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<< <   152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161   > >>
23. februari 2006, 11:04:07
Ämne: Congratulations Mary Jo
Mary Jo is the Number "1", among 8 players
of the tournament 'Quickiest Gammoners - Jan 2006 - Nack Gammon (Nackgammon)'

Congratulations Mary Jo,

Thanks to all other players!

23. februari 2006, 04:08:07 
Ämne: Re: Adding games to stairs
rod03801: Thanks. I guess I already have all my fellowship games in the stairs I have set up, so I don't see that option.

23. februari 2006, 02:27:08
Ämne: Re: Adding games to stairs
BIG BAD WOLF: When you go to your fellowship page, and click on the link to a set of stairs already set up, down at the bottom of the page, will be an area that says something like "add game to your stairs" with a drop down menu of any games that are part of your fellowship, that are not yet on that set of stairs.. You simply click it and add it.

22. februari 2006, 22:54:12
Ämne: Sphere froglet
Does somebody want to a tournament of sphere froglet? i dont have idea as do it

22. februari 2006, 13:39:38
Ämne: Join in!

22. februari 2006, 07:33:10 
Ämne: Prize Battleboat Plus Tournament
A new Battleboat Plus prize tournament has been created and is open to everyone.

It is a 128 player elimination tournament, so only the first 128 players to sign will be able to play. (So you will only get 1 game at a time) 4 days per move, plus if you win you get a 6 month knight membership.


22. februari 2006, 06:13:55 
Ämne: Re:
rod03801: How do you add games to stairs that are already set up?

22. februari 2006, 05:51:48
there are some Ponds games in the Sunshine Club waiting for a few more players if anyone is interested!!

22. februari 2006, 02:34:42
Well, you can only define stairs for games you already have as part of your fellowship. So, if Halma is the only game you have set up as a team in your fellowship, for example, you will have to add teams for the games you want to add to your stairs.

You don't have to create new stairs for the new games. You can add the games to the stairs you already have set up.

22. februari 2006, 02:28:47
Ämne: defining new stairs
I would like to add more stairs to my fellowship but at the top of the page it already has halma 8x8 to be defined...I already have that game,I would like to add more...can I change the one at the top of the page or will it just ignore that one since I have it already? Also,when I go to set up a tourney...chess was there already but I didn't want chess but I was unable to remove it from the top of the page.thanks!!

21. februari 2006, 00:46:33
Few more tourneys that need just 1 or two more players to start

20. februari 2006, 00:06:11
Thank you Fencer!

19. februari 2006, 20:07:40
There is no point to continue in this discussion because I am not going to do any changes anyway.

19. februari 2006, 20:03:23
Radiant2008 :-) 
Ämne: For Bumble
I don't agree with both your commends.. Bumble is a beloved friend of many here and this tourny was set up for him in the first place! He cannot be "just" removed..... Thank you for your understanding! Blessings!!!

19. februari 2006, 15:56:09
alanback... on your win: Backgammon & Hyper 2100+ First 8 (Backgammon)

19. februari 2006, 15:53:55
wellywales on your win: Backgammon & Hyper 2100+ First 8 (Backgammon)

18. februari 2006, 19:36:06
Dark Vamp 
Ämne: I played one game with Bumble..
I never really got to know him, But from what I've read here on this board, tells me he had many friends that loved him and he will be dearly missed.. My condolences goes out to his family.

18. februari 2006, 17:14:46
Ämne: Re: For Bumble
cariad: nothing to apologize did nothing wrong..thanks for your post

Sorry Meddy- I will say no more on this

18. februari 2006, 17:02:00
Thank you chuck, let the tournament go on as normal, let each person do what they feel is right, let this board get back to normal...well for it anyways...

18. februari 2006, 15:01:11
Ämne: Re: Bumble's Tourney
Eriisa: My point is that this "second place person" will only be someone who is "lucky" enough to not be in the same section with Bumble until the last round..... anyway, if it hurts people to much to discuss this, then I will stop, I was only trying to help understand what we are doing here.

18. februari 2006, 14:37:31
Ämne: Re: Bumble's Tourney
a side note: Anyone that is bothered by BKR,, remember if you resign your games with Bumble at the start.. then your bkr will not be affected :o)

18. februari 2006, 14:32:35
Ämne: Re: Bumble's Tourney
Czuch Chuckers: That should be each person's choice.

Cariad has already posted what she will do if bum wins. Is there really a need to keep questioning it?

18. februari 2006, 14:24:57
Ämne: Re: Bumble's Tourney
MsDelete: If everyone in this section resigns, then Bumble will go to the next round, then if everyone in that round resigns, he wins again and so on, is this how we want this to go?

18. februari 2006, 10:50:14
Ämne: Re: For Bumble
I'm so sorry for the confusion. It's my fault. I've been doolally and zonked and hormonal and sad and happy and angry.
I'm so very sorry.

If my Papa 'wins' the tournament the prize will go to the second place player.

18. februari 2006, 07:54:40
Ämne: Re:
MidnightMcMedic: Thanks, MMM, but last time I posted there I got banned. Let's just say that due to the head mod there, the board is not worth reading, IMO, and leave it at that. I see now, that if I change the selection, I can see info (or the price at least) for a lifetime membership. Perhaps the Paid membership page could use an update to make that membership level a little more visible. ;-)

18. februari 2006, 07:19:56
And more questions like this can be found in features requests :D

18. februari 2006, 07:02:20 
Ämne: Re: curious
Thad: On the paid membership page, you can choose the "life time" price. You can also get a black knight for the cost of 10 years of a knight. (At least I'm guessing there is a black knight, have not seen one yet.)

18. februari 2006, 06:39:34
Good Luck :)FLR 
Ämne: Re: curious
Thad: pay for 10 yrs or make deal with Fencer :)

18. februari 2006, 06:38:14
Ämne: curious
First, I realize this isn't quite the right board, but...

I was wandering atround BK and I noticed that Tanein's rook is black. A click on her profile revealed that she is a rook forever! How cool!! How does one become a lifetime rook member?


18. februari 2006, 04:58:19
Ämne: Bumble's Tourney
hey guys if you scroll way down..Floosie sent a message with a link that Cariad had set up a tourney In Honor of her dad. I had not noticed that until tonight..but when I did...I stopped dodging the games I had with that tourney. I'm like all of you..if I had been in his section and had a game with him..I would have resigned it and I think that is a great thing to do..but otherwise I really think the tourney needs to go on in his honor..just my opinion..scroll down and read Floosie's message and decide for yourself though. : )

18. februari 2006, 04:38:12
Ämne: Re:
night owl: i only resigned my games with phil, everyone else is going to have to earn the win!

18. februari 2006, 02:19:23
Ämne: Re:
night owl: I could be mistaken but I think everyone is just resigning if they were scheduled with Bumble. All other games are still on!

18. februari 2006, 01:58:08
Ämne: Re: Bumble
emmett: 2 points, 1. Fencer has enough to deal with right now.
2. this is a personal decision for each player, i've made mine the way i feel good about. others will undoubtably make a different one.

18. februari 2006, 01:57:45
night owl 
Ämne: Bumble
ok not sure what to do..if i should play or not..yes that would help so every one know what to do..i know what you mean can not be nice for he's family and friends..sure is painful point.. thanks.

18. februari 2006, 01:52:14
Ämne: Re: Bumble
night owl: It seems like Fencer should step in with a decision here, if only to end the interminable debate that prolongs this painful point.

18. februari 2006, 01:51:33
Ämne: Re: Bumble
night owl: i'm not sure about what others are doing, but i resigned my games to help him go out on a winning streak. it felt right for a man who's done so much on and off of BK.

18. februari 2006, 01:45:34
night owl 
Ämne: Bumble
is everyone resigning for the section with Bumble? am playing in that one..if you all are then i will do the same 2 i not played him befor i know a lot of you know him sorry to hear he has passed away.

18. februari 2006, 00:44:39
Ämne: Re:
red dragon: Ah, that makes sense. ;-)

18. februari 2006, 00:43:35
red dragon 
Ämne: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: I'll try to explain. This is hard for me.
cariad created the tournament because she was overjoyed at her father's return from hospital. bumble joined the tournament in good faith. He was happy to be able to use the computer again and see his friends on brainking again. Look at his final posts. They're all happy. He loved brainking.
But his illness took a sudden turn for the worse and he died on February 14th in his sleep.
The tournament had another title but when her father died cariad asked Fencer to change it.

If bumble had won the tournament he would have given his prize to the runner-up.

cariad attended her father's funeral today. If she'd been here and seen this board she would have removed his name.

18. februari 2006, 00:37:16
I like that idea too, Czuch

18. februari 2006, 00:25:45
Ämne: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: Exactly!!!

18. februari 2006, 00:24:38
I agree with Chuck.

17. februari 2006, 22:55:25
On another related note... I would like to see his BKR's reinstated to the level before any games that were timed out. Seeing him with a 1500 backgammon bkr just doesnt seem right.

17. februari 2006, 22:48:23
Ah... so I am confused! The tournament set up for Bumbnle by Cariad was done apon his return and he had signed up? I didnt hear about it untli later and when I signed up there were already over a hundred people and I thought that was why, I didnt realize he was in that one, I thought there was one he was not in, sorry!

17. februari 2006, 22:31:26
Am I the only one confused?
There is a tournament for Bumble with a 6 month membership, and a tournament with Bumble in it?
It is only the tournament with Bumble in it that people in his section are resigning, obviously? Its true at some point Bumble will win this tournament if everyone resigns all their games with him. I a sure if this happens, fencer will do something good with this money, perhaps another tournament in his honor? But it is also likely that some will not resign their games with him, and it is likeley that someone other than Bumble will end up winning this tournament. Anyway it works out, no big deal, those who resigned should not really care if they lose...

17. februari 2006, 22:24:58 
Ämne: Re:
Thad: I'm sure it will not get that far. I'm sure there are some users in the tournament who do not read this board to get that idea, plus I think everyone needs to show respect and do what is right for them so they may not choose to resign - but respect and remember him in a different way. Everyone should do what they feel is right for them. I'm sure bumble's family is touched by the actions of some to resign, and it is a very nice thing to do.

One thing I would like to ask is that no one go negative towards anyone who does not resign, or even think negativly towards them - that would be the last thing bumble would want. Everyone should mourn the way they need to, and not be forced or felt pressured to do so.

17. februari 2006, 22:06:41
Um, it's really sweet that you are all resigning your games, but is everyone going to do that? He'll win the tournament and the 6-month membership. With all respect, does that make sense? Or else you'll have one clod who does not resign and takes the section (or tournament) win in a most unsportsmanlike way. Please don't flame me. I'm just looking at the bigger picture.

17. februari 2006, 21:29:19
Ämne: Re: tournament for Bumble
i've resigned too
Bumble lives in our hearts!

17. februari 2006, 15:49:29
Ämne: Re: tournament for Bumble
Stevie: I am, I've already resigned both games

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