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Moderator: furbster 

A place to learn about new interviews, suggest someone for one and ask questions about the interview process.

You can find more about how the interview process is conducted here

New interview with Good Luck :)FLR here. Ask your questions until August 31st 2018

Please ask questions only in the language that the person being interviewed can speak, so they are able to answer all questions. Thanks!

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13. december 2009, 21:08:26
My name is Har and I wanted to know if I could join?

8. december 2009, 20:28:46
Ämne: what happened to

15. november 2009, 06:34:39
The Col 
Ämne: Re:
furbster: he must be meticulous

6. november 2009, 11:01:09
Ämne: Re:
Jim Dandy: I have finished, it's just got to be checked by pauloaguia

4. november 2009, 22:40:46
The Col 
Ämne: Re:
furbster: How are those answers coming along

10. oktober 2009, 13:09:21
Suppose i better get answering some of these questions now then, since the time is upon me.

21. september 2009, 18:39:05
Ämne: Notes for interviews
Ändrat av pauloaguia (21. september 2009, 18:40:23)
I'd just like to leave a note about asking questions - could you please read what's already been asked? For instance, on the current interview there's already a couple of questions about furbster's hobbies... the answer probably won't be any different the second time
Thing is, I can't delete questions, so I'll either have to ask one of the author's to change the question or, if the deadline has passed and questions are locked, I may ask Fencer to delete it manually. And sometimes I just miss the duplicates.

Even if you don't have the time to read all of them, try to make a quick search for some of the key words in the question first, just to make sure...

Thank you.

9. september 2009, 10:04:18
Eek, loads of questions already

3. september 2009, 15:08:40
Ämne: Interview alert!
A new interview is now open for questions. Everything you ever wanted to know about furbster, please, go ahead and ask.

26. augusti 2009, 16:59:54
Ämne: Re:
Snoopy: soon. Next week, I think...

26. augusti 2009, 11:39:37
Ämne: Re:
pauloaguia: any news on the next

20. juli 2009, 10:36:38
Ämne: Re:
Marfitalu's Interview is finished.
For once I still haven't finished reading it, because you just asked too many questions and my time is short these days, but I decided to let it go public just the same.


7. juli 2009, 10:28:04
One more week until the interview is closed. If you have any final questions for Marfitalu, don't forget to post them before the time is up...

3. juni 2009, 23:21:21
Ladies and Gentlemen! Mesdames et Messieurs!
Notre prochain interlocuteur sera Marfitalu - le grand champion du BKR maintenant! 

Donc, commencer à réfléchir à ce que vous voulez savoir sur lui, parce que vous avez 1 mois à poser des questions...

Our next subject will be Marfitalu - the big BKR champion right now! So start thinking about what you want to know about him because you have 1 month to ask questions...

Oh, and if you found any mistakes in the sentences above, you can keep them 

2. juni 2009, 09:16:55
Ämne: Re:
Hannelore: Keeping this board in your favourites so you can always get the latest news
By the way, there's another one coming up real soon

2. juni 2009, 09:16:54
Ämne: Re:
Hannelore: Keeping this board in your favourites so you can always get the latest news
By the way, there's another one coming up real soon

2. juni 2009, 03:35:26
I always enjoy reading the interviews, but I never seem to catch them early enough to ask questions. What's the trick to that?

11. maj 2009, 21:28:28
Ämne: Re: entrevistas


hum ok ... é que eu pensei que era apenas pessoas mais importantes e eu queria se candidatar .... :D

Mas se não pode indicar eu mesmo, então gostaria indicar a jogadora KevSpa. oks ?...ObrigadO; :p


hum ok ... is that I thought it was only the most important people and I wanted to apply .... : D

But if you can not give myself, then I would like to indicate KevSpa player. oks ... Thank's :p

11. maj 2009, 21:22:29
Ämne: Re: entrevistas
oh, you want to continue the message in English .... hum .... ok I will try... :D

11. maj 2009, 17:21:48
Ämne: Re: entrevistas
gnonyakayago66♥: As pessoas vão sugerindo nomes de utilizadores que gostariam de ver entrevistados. Eu vou mantendo a lista com esses nomes e, de vez em quando, escolho um, outras vezes é o entrevistado anterior que escolhe, os métodos variam um pouco de acordo com a minha disposição
Mas se tens sugestões de pessoas para eu entrevistar é só mandar uma mensagem pessoal e eu registo isso.

ScarletRose: There is only one Interviews board, for all the languages. As it states above, this is an english speaking board but maybe gnonyakayago66♥ didn't know how to ask the question in english (about how I select the next interviewee). Anyway, lucky for him I understand portuguese

11. maj 2009, 15:41:43
Ämne: Re: entrevistas
gnonyakayago66♥: This is the English board... isn't it?

10. maj 2009, 22:53:19
Ämne: entrevistas
Como tu define quem será entrevistado ??

6. maj 2009, 17:29:49
Ämne: Re: Question...
pauloaguia: Will do!

6. maj 2009, 10:28:11
Ämne: Re: Question...
Dolittle: I have a list. If you have any suggestions to add to it, just send me a PM.,

6. maj 2009, 03:39:44
Ämne: Re: Question...
pauloaguia: Do have a list of possible names for the next interview or do you just pick at random?

5. maj 2009, 09:00:09
Ämne: Re: Question...
Fencer: Seems fixed
And the questions have been resorted into insertion order too, as a side effect

5. maj 2009, 08:02:21
Ämne: Re: Question...
pauloaguia: Try it now.

5. maj 2009, 00:50:15
Ämne: Re: Question...
pauloaguia: I started at the top and answered the questions. What I found half way through, I was answering them in the opposite order they were submitted. Or so, it seemed.

Oh, and thanks for the questions! There were some good ones.

5. maj 2009, 00:22:50
well done!

4. maj 2009, 23:22:09
Ämne: Re: Question...
Ändrat av pauloaguia (4. maj 2009, 23:22:45)
Fencer: The fact that I can't sort the questions properly. As you can see from Summerop's interview, there's no cohesion in the whole interview, it's just a bunch of isolated questions...

EDIT: For those that didn't get that, Summertop's interview has just been published

5. april 2009, 13:00:03
Ämne: Re: Question...
pauloaguia: What was the interviews bug again?

5. april 2009, 12:59:26
Ämne: Re: Question...
Summertop: Don't worry - once they find out that there are asking too many questions is an achivment they'll start asking at will

4. april 2009, 02:31:49
Ämne: Question...
Just starting...but not many questions...

2. april 2009, 09:53:49
Ämne: Re: Do you like Summer?
pauloaguia: lol! you got me as well .. i believed you .. now i never will :)

1. april 2009, 22:19:40
Ämne: Re: Do you like Summer?
pauloaguia: Well done! Great joke!

1. april 2009, 21:27:26
The Col 
Ämne: Re: Do you like Summer?
pauloaguia: I thought you'd been kidnapped by the Keebler Elves

1. april 2009, 21:12:44
Ämne: Do you like Summer?
Summertop: That's right, your name has been up there all along, since a couple of minutes before my previous post
I've been here all along (has you may have noticed). I was just being a little lazy, passing all the replies people sent in the Christmas context to the table I keep with all the potential candidates. And a few weeks ago, I decided I'd wait until today so I could make a believable April 1st joke

ScarletRose: Thanks for replying - I was wondering if anyone would notice the message at all, before I had to deny it Regarding your question, I think only one person has declined the opportunity to be interviewed, since I took over. I didn't find too much "resistance" until now...

EverybodyWell, question season is open again. So start thinking about all the fishy questions that you've always been dying to ask Summertop

1. april 2009, 20:23:01
Ändrat av Summertop (1. april 2009, 20:24:03)
, I just noticed my name on the interview list. but, good April fools...Looks like ScarletRose soaked it up.

BTW: Where ya been?

1. april 2009, 16:24:04
Ämne: Re: No more interviews
pauloaguia: Everyone you've asked?

1. april 2009, 11:44:42
Ämne: No more interviews
Ändrat av pauloaguia (1. april 2009, 21:00:50)
As of today there will be no more interviews.
Everybody I ask keeps refusing and I just don't see the reason to go on with it.

Besides, I'm still waiting for Fencer to fix a bug on the system I reported over half a year ago! That doesn't help with motivation either...

If anyone wants the job it's open for grabs!
April fools

31. mars 2009, 23:02:06
The Col 
Ämne: Re:
Ändrat av The Col (31. mars 2009, 23:02:27)
Marshmud: nada, I'm sure he's aware of the interest,I guess we just have to respect his privacy.Maybe someone could approach the person who delagates moderatorship and discuss a passing of the torch

31. mars 2009, 17:48:54
Ämne: Re:
Jim Dandy: Have you had a reply? Been over a week.

24. mars 2009, 17:38:44
The Col 
Ämne: Re:
Marshmud: I pm'd him yesterday, so far no reply. He may have a very good reason, but it may have been a good idea to offer the job to someone else before abandoning it.

24. mars 2009, 16:36:37
Ämne: Re:
ScarletRose: I agree, but don't want to step on pauloaguia's toes because I have no idea why he is not interested. He won't reply here, so something has went wrong, so maybe he will step down if someone else is interested?

24. mars 2009, 15:36:07
Just post who you would like to see interviewed maybe that will get some action:))))

24. mars 2009, 06:50:13
Ämne: Re:
Marshmud: then let's get a new mod..

24. mars 2009, 00:34:38
Ämne: Re:
Foxy Lady:
Since our last post from our mod was dec 28, seems there won't be anymore interviews.

23. mars 2009, 19:32:50
Foxy Lady 
Where's the next interview?

27. februari 2009, 01:25:56
The Col 
Ämne: pauloaguia, we miss you,all is forgiven
what happened to the interviews?

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