlliumCepa: I was wondering what a person had said to me in russian last night but I have got an answer now,.thank you,.but I do need a better translator
P-G: I use Google's translator. Seems to work good for German and Spanish into English and vice versa, though I don't have a direct way to know for sure.
P-G: If you use Firefox, there is a neat add on called Hyperwords that has a decent translator. I use it quite often. It doesn't have every language, but it is very convenient. I simply highlight the text I want translated and a menu pops up, and I choose "translate" and it changes the highlighted text to the language I requested, right on the page. (No need to go to another website) It is certainly not perfect, but I, personally, am very happy with it.
You need to be using Firefox as your browser, however.
I ask if somewhere the translators web sites had been evaluated. If yes would you tell the address, else would you tell which you recommand?
Recently I used "Babel fish" (french --> spanish) with sometime lame, sometime funny, odd translations. I know there isn't a perfect translator. I just ask if exists a less dubious translator ;-)
Salongo: Thank you so much! Could I just ask one more favor? Could you translate the name of the tournament into Czech too? "Triple Dice Poker *6D* for Brains"
Poker je přece o sázení nebo ne !? Tak, vsaďte 50 mozků a vezměte fleka !
Budou dvě sekce o pěti hráčích. Každý s každým bude hrát dvě hry. Vítězové obou sekcí postoupí do finále.
Hráč na prvním místě získá 300 mozků, druhé místo bude odměněno 50 mozky - tudíž dostane nazpět svou sázku.
Mozky si můžete zakoupit na této stránce. Dyť je to jenom 150 korun za stejný počet mozků. Pak je navíc můžete rozmnožit a koupit si členství výhodněji.
2 dny na tah, jenom víkendové dny jsou volné. (žádná dovolená)
Puckish: If you hover the flag with your mouse you'll see the name of the language in the status bar of your browser. Most browsers will also display a small hint if you stay still for long enough...
Puckish: It would be nice if the flag that represents your language(s) be in your profile, so when someone who is playing you wants to thank you, wish you good luck, or anything else; they can look in the profile and see the flag/language you are using. :-) I asked Fencer for this idea a while back, I still think it is one more step towards builiding a large multi-lingual site... We'll see if it happens eventually. :-)
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