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Dec 2024 - Dark Battleboats 7 - Starts 6th Dec

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7. mars 2004, 21:34:44
We cant all afford it LJ that why there are other ways for those who cant afford such large prizes to donate to the site.. BTW "duh" was a pretty rude reply when a valid question was asked

7. mars 2004, 21:25:40

LJ what I dont get is you have March 30 as your last day to sign up, You wont start with out 200 folks yet you know Linda has been trying to get only 100 to sign up for over a month and shes not quite there. How do you propose you will get 200 to sign up with in just 3 weeks? Or was that part of the plan to make it look great when it's not really going to happen? Why not take the 200 part off?

7. mars 2004, 19:13:36
was only a suggestion of a way to possibly raise more..

7. mars 2004, 16:34:25
Linda J 
It has been decided how the money will be collected and will be very soon.
Of course anyone who wanted to donate anything above the entry fee would be more then welcome to.
You can also pay for someone else to play in the tournament if you'd like.
I don't know about a larger prize though.
Guess we will have to wait to see what is collected. That could get a little confusing and it is a fund raiser. ;•)

7. mars 2004, 13:41:31

7. mars 2004, 10:21:09
What about people who may want to put more than $5 up? I was thinking it might be interesting that if people wanted to do that, that maybe half of whatever they put up extra goes to the prize, and the other half to Fencer.. So if 10 people put up $10 instead, Fencer would get an extra 25, and the prize could go up 25?
Just a thought.. It's verrrry late and I think I'm half asleep..

7. mars 2004, 10:17:18
Has it been decided how the $5 is being collected?

7. mars 2004, 09:38:08
All section winners will be promoted, of course.

7. mars 2004, 09:35:08
Linda J 
Good question Jason I know it does happen.
Fencer will have to answer that one. ;•)

7. mars 2004, 09:30:17
another query linda . some sections could have tied winners (possibly a few sections will get this happening) what will happen then ...who gets to promote a pawn one of them or both of them or half each lol.

7. mars 2004, 08:49:16
Linda J 
No Bernice. Fencer gets $450 or whatever the total is - the $50 prize money.
Fencer generously donated the knight memberships.

7. mars 2004, 08:37:22
Ämne: I have a question :)
LindaJ tourney?
all the prizes...
advertised $50 winner.....$450 Fencer
Who is paying for the "every section winner wins a prize"
20 new members = 5 sections = overall = Big-one :)
Brain Kinght costs (cant think) but maybe $18 x 20 = $ final winner = $50...overall that is $410....does Fencer get only $90..

what i really want to know.....who is paying the 20 new memberships? does the $450 got to Fencer as originally planned?

7. mars 2004, 08:09:43
Linda J 
Ämne: BK Fund Raiser Prize Tournament
We need at least 4 more people for this tournament to make 100. If we get 100 people the tourney will be divided into 20 sections. Each section will have a winner of 6 months brain knight membership.
That's 20 new members for the site. Plus the $50 overall prize.
You can enter this tournament HERE

7. mars 2004, 07:42:15
Linda J 
In the Fund raiser tourney each section will have it's own winner too. So that ought to make it interesting too.
The debate club backgammon tourney had over 100 in it and it's moving along ok.

7. mars 2004, 07:37:40
Ämne: Re:
<LOL .. I've always found that my chess games are over much sooner than backgammon ones. :>

7. mars 2004, 07:28:27
ah ha....thats a good thought Linda :)...thanks for clarifying wasnt a nice vision LO,,,/by 2010..your $450 would be worth $4.50...not really but you know what i mean....

7. mars 2004, 07:18:52
Linda J 
Backgammon doesn't nearly take as long as chess does.
Also all money will be collected before the tournament begins. ;•)

7. mars 2004, 07:13:10
yup agreed here altho I wouldnt get too many cups but then ...???

Fencers 1st official BK tournament should be a lesson to others????

To be still going after 12 months or more is a little bitsilly in MY mind...Im thinking of Lindas 100 @ $ long with holidays is this going to take to run....I noticed that Fencer only had 85 in his chess (the only one i lookedat)
and it hasnt even finished the first round :(
So for the moneymaking ones....Fencer might get his cash by the year 2010? (slight exageration)

7. mars 2004, 06:51:56
Ämne: Re: Official tournaments and golden cups
OOoh.. I like that idea, Fencer! :)

7. mars 2004, 06:13:27 
Ämne: Re: Official BK Tournaments
First Official BK Tournament - Yup, that was the one Fencer created back in late 2002/early 2003!

It also shows how few games we had back then also. Plus it also show you how long Reversi 10x10 & Chess tournaments can last! (Both still going!!!)

7. mars 2004, 05:15:26
ustica tnp 
Ämne: Re: Official BK Tournaments
its my mistak? or this was the first tourn..


6. mars 2004, 22:43:19
Ämne: Re: Official BK Tournaments
i think that site run tourns. will be great, and so will the gold cups.

6. mars 2004, 18:45:54 
Ämne: Official BK Tournaments
Those will be a great addition to this site.

Have user be able to create their own tournaments is great, and always give users a great oppertunity to play almost any type of tournament with many different time limits, user limites, BKR limits, etc....

But I believe with "Official" BK tournament, we will get some great tournaments since I think you will get more players to join those. And the possibility to get a "gold cup" after a tournament win is cool. Do you get a "gold cup" after each tournament win - some players could start earning a lot of gold cups!

6. mars 2004, 16:01:20
Rogue Lion 
Ämne: Re: while we're on the subject...
Walter : The tournament allowed the extra players to remain. Therefore, I do not understand the intention of having the maximum number of players option. I had designated 12 so that the tournament would be limited to 3 sections of 4 players and could begin as soon as it was filled.

6. mars 2004, 15:53:03
Ämne: Re: S-B link on this site
I know... I read that first, but it was confusing.... What makes an opponent 'weaker' the fact that they lost a game, or who they lose it to? It seems that if I am a low ranked player, and you beat me, its no big deal, if I beat you it is a big deal, but that isbn't taken into account. It is simply how many wins in that section, regardless of whether those wins are against a strong opponent or weak one. I guess it doesnt matter if I understand it or not, it all comes out in the wash, and at least it is a consistant way to choose a winner, and over time should be fair, at least.

6. mars 2004, 15:45:03
Walter Montego 
Ämne: S-B link on this site

Here's what is says if you go there:
What does "S-B" column at tournament tables mean?
S-B is an abbreviation for Sonneborn-Berger system. It is used to specify an order of players with the same number of points and is based on a theory that points earned with a stronger opponent are more valuable than with a weaker one. The S-B value is a total sum of points of opponents who lost the tournament game with the player and half points of opponents who drawn the tournament game with the player. Only if two or more players have the same number of "normal" and S-B points, they share the same final order.

6. mars 2004, 15:43:33
Ämne: Re: SB rating question....
Thanks Wally....

6. mars 2004, 15:37:12
Walter Montego 
Ämne: Re: SB rating question....
There's a link to the S-B thingy somewhere on this site. It's not a clear forward explanation, but it does point you in the right direction.
What it does is count up all the points that your opponents scored in the games they played if you beat them yourself. If you lose to an opponent, you'll get no S-B points from him. Let's say you beat him, though. You get an S-B point for each win the he gets. I just won a tournament even though I didn't have the most S-B points. In the tournament we were playing two games each. Andreas beat me in both games, but I won every other game in the tournament. Seven of us were in the tournament. So I was 10 wins and 2 losses. Andreas scored 20 S-B points off of me. He lost three games and finished 9 wins and 3 losses. MenisfromVenis was 9 and 3 also. The S-B thingy gave Andreas second place, as he had the most S-B points between them. I had 46, Andreas 47, and Menis 37. So it seems to me the S-B thingy is flawed too, but I suppose it's better than leaving things tied unless the S-B is also tied, then I suppose you drop back and punt it as far as you can! :)

You can go to any finished tournament and count the points. Take one of the players that came in last or second to last. They're easier to count than the winners. If a player only won one game, he'll have the S-B points of the number of wins of the person that he beat. I did this a couple of times, and now I mostly understand the S-B thingy even though I'm not much of a fan of it. Since it's unfair to not use it and it's unfair to use it, I suppose a decision has to be made about using it or not. I know one way to break a tie is to make the winner between two players have the lead. Had Andreas only lost two games, I would've be OK with him being the tournament champion since he took all of our games. If we had split our games or if I had taken them both and it made him the champion, I would be very displeased about it.

6. mars 2004, 15:15:45
Walter Montego 
Ämne: Re: while we're on the subject...
I put the upper limit at 141, so I doubt if it becomes a concern for my tournaments.
After your tournament started, did the machine pare it down to 12 players, or'd it continue on with the extra players?

6. mars 2004, 15:15:14
Ämne: SB rating question....
Can someone explain in plain english how this works? It does not have anything to do with a persons BK rating, rather, how many wins they have in a particular section? Thanks for any help )

6. mars 2004, 14:31:13
Rogue Lion 
Ämne: while we're on the subject...
I created a tournament and set the maximum number of players to 12. The program allowed more than 12 players to sign up anyway. None were automatically removed when the tournament started, which is good because then I'd have had some explaining to do.

6. mars 2004, 11:37:19
Ämne: Re: Re: Prizes Fencer reply
It will highlight the tourny title in the tourny list to show it offers a prize.
You should then say in the description for the tourny what the prize you offer will be.
(You can also offer money as a prize, it could be paid direct to the winner, as long as both you and the winner has a paypal account etc.)

6. mars 2004, 11:29:04
Walter Montego 
Ämne: Re: Re: Prizes Fencer reply
Steve, I went to one of the tournaments I created. I saw the little box you mentioned about the prize offer. What happens when you check the box?

6. mars 2004, 11:26:11
Ämne: Re: Re: Prizes Fencer reply
You can remove players before it starts, you have to start new rounds when first ones complete (you are informed when this happens). no rulings except the ones you state for entrance to tourny and about the prize in the tourny description.
normally prize is a membership, and the way it is done can be discussed with Fencer.

6. mars 2004, 11:22:40
Walter Montego 
Ämne: Re: Re: Prizes Fencer reply
How do I supply the prize? Can I win it back, or modify the prize depending if I or someone else wins?
I've listed two tournaments. I shall see how it goes before trying more. Is there more to starting them than just creating them? Do I have to control things or players or make rulings during the play?

6. mars 2004, 11:18:43
Ämne: Re: Prizes Fencer reply
If you start a prize Tourny Walter, its up to you to supply the prize and explain what it is :o)
Have fun running your tournies :o)

6. mars 2004, 11:13:43
Walter Montego 
Ämne: Re: Prizes Fencer reply
That doesn't make much sense to me. I just add that it's a prize tournament? Who pays for the prize? You? Me? I don't see any mechanism for it to happen in either case. Please explain. I have sent you an e-mail a few hours ago, so you can reply there if you'd rather. This forum seems like a good place too. Maybe others have my questions too.

6. mars 2004, 11:08:59
Walter: Describe your prize at the tournament description and mark it as "prize tournament" [by a checkbox at the Define Tournament page].

6. mars 2004, 11:05:52
Ämne: Its started
Well it got filled up so started early
Stevie's" Dollar donation per player Reversi
Unfortunately, one player was removed due to lack of space. Incase this was due to me starting it early I will still pay the dollar for that player and sorry to vlckova25

Have fun and enjoy the games :o)

6. mars 2004, 11:04:47
Walter Montego 
I think you should have regularly scheduled tournaments. I just joined and that's what I've decided to do. I'm going to try Quarterly Open Tournaments. Perhaps I'll try Invitationals or Rated tournaments too. If the site does it though, it will be easy to follow them and they should have a good turn out if they're not scheduled to close together. On It's Your Turn, all they have are the site's scheduled tournaments. I think they're kind of deluted in certain ways as they never seem to have an end, nor do they do much to recognize the winners of them, aside from list their handles in a chart if one goes looking for it. Perhaps a prize for certain tournaments would also induce more people for them. I doubt if prizes matter much though and it might bring out the cheaters and dishonest people. A gold cup next to one's handle sound like a good thing.
I would like to add a prize to a tournament sometime. How do I do it?

6. mars 2004, 10:54:16
Sounds good to me :o)

6. mars 2004, 10:51:51
Steve: Yes, there was only one "official" tournament [the very first one], I would like to bring this idea back. Winners of official tournaments will become something like BrainKing champions etc. Maybe a small golden cup will appear next to their names :-D

6. mars 2004, 10:46:17
What to you class as official, or non official Fencer?

Does that mean you will be doing your own BK ones?

6. mars 2004, 10:42:59
bumble: I think that BBW refers to my previous post about his tournaments :-) I've just said that I prefer one tournament group with more game types than many tournament groups with just one game type [because it occupies bigger space on Tournaments page]. However, many people like it in this way, so I don't object anymore. Non-official tournaments will be moved to another page anyway, in the next version of BK.

6. mars 2004, 10:29:09
Walter Montego 
Ämne: Dark Chess and Extinction Chess tournaments
Open tournaments in both games starting at the end of the month (March 2004). Hope to see you all there.

6. mars 2004, 10:18:53
BBW: I'm missing something here. Why should Fencer make a public post about goodfood's tournaments? What's wrong with them?

6. mars 2004, 05:03:31
it is a lot isnt it :) I actually have goodfoods playing a game of Battleboats with Whikki, that has been running since last july-august...:(
when they go on like this i wish i had never started them :(

6. mars 2004, 04:16:21 
*sits back and waits for Fencer to make public post about goodfoods tournaments!* :-)

4. mars 2004, 19:17:32
Ämne: Re:
Sorry about the name thing, iou...
You didn't win a tournament, LOL, I was just having some fun with a contest to see who would be the last person to finish a game in the Backgammon prize tournament.

You won that contest, and to this minute, you still have not finished a game, and are not even close. You won by a long shot. LOL...
Many sections of the tournament have already been completed too...
At least you still are still undefeated ;)

4. mars 2004, 19:09:03
DeaD man WalkiN 
Ämne: Re: Backgammon prize tournament update...
HEY IMupChucKing my question to u is. this my name with some typos in them. myioupcity is what u put down hehehe

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