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Useful links Wikipedia - for general information on what CSS is, why it is useful, and a short introduction on how to use it. W3Schools - for a tutorial and a reference on CSS. W3C - for detailed and advanced information for those who are interested. CSS Zen Garden - for some trickery and demonstration of what is possible with CSS
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BIG BAD WOLF: I have been using yours for a couple of days now on and off. I must say its great, well done to you I guess you still have a bit of tweaking to do, but i love the Move button at the top & it never moves if you scroll down which is well cool lol
I do not know how easy/hard this would be to do. I asked a while ago on Feature about it but no one answered. Its great not having the LHS column in games, and even faster without the RHS column game notation. Virtually none of the information in the LH column is relevant while playing games but it would be nice if we could move some of the information from the RHS column (i.e. Friends online, and Fav Boards) into the LH column. That way we could happily play games and also keep an eye out for friends and Discussion boards without leaving games. It sounds like a lot of code changing to me, but thought i would mention it
(dölj) När du utför drag i ett parti så kan du välja vilket parti som kommer upp därefter genom att välja ett lämpligt alternativ på listan intill Dragknappen. (pauloaguia) (Visa alla tips)