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Homebrew/WOW-U (for those that know him) has gotten an itch to host another live-in-person pente tournament. Brew has enlisted the help of Bodo Konze and Jumpin721. They have arranged a spot at Dobie Mall in Austin, TX at the corner of 21st and Guadalupe on Saturday October 1st, 2005 at 11 am.
The address is:
2025 Guadalupe St
Austin, TX 78705
The date is:
Saturday October 1st, 2005 at 11:00 am
You can find more information at Dweebos in the forum or at jumpin721's site at Jumpin721
Tell everyone you know! Please help spread the word even if you are not planning on attending. Homebrew and Jumpin721 (he plays on www.pente.net) would appreciate all the help they can get!
Hey pente freaks, there is a pente tournament starting at www.pente.org march 4th, 2005 if any one is interested! Must register by march 3rd, 2005 and be an established player which means 20 games!
(dölj) Om du är intresserad av hur en viss turnering där du spelar går, så kan du diskutera detta med dina motspelare på denna turnerings diskussionsforum. (HelenaTanein) (Visa alla tips)