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3. juli 2010, 13:16:13
Ämne: Re:
rod03801: .. Pot roast is historic... dates back to the industrial revolution. Workers left their pot to cook while working.. use to have oysters though.

2. juli 2010, 19:00:27

Following the Second World War, psychologists conducted research into the different motives and tendencies that account for ideological differences between left and right. The early studies focused on conservatives, beginning with Theodor W. Adorno's The Authoritarian Personality (1950). This book has been heavily criticized on theoretical and methodological grounds, but some of its findings have been confirmed by further empirical research..[82]

In 1973, British psychologist Glenn Wilson published an influential book providing evidence that a general factor underlying conservative beliefs is "fear of uncertainty".[83] A meta-analysis of research literature by Jost, Glaser, Kruglanski, and Sulloway in 2003 found that many factors, such as intolerance of ambiguity and need for cognitive closure, contribute to the degree of one's political conservatism.[82] A study by Kathleen Maclay stated these traits "might be associated with such generally valued characteristics as personal commitment and unwavering loyalty." The research also suggested that both liberals and conservatives are resistant to change; liberals simply have a higher tolerance.[84]

According to psychologist Robert Altemeyer, individuals who are politically conservative tend to rank high in Right-Wing Authoritarianism on his RWA scale.[85] This finding was echoed by Theodor Adorno. A study done on Israeli and Palestinian students in Israel found that RWA scores of right-wing party supporters were significantly higher than those of left-wing party supporters.[86] However, a 2005 study by H. Michael Crowson and colleagues suggested a moderate gap between RWA and other conservative positions. "The results indicated that conservatism is not synonymous with RWA." [87]

Psychologist Felicia Pratto and her colleagues have found evidence to support the idea that a high Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) is strongly correlated with conservative political views, and opposition to social engineering to promote equality, though Pratto's findings have been highly controversial.[88] Pratto and her colleagues found that high SDO scores were highly correlated with measures of prejudice. They were refuted in this claim by David J. Schneider, who wrote that "correlations between prejudice and political conservative are reduced virtually to zero when controls for SDO are instituted" [89] and by Kenneth Minogue who wrote "It is characteristic of the conservative temperament to value established identities, to praise habit and to respect prejudice, not because it is irrational, but because such things anchor the darting impusles of human beings in solidities of custom which we do not often begin to value until we are already losing them. Radicalism often generates youth movements, while conservatism is a condition found among the mature, who have discovered what it is in life they most value." [90]

A 1996 study on the relationship between racism and conservatism found that the correlation was stronger among more educated individuals, though specifically anti-Black racism did not increase. They also found that the correlation between racism and conservatism could be entirely accounted for by their mutual relationship with social dominance orientation. The authors concluded that opposition to affirmative action, especially among more highly educated conservatives, was better explained by social dominance orientation than by principled conservatism.[91

2. juli 2010, 18:52:10
Ämne: Left-Wing vs Right-Wing
Left-Wing or Right-Wing politics or the Left-Right political spectrum is a one dimensional spectrum used to classify political parties, political positions, or political ideologies.

To explain the difference between the two its easier to compare and contrast the positions taken by the far left and the far right. Be aware that many people’s political beliefs are on a continuum between left and right.

A brief way to describe the difference would be to say that left wingers believe the country is more important than the individual, and right wingers believe that the individual is more important than the country.

1. juli 2010, 19:21:59
Ämne: Re:
Tuesday: Luckily some do know when do back down.. otherwise we'd be glowing in the dark right now. Change is supposed to one of the true constants in the universe.. and as the scientists say today.. the closer you try and measure something.. the less accurate you become.

1. juli 2010, 14:10:17
Conservative coalition
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The conservative coalition, in the United States, was an unofficial Congressional coalition bringing together the conservative majority of the Republican Party and the conservative, mostly Southern, minority of the Democratic Party. It was influential in the United States Congress from 1939 to 1961 and remained a political force until the mid 1980's.

....In the hard-fought 1938 congressional elections the Republicans scored major gains in both houses, picking up six Senate seats and 80 House seats. Thereafter the conservative Democrats and Republicans in both Houses of Congress would often vote together on major economic issues, thus defeating many proposals by liberal Democrats[2]. A handful of liberal measures, notably the minimum wage laws, did pass when the Conservative Coalition split.....

...Liberals gained control of the House Rules Committee, and thus the congressional agenda, in 1961. But conservatives in the U.S. Senate could still veto legislation using the filibuster. Under President Lyndon Johnson, who had an intimate knowledge of the inner workings of Congress, liberals, together with Republicans led by Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen, who convinced all but six Republicans to vote for cloture, broke a southern filibuster led by Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Though a greater percentage of Republicans than Democrats (about 80% versus 60% respectively) voted for cloture and for the bill, the GOP Presidential nominee, Barry Goldwater (R-AZ), voted against cloture (even though he had previously supported all other major civil rights legislation). Many blamed that vote for heavy losses among conservative Republicans in Congress in 1964, though Goldwater's own defeat in the White House race was also a factor. The GOP regained strength in the congressional elections of 1966. In subsequent years, especially with the "Republican Revolution" in 1994, Republicans took control of most conservative Southern districts, so the Southern Democratic part of the coalition gradually faded...

Is it me or does it seem it was southern and conservative Americans who were against civil rights, where moderate and liberal (and from the north of the USA) Americans (regardless of party) were for it.

1. juli 2010, 11:30:11
In 2009 in Louisiana a judge refused to preside over a civil wedding because of it being a mixed race marriage. His reason... he was scared that the children would not be accepted by black or white people stating it was not the first time.

He sent them off to get married elsewhere, which they did.

1. juli 2010, 11:26:03
Ultimately, on June 19, the substitute (compromise) bill passed the Senate by a vote of 73-27, and quickly passed through the House-Senate conference committee, which adopted the Senate version of the bill. The conference bill was passed by both houses of Congress, and was signed into law by President Johnson on July 2, 1964. Legend has it that as he put down his pen Johnson told an aide, referring to the Democratic Party, "We have lost the South for a generation."[9]

By party and region

Note: "Southern", as used in this section, refers to members of Congress from the eleven states that made up the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War. "Northern" refers to members from the other 39 states, regardless of the geographic location of those states.

The original House version:

* Southern Democrats: 7-87 (7%-93%)
* Southern Republicans: 0-10 (0%-100%)

* Northern Democrats: 145-9 (94%-6%)
* Northern Republicans: 138-24 (85%-15%)

The Senate version:

* Southern Democrats: 1-20 (5%-95%)
* Southern Republicans: 0-1 (0%-100%)
* Northern Democrats: 45-1 (98%-2%)
* Northern Republicans: 27-5 (84%-16%)

1. juli 2010, 09:02:26
Ämne: Re:
Artful Dodger: All you've proven is that America has had a problem with racism, segregation and some other stuff.

I must have missed that bit in me history lessons... not.

1. juli 2010, 00:03:39
Ämne: Re:
Tuesday: We had a presenter that went mad on the BBC... he got sacked.

30. juni 2010, 22:15:43
Ämne: Re: And when the civil rights bill was passed, I read that those who were racist moved to the Republican party.. A complete switch over.
Artful Dodger: You can think what you want.. it doesn't make it true.

30. juni 2010, 21:53:00
Ämne: Re: And when the civil rights bill was passed, I read that those who were racist moved to the Republican party.. A complete switch over.
Artful Dodger: Ok.. you go use the word in the heart of a black neighbourhood. If you are lucky.. you'll be arrested.

30. juni 2010, 20:36:53
Ämne: Re: And when the civil rights bill was passed, I read that those who were racist moved to the Republican party.. A complete switch over.
Artful Dodger: wikipedia amongst others...

You forget not all of us are Americans.. not all of us are liberals. There are certain words that you don't use... or at the least *****

It's called respect.

30. juni 2010, 11:32:31
And when the civil rights bill was passed, I read that those who were racist moved to the Republican party.. A complete switch over.

Are there those in the Democratic party who are still racist... yes.. are there those in the Republican party who are racist.. yes. It's too close to the events of change for any party to say "we have eradicated racism from our ranks"..

Also.. It seems that as a recoil of the civil rights bill and other matters of the time the Republican element have done their best to blame everything on the federal government and when in power have scuppered federal depts in order to prove themselves right.

..... those on the far right need to understand that the destruction of the USA is not through socialism, but through their want of the USA as a country failing to prove themselves right. I find this a selfish attitude.

29. juni 2010, 20:30:31
Ämne: Re:
Tuesday: Fox justs wants to stir and like other ultra right wing organisations.. spread fear.

29. juni 2010, 20:24:32
Ämne: Re:
Tuesday: I thought these days it was more the Hispanics who were being used. God forbid Americans paying full price for what they consume!!

29. juni 2010, 20:23:07
Ämne: Re:I never said they didn't change.
Artful Dodger: Then your whole argument falls down.

Hallelujah. the end...

29. juni 2010, 20:18:22
Ämne: Re:
Artful Dodger: So... if parties still don't change and people don't change.

Are the protestants in the USA still wanting (as per their founders) wanting to kill all Jews?

29. juni 2010, 20:16:42
Ämne: Re:
Tuesday: I know.

29. juni 2010, 19:53:15
Ämne: Re:
Artful Dodger: Many people in the USA were for segregation, many people still think black folk are less then them in the USA. Using race to hide their insecurities blaming this and that for their woes.. it does not work. Those that were active in white supremacy are still alive due to it being such a recent event. You have Conservative Christians saying being Gay is evil and against God.. Men still saying women belong in the Kitchen.

Are we all to live in the past and never move forward??

imho that is pure madness.

29. juni 2010, 19:45:19
Ämne: Re:
Tuesday: Beck is paid to be an idiot by an idiot aka Murdoch!

He's just a propaganda machine hired to keep the rich rich at the same time getting rich from being an idiot... n' because people think he's telling the truth (as Fox never would let anyone lie on their channel.. people go along with his idiocy.

29. juni 2010, 19:34:42
Ämne: Re:
Artful Dodger: Blimey.. nothing has changed since the 1790's... not even when the liberal Republicans left the Republican party in the 1960's??

History is history.. but to twist it to making out the Democratic party is the same as over 200 years ago is a little weak. It's like saying the stars never move.

29. juni 2010, 18:20:55
Ämne: Re:
Artful Dodger: They are not the same party, neither is the Republicans. To say so looking at various histories from several different sites is madness. You keep harping about the Republicans going back to Conservative values... yet there is no such thing as 'Conservative' values as they vary from country to country from region to region.

It's like saying socialism is just communism by another name. That there are several types of socialism. Some work.. some don't.. some have had their name misused and made into evil to justify spending billions upon billions on weapons that will never be used.

29. juni 2010, 17:33:39
The Democratic Party traces its origins to the Democratic-Republican Party, founded by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and other influential opponents of the Federalists in 1792. However, the modern Democratic Party truly arose in the 1830s, with the election of Andrew Jackson. Since the division of the Republican Party in the election of 1912, it has gradually positioned itself to the left of the Republican Party on economic and social issues. Until the period following the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Democratic Party was primarily a coalition of two parties divided by region. Southern Democrats were typically given high conservative ratings by the American Conservative Union while northern Democrats were typically given very low ratings. Southern Democrats were a core bloc of the bipartisan conservative coalition which lasted through the Reagan-era. The economically activist philosophy of Franklin D. Roosevelt, which has strongly influenced American liberalism, has shaped much of the party's economic agenda since 1932, and served to tie the two regional factions of the party together until the late 1960s. In fact, Roosevelt's New Deal coalition usually controlled the national government until the 1970s.

In 2004, it was the largest political party, with 72 million voters (42.6% of 169 million registered) claiming affiliation. By comparison, the Republican Party has 55 million members.[5] During the first quarter of 2009, 52% of Americans identified more closely with the Democratic party while 39% leaned Republican.[7]

29. juni 2010, 16:07:06
Will the right wing right now blame that women didn't have the vote on the democrats??

.. what about the point that da bad un's have guns because they know the occupier might have guns or the cops.. so as such things get potentially lethal more quickly.

Killed over $100..

28. juni 2010, 22:29:22
Ämne: Re:
Artful Dodger: Nope... too little detail of the history. Large bits missed out.. If you were running an archive.. I'd sack ya.

28. juni 2010, 22:21:38
... war democrats.. peace democrats..some voted for Lincoln.. some didn't.

28. juni 2010, 22:16:41
Ämne: Re:
Artful Dodger: Was it before the parties swapped ideologies or before the liberal republicans moved to the Democratic party..

enlighten me.. tell me the real story of the formation and changes within the parties.

28. juni 2010, 21:27:43
To think in the 1950's the thing that brought 'peace' to the Korean conflict was the A-bomb. 26 warheads sent to Japan for use if McCarthy thought defeat was inevitable.

28. juni 2010, 21:25:23
Ämne: Re: and this is also true for Canada --- in those countries where citizens are disarmed in their own homes, day burglary is commonplace and dangerous because criminals know they will not be shot at if caught flagrante delicto.
Artful Dodger: ... where do you get this C&P's from.. the NRA...

Where's your proof man... real stats, not propoganda.

28. juni 2010, 21:20:20
Ämne: Re:
Artful Dodger: Was this when Democrats were Republicans?? Or like the age of Korea.. North Korea were the 'bad' guys but it didn't stop the Southerners killing 100's of 1000's in weeding out exercises or the USA forces being ordered to shoot civilians in case they were Northerners.

28. juni 2010, 09:58:07
Ämne: Re:
Artful Dodger: How many Conservatives wanted to keep slavery back then in a different age.. Women didn't have the vote.. Over here in the UK working men didn't have the vote.

Other old history was that the founders of the Protestant churches wanted the genocide of all Jews as they crucified Christ.

25. juni 2010, 08:25:49
Ämne: Re:
Artful Dodger: Our MP's over expenses said they were acting in goof faith and in compliance with the rules.... Lot's found voters did not think it was so good, nor their parties or constituents.

24. juni 2010, 08:47:50
How many committees does it take to work out how to screw in a light bulb.

.... unknown... section 42.8.1b hasn't been agreed on.

24. juni 2010, 08:44:21
Ämne: Re: President Obama for not allowing foreign ships into the Gulf of Mexico
Artful Dodger: ... But there are already ships there.... If some politician wants to play a points game over a little bit of red tape then so be it....

Do the foreign nationality ships working in the area have to leave until some politician gets his 15 minutes??

.. Sounds like that MEP getting paid to dis the NHS for the Murdoch unbiased news services. *cough*

24. juni 2010, 02:05:28
Ämne: Re:Republicans secretly think Obama is the Messiah and are being given a wake up call that he can't fix everything at once
Tuesday: I just wish those in India killed and hurt through that USA firm flouting safety regs would get their compensation.. They are still fighting in USA courts I believe, and that is not the only case in the courts still.

24. juni 2010, 01:59:46
Ämne: Re:
OldFartNamesArt: I checked the details on the Deepwater Horizon Incident Joint Information Center website... No list of nationality is there, but that 15 vessels from NON USA countries are helping.


It's clear your sites are scaremongering like those ads during the election suggestion a vote for Obama was a vote for the USA being nuked.

.. I'm doubly concerned that some people in the USA would belief that!!

24. juni 2010, 01:37:54
Ämne: Re:Republicans secretly think Obama is the Messiah and are being given a wake up call that he can't fix everything at once
Jim Dandy: GW.. I feel deserved the flack for GWII... Katrina. I don't think anyone expected that kinda devastation, you cannot blame the guy for the weather.

24. juni 2010, 01:35:57
Ämne: Re:
Ändrat av Mort (24. juni 2010, 01:38:56)
OldFartNamesArt: Not really can you do a break down of the 15 vessels of foreign (to the USA) nationality... something like 25% of the ships there..

And you'll still quoting the Jones act when it does not apply.

Quite honestly.. all I see is misquotes from people loving to jump on Obama because of something he did not do... He didn't decide to break safety laws and advice.

Geez ... they'd get killed on Question time!!

23. juni 2010, 22:52:18
Ämne: Re:Why does Obama refuse the help of other nations who
OldFartNamesArt: Deepwater Horizon Incident Joint Information Center

June 15
"Currently, 15 foreign-flagged vessels are involved in the largest response to an oil spill in U.S. history." The center further explained, "No Jones Act waivers have been granted because none of these vessels have required such a waiver to conduct their operations in the Gulf of Mexico."

Are you sure Fox is reliable??

.....While discussing the BP oil leak on Glenn Beck, Flynn said: "The Dutch have offered assistance, the British have offered assistance. There's been a lot of international assistance offered. The federal government has not accepted that assistance because of some antiquated law passed in the '20s and '30s from labor unions, the Jones Act. We have denied the use of international ships.".....

"No Jones Act waivers have been granted because none of these vessels have required such a waiver to conduct their operations in the Gulf of Mexico."

23. juni 2010, 22:46:44
Ämne: Re:Republicans secretly think Obama is the Messiah and are being given a wake up call that he can't fix everything at once
Tuesday: Anyone who thinks any President can just wave a magic wand and remove the human factor ought to remember JKF, Nixon, Clinton, Raygun, Bush....

I think most moderate-ish Republicans are more reasoned. If not and the corporations have taken over the GOP then in no way do they deserve to be in power. A party that has sold it's soul for the dollar no longer represents the people.

23. juni 2010, 17:42:42
Ämne: Re:
OldFartNamesArt: Have been until now. No immediate tech is available to contain the leak AT IT'S SOURCE.. How is Obama supposed to contain that? Nuke it???

So.. what about the fishermen, the wildlife, tourist industry, etc ?? A few thousand men is more important then them... please explain how?

23. juni 2010, 17:26:33
Ämne: Re:
OldFartNamesArt: No-one has said shut down.. just no more. Regardless of it being 99.998 or 99.999999999% ok the cost to the other industries is what?? How many people cannot work?

.... ONLY 33 RIGS ARE AFFECTED, not 50,000.

And how much is the cost to another or the same oil company if they mess up? The cost to the UK private pensions is considerable.

Obama sat on his hands.. was that when he was face to face with the BP lot to restrain himself from expressing the feelings of those affected?

23. juni 2010, 17:01:54
Ämne: Re:
OldFartNamesArt: You would like the company who just messed up BIG STYLE to (amongst others) drill in an area that has been designated risky drilling areas because of the depth....

... I personally would like to make sure there is the equipment to seal another leak like the one which is happening now before they might even be considered granted the go ahead.

Call me fickle but it's called safety and don't make the same mistake twice as being unprepared. The oil companies can afford some R&D don't you think?

23. juni 2010, 10:03:03
The oil companies (including BP) have taken the USA federal admin to court over the drilling ban in the Gulf of Mexico. The judge ruled in their favour.

As you would expect the federal gov is appealing.

22. juni 2010, 12:54:13
Ämne: Re: CNN telethon for BP
Jim Dandy: Not if you go by the likes of Comic relief and other such charitable organisations.

21. juni 2010, 21:35:47
Panorama tonight on the oil leak.. including talk from an employee on how BP knew that there were problems with the safety equipment before the leak started.

... yet they carried on rather then shut down and fix the problem.

21. juni 2010, 21:10:35
Ämne: Re: obama
GKChesterton: Well I guess the American people thought he was a better choice then McCain and Palin.

21. juni 2010, 20:45:05
June 18, 2010
The liberal blinders lift on Obama
Tony Gallardo

"......Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Howard Fineman, James Carville, and Maureen Dowd simply cannot believe the incompetence of the man they once deified....."

From what I gather from checking out vids of Keith Olbermann, Tony Gallardo is lying.

20. juni 2010, 23:32:14
I read Barton and those who support him have been disowned by the GOP.

...."only spoke for himself -- that is not mainstream Republican thought."

20. juni 2010, 23:08:07
Ämne: Re:The fault for the lack of cleanup falls directly on Obama.
Artful Dodger: ... you never answered what equipment does the USA keep to deal with oil leaks.

btw... I'm neither left or right I'm me!!

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