Discuss about five in line game or find new opponents. (Also Pro and Swap five in line discussion.)
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Yes. As I believe have allready been pointed out earlier in this forum, there is proof of a sure win for the starting party of the game. This without any restrictions; sad but true. Therefor if equal conditions are valued one should preferably play a game like pro gomoku or, if one gets the chance to, renju.
good evening all..how is everyone? :) hope everyone is staying cool or at least cooler than i am...109 here today...want fried eggs just crack em on the sidewalk lol
I think it should be changed, you're really only supposed to place 5 pieces. In fact, as many players know who play at other sites, one of a players DEFENSES is to force a sixth piece placement, since it is not a win.On the other hand, i believe i have only won a handful of games w/ 6 pieces, it doesn't really happen all that often.
five in line is different from six in line, and different from five or more in line too, so dont look at the name of game, I'm just sayin' about the rules
About the colors (I agree with you, I prefer black & white myself, for the same reasons)
Go to Settings. Click on Five In Line. There, you'll see two rows, first small, the one under is bigger. Each row has two choices, it's hard to see but possible. First circle is a click box, then the two 'stones' (x & o), then another circle, white dot and black dot. So, you click in the FOURTH thingy.. LOL Does that make sense? ;)
Yes, I understand that, all I'm saying is I've never had trouble winning with 6 in-a-roll and yes it is alot easier to win in the very beginning of the game than it is in the middle or at the end. If the game goes on too long, its harder to win and the game drags on, but I guess thats what you get for not winning in the first place. LOL
"When the players got stronger they found that playing with "completely free" rules was in great favour of Black (the beginner of the game). It is also proved that there is a sure win for Black when playing with "completely free" rules."
(from http://www.renju.nu/r1rulhis.htm)
The rule "no-more-then-five for black" is one of "black" restrictions in renju.
5inLine is based on gomoku/renju games, and there is standard "black begins" in these games. Is it a big problem to set black color for the player whith the first move?
Based on the rule here, it says "5 or more" ... I am in a game right now that the opponent has a chance to place 6 in a row ... but he/she hasn't do it yet ...
The board at IYT is much easier on the eyes...There you play on the lines, here you play in the square. The color is ok, It's how you play @ IYT the marbles look like marbles they stand out.. Here they look like black and white circles...
I find the white stones for white and the black stones for black to be the best. When the pieces differ by colour and not by shape I find it much easier to grasp the position, especially when the games go beyond 20 moves and the board becomes increasingly crowded.
I s there any chance of implementing a board using different coloured pieces for black and white? My eyes aren't the greatest and I find it very difficult to use this setup. The board and piece setup used by IYT is much less stressful for me. How do others feel about this?
Fencer has discussed implementing more tournament formats, including this one, sometime soon in the future. The one that is in place now is just the first one he has done :-)
Fencer: The game is better when played on a 15x15 board than a 13x13.
About the tournaments: If I`ve understood it correctly, only 1 game is played against each of the other players in the section, and is random who gets to play as white and make the first move. I don`t know about other games but in 5-in-line that doesn`t work because the white has a really huge advantage. In fact, with optimal gameplay (on a 15x15 board or bigger) the one making the first move should win every time.
Of course none of us plays perfect all the time, but still the advantage is too big when 2 really good players are against each other. This problem would be solved if tournament games were 2-game matches, one of each color. Like at IYT.
13x13 at IYT rarely fills and 15x15 pro version is even rarer...i've personally never seen it happen....so 15x15 would be a good size...20x20 is more of a "Go" size.
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