Also - Fellowship vs. Fellowship Challenges. Check out the Team BKR Ratings
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A great place to unwind,relax,enjoy sumptuous meals prepared by the site's best cook!
A place to enjoy fellowship with other BK addicts without the bickering that sometimes finds it's way unto the public boards.
Message me for an invite!
Given the change in Moderators on the Music DB and thus the end of censorship,I have deleted the fellowship,Uncensored Music. Thank you to all who joined and enjoy the new and improved (and liberated) Music DB! :-)
I've started a new fellowship for music lovers everywhere! This will be a place to discuss music,post lyrics ,etc without feeling the pressure of censorship :-)
Message me for an invite!
Ämne: For members of GH Anti Checkers (and anyone else)
In keeping with Fencer's request,I have deleted this fellowship in favour of Golden Heart Checkers with it's variants. For membership please contact Usurper. :-)
I agree with Steve. Of course if the Manager of a team were given more options perhaps one fellowship would work. But as it stands,I think it would be too overwhelming for the BigBoss to oversee ALL variants.
So,IMHO,either giving Managers more power or allowing a fellowship for each type of game as Steve suggests would make more sense. :-)
GothicInventor: I think it's commendable that you would like to take steps to end the 'feud'! I,for one am glad bridges have been mended with you and KM. :-) Although,sometimes I think it's best to let sleeping dogs lie and,who knows,perhaps things will improve given time! :-) (MHO)
Sometimes,we need a refuge from the everyday world. From the harshness that sometimes invades our lives. Unfortunately,there is a need for a safe place to go,even on this wonderful site. That is why I have created a fellowship called Haven for the females of this site. Any female who would like to join please message me. :-)
(dölj) Om du vill spela ett parti med en motspelare på ungefär samma nivå, så kan du ange önskat ratingintervall för motståndaren när du skapar ett nytt parti. Då kan ingen med ett ratingtal utanför detta intervall anta utmaningen. (Katechka) (Visa alla tips)