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Nothingness: there are some achievements that have stopped working or stopped calculating altogether. I brought it up many years ago and have since accepted that the bugs won’t be fixed. Most achievements still work fine.
so I looked through my achievements and have found at least 3 that I never got credit for. Most recently one last week in an espionage game. Specifically rear of secrets an espionage avchievement.
chupacabraVS2: 1. Yes "darker" ones are ones you haven't gotten. As you said 2. The different colored "cups" are just levels. It appears that 20 achievement points and under are "bronze". 25 up to some other limit is "silver" cup, and the higher ones are "gold". (Or whatever the colors actually are) 3. You only achieve an achievement once.
ok I have tried to find an answer on my own on the website.so I will have to ask. can we get some clarification on what the different colours mean on achievements. I knowe blacked out means you have not recieved this achievement. but some are silver & some gold. is there anything recieved if you get an acheivement numerous times?
Can anyone tell me the difference between these two tournament achievements:
"10 won tournaments of 50 game types" = win 10 public tournaments in 50 games
"10 won tournaments of 100 game types" = win 10 public tournaments in 100 games
The difference seems obvious, in that the second one, you need to win 10 tourneys in an additional 50 game types. However, on my achievements page, I have 49/50 for the first one, and 7/100 for the second one. Shouldn't these be the same number (the second one should be 49/100)??
I have been stuck on 17/25 for the "25x Team Tournament Winner" achievement for a long time. 24 hours ago, we won this tournament, May 2011 Embassy Chess , but it still hasn't added to my total... it should now be 18/25. Any ideas?
anybody else notice that 2 players from one country seem to get the same achievement almost simultaneously? I don't see how the sense of 'achievement' is felt there to be honest.
It has been suggested before (even if it was as a joke...). Why not an achievement for not spending an hour of vacation (with auto-vacation mode on) during the whole year, or if it's easier to "achieve" don't lose a game by timeout during a year
Gror: The funny thing is, I earned the achievement, I think for a game WITH auto pass ;)
In this game, Kloongammon (goseji - joshi tm) my opponent has the doubling cube, so he always has a move - double or not -, 10 times he rolled the dice and failed to move out, and I earned my 10 Achievement points ;) Apperantly the system counts rolling the dice or doubling as a move, so even in an Autopass game you can win the achievement :D
coan.net: I still haven't received recognition for these achievements.
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Marshmud: It also depends on how you got the black rook I believe - I know I don't have that achievement since I took advantage of the "1/2" price deal, which is not in the database the same as a true black rook... or something like that. I think it was discussed in this board awhile back.
Does anyone know when the achievement bonus begun? I have so many I have achieved without the bonus like the Lifetime dedication or the Black Rook that has a 50 point bonus. I see other Black Rooks have the bonus. I think we go a few years back, but this achievement was in the past year.
2/10 Win 100 public tournaments in 10 games -> should be 3/10 (Connect6, Five in line, Pente) 9/50 Win 50 public tournaments in 50 games -> should be 15/10 (Connect6, Line4, Dice Chess, Five in line, Pro FiL, Swap FiL, Keryo Pente, Open Keryo Pente, Open Pente, Linetris, Small Keryo Pente, Small Pente, Spider Line4, Pente, Spider Linetris)
aaru: You have played and won so many tournaments, it would be hard for most of us to double check for you!
I guess I would just ask, are you sure they were all "public tournaments". From my understanding, won "fellowship tournaments" would not count toward this total.
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