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Music Discussion Board
Feel free to talk about ANY Music you are interested in.
Embedding files from YouTube is welcome on this board.
Also any Hyper Links you wish to use.
This is a public board. All members, regardless of membership level (this includes pawns) are welcome to post here.
YOUTUBE has changed the way it codes it's Video Embed's. To make it work now you must right-click on the Video itself, and select 'Copy Embed HTML'. The Embed link under the Video does NOT work at present on BrainKing.
Please note - ANY material posted here deemed offensive or plagiarized will be removed immediately. The posting user(s) will be banned. This is not negotiable. Plagiarism is posting any original writings of another person without proper reference. Such material will be removed to avoid copyright infringements.
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Well try to copy & paste the below and see if this works. I found the song you wanted, and copied the "embed" part of it to get this - which has some "extra" stuff in it then what you posted - not sure why.
TexasToest: It works now because I had already fixed the link. Basically a return got put into the link - probable because it was longer then the box... which I don't think you did it, but the editor and/or system probable put it in there which messed it up - happens often.
Ämne: Re: As I prepare myself for tonites Poison concert
Jim Dandy: I was all set to go to a Poison concert many many years ago - but a few weeks before the concert, it was canceled (think it was when they broke up) - It was going to be at the Illinois State Fair. (mid 90's) - so instead went to the Damn Yankee's concert that was on a different night - which meant I had to switch from the cheap costing hotel to another one that had rooms that was about 4 times as much.... which in turn made the whole experiance a not very good one.
Poison is one of the bands I would like to see... since I missed my chance back then.
The song below is one of my favorite songs from when I was younger.... it's funny that I had never seen the video until about a month ago... on YouTube.
Anne's Song (posted below) was with their original singer, which they had I pretty good hit with "We Care A Lot"
Then in 1989, they got a new singer - new album, and made it "big time" on MTV and such - mostly with the song Epic
I can still sing along to all of these songs.... the Anne's Song is even on my MP3 player that travels with me everywhere.
Family Man: If it is a MUSIC video from YouTube, then just copy the "enbed" code here (which can be found on most Music video's on YouTube just to the right of the video.)
jadarite: I can give you a good reason if you like.
Lets say there is a "bad" paid member here who does post a bad video - what will happen. The moderator will ban them from posting. Then if that "bad" paid member wanted to continue, they could sign in with fake pawn accounts over and over and continue to post the "bad" stuff... in turn, making the whole board turn into pawn-approve status, which in turn in very bad for pawns.
That is just my opinion of why I think it is good to not give pawns the ability to post videos. Again, just my personal opinion.
Gee... Thanks Fencer. I've done good at avoiding YouTube mostly in the past, but now I've discovered a large amount of live stuff from bands I love - and I love live music so much more the studio albums.... Sitting here listening to a couple of my favorite Yes/Jon Anderson songs...
Luckly the audience stops clapping along shortly after it starts, so I can hear the great song..... now if I put that on my MP3 player to listen to while I work out, I would be able to just drop into a daze and finish my workout with no problem.
So question (before I search the internet for a solution), does anyone know of a good way to rip a MP3 out of a YouTube video?
I love this song. Funny, after I heard about enbeding youtube video's, I was playing around with it in my notepad, and was trying to think of a song - and this one popped in my mind - at first I told myself, I don't think there ever was a video - But I searched anyway, and found one. Cool! Guess I'll share here also.
Faith No More - I loved their early stuff with the different lead singer - you can just tell the band is having fun... not just playing to make others happy and sell a lot of albums, but having fun making music.
TexasToest: Scatterbrain is cool - I have their CD's somewhere in my closet. I can almost still hear the song "don't call me dude" in my head... think I might check out the link to refresh my mind a little more.
I use to listen to metal in my youth - today, i listen to just about everything, but mostly country.
I like the dixie chicks music.... I've always felt sorry for them. They (well the lead singer) said some anti-bush things - THINGS that are said many time now, but many people including people in our own government.... but because she said them before many others did, they seem to have paid the price.
Tuesday: A lot of people since then have made similar comments, but for some reason since the Dixie Chicks was "ahead" of their time with complaining about Bush, they got a lot of backlash. It is a shame, I like their music.
Eriisa: Downloading most copyrighted music is illegal, but a lot of local bands & such find per to per a great way to spread their music around.
Also some bands (not all) say it is OK to download live music from concerts and such (not copies of Live CD's) - but music which you can only find over the per to per.
Tuesday: Fats Domino, who had been unaccounted for in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, was plucked from the flooded city by a helicopter late Thursday. He was reported to be in good condition.
EIHN: I believe the rule about not posting lyrics on this site was discussed awhile back, but was just today added to the description of the board - even though the rule has been around for awhile. And lyrics posted on the web may or may not be in the public domain. Sometimes they are posted there without the artist permision and not in public domain. It's beter safe then sorry to not post anything rather then try to figure out if every post of lyrics are valid or not.
Plus it takes up a lot of room on the board, and I believe Fencer said he did not want the room to scroll with song lyrics - or something like that.
Well in high school I did not like country I think basicly because that is what my parents listen to - so of course being a kid, I had to listen to the stuff my parents didn't like.
The Dance - That was actually the song that was picked for our high school "song" for our Prom or something (1992) I hated it then, but I did not listen to country at that time. Now I listen to all types of music, with country being what I listen to the most now. (but still listen to everything from time to time)
summerland in my past
days were full and i knew it would last
i never thought there was anything else but you
the wind is getting cold
you're finally getting old
not much time
there's much to do
look ahead and walk on through
no one's taking sides this time it's you
your sky can still be blue
always in love with you
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