Whether fact or fiction ALL stories are welcome in here. Please come join in the fun!
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The Whisper: I agree and learned that lesson. What you have just posted is right on and is the only way to run a story tag/chain story. I hope people aren't getting the idea that that is what I am proposing. I've changed my former point of view on it pretty much to what you just posted below. ;) (you said it well)
Jim Dandy: Good question. I don't see it so much as a major overhaul as offering more choices for the board (within a manageable structure) and providing a place to share story links, post stories members have written (and post only the link here) and whatever other ideas develop.
This board was pretty dead with postings few and far between. I seriously doubt that story tag only will attract lots of people. It's limiting in my view. So I'd like to try to expand the activities here (within a workable structure) ;)
If you want a say in how things develop over the next several days, feed back NOW. ;) I'll keep things open until the end of the week (for an open discussion right here) and then put something into effect. After that, only feedback via PM is desired. I hope to get back to the story by the end of the week (either the old one or a new one...whatever people want. If I decide what to do we will stick with the current story line) ;)
Ok, changes are on the way. I've removed the guidelines and I'll explain what's going on.
Basically this public board was barely breathing. The story tag (also known as chain stories and roundrobin stories) entries were few and far between. Initially I tried to manage this by stopping the chatter and directing the story. Well, that didn't work and I obviously made a few mistakes. It's clear to me now that if you have a public board and a public story, that (within reason) you simply have to allow any and all contributions as long as they are following the story line. But story tag alone is probably not enough to make this board attractive so I'm trying a few other ideas.
I'm still working out all the details but I want feedback. ;)
* I've made a website where I will put the guidelines. Once completed, posters will have to access the website to read the guidelines. I will post something above at the top of the board page but don't want to have too many guidelines posted (otherwise people will have to scroll down for the first post...)
* I've started a links page and will continue adding what I've found. Members contributions can be sent to groucho-m@comcast.net.
* We have many good writers on BK and many people have written their own short stories. Members will be able to submit their stories to me and I will post them on the web. If members have many story contributions I will likey give them their own pages. It's easy to do.
* Story tags will not be the only activity on this board. But I'm still thinking through the logistics. Other activities may include: * posting links to member story contributions * discussions or comments on members stories * story tag stories, when finished, will be posted on the web page * limited story related chat * other ideas?
There will likely be a guideline that if we are working on a story tag, then that and only that will be allowed (with maybe exceptions to announcements). But as I see it, story tags are but one aspect of this board.
Comments may be posted here. Suggestions for the web site may be posted here. Once we decide what we want (shouldn't take long) we may finish the current story (or begin a new one...I'm for finishing) and then get on with things. If we all help, we can bring this board to life and have lots of fun with stories.
One thing: In case anyone is wondering. Should the ideas I have work out and the website (after a time) contain a lot of member stories - AND - should a new MM take over (one day---anything is possible---but remember I'm a life member hehehe) the web site will stay with BK. It's easy to transfer any and all data to a geocities free website.
After a time, if there is success, we can join the web ring too. ;)
I need to hear from you otherwise you will just get MY ideas.
Also remember, if 6 people have 6 opposing ideas, not everyone will get what they want. Just like in real life. ;) We're adults and we can all handle that.
Skyking: Oh bother, I just wrote a long reply and then lost it. :/ In a nut shell, I'm working on a few things but for the moment would like to keep the discussion open on how the board is run. I think Foxy is right in that the guidelines need to be followed. They look fair to me. Floozie is right in that it's a public board and all posts should be encouraged as long as they are following the story line. This would have to include Apes and T-rexs and mice ;) Apologies Jim Dandy. I'm still learning.
I have joined a story tag web ring and am researching how others manage the story tag. So more on that later.
Other ideas include story discussions (not during a story tag "game" however); sharing of links, and sharing of stories found on the web (or even sharing of personal stories people have written.
There are a number of ways of handling these things (including me making a Storyboard website where I include stories people have written and then the link can be posted here). I'm still thinking.
This board used to discuss stories and celebrate authors in addition to the tag game. However, during a story tag / chain story I think we need to agree that the board would get cluttered with other stuff going on too.
Do people want this only as a story tag board? Or do people want story tag plus?
As for the current story, if we stay with it, T-rex, the ape, and the little mouse stay in the story too. As I said, Floozie is right that it's a public board and all contributions (within reason) are encouraged.
I probably will add one guideline to the above with respect to adding to the story. I'm still thinking that through and after my research is completed, I'll share it with ya all.
NOT a floosie: ;) Yeah. I'm just trying to figure out how to make things work better in here. I'm going to do some checking and see what I can come up with to make things simple but I suspect that you are right on. I suspect that we'll have to just go with the flow and follow the story where ever it leads. ;) (as long as a Purple Dinosaur doesn't show up)
Ämne: Re: Let's get this story ended and start fresh by your guidelines.
Skyking: I care. I want to know what people expect. I've got some ideas going in my head and when I have time I'll post them and get feedback. Everyone's thoughts are important here.
Ämne: Re: Let's get this story ended and start fresh by your guidelines.
Jim Dandy: No worries. It's not the end of the world. I think different people have different expectations and different levels of expertise in all this. I kinda screwed up SR's entry too. We'll get it all sorted out. ;)
Ämne: Let's get this story ended and start fresh by your guidelines.
Foxy Lady: That may be a good idea. But I would suggest that when we start a new story we decide ahead of time if it's to be silly or serious and the starter gets to decide. Then everyone must follow that.
Story tags can be so much fun but peeps have to work together and SR is right that additions must "blend in" to others imput to the story.
ScarletRose: Well, I'd like to leave your post because you actually raise an issue I wanted to raise anyway. If you look where I had reposted the entire story, from there is wasn't long before it took a silly turn. I even had to delete one post because I was trying to keep the story on the serious level.
On the one hand I want to allow for some "fun" and sillyness but I also realize it will distract from the hard work of others and the story may fizzle. On the other hand, I don't know when to delete an addition or even if I should. I don't want to be that critical. Obviously some people have the writing gift and others do not (I don't consider myself necessairly gifted in that area.) I tried to give some guidance from the above guidelines but unless serious writers participate, it may be difficult to get a good story going.
BTW, so it's clear (this is to everyone reading this) I am not referring to the "mouse" addition. That was clearly a joke. :)
If anyone has a good suggestion, I'm all ears. I'll repost the "story so far" after some discussion has taken place. ;)
ScarletRose: Well that's the nature of the storyboard problem isn't it. Look at the previous lines of the story. It started out seriously and then it took a turn for the silly. We have apes, chuckie cheeze, and t-rex running around. What am I supposed to do? Were you adding to that story or starting a new one? Now I'm really confused. How am I supposed to deal with what people write? You tell me.
Foxy Lady: But that tricky little mouse isn't about to be fooled by the mouse traps. He's seen them before and knows how to avoid them. Meanwhile, the mouse is occupied staring back into the eyes of the stranger.
If people collectively want the storyboard guidlines modified and EVERYONE can agree, then whatever the group decides works for me. Until that happens, the above applies. Many "chatty" posts were deleted. They were old and in the way. My reasons should be obvious. People have complained on this board about the chat. It interrupts the storyline. Introducing a new story also interrupts so it only makes sense to do one at a time. If after a story-tag story is finished and people want to just chat about stories, that's fine. What every everyone wants (and in agreement) works for me. I don't care. It's not my board, it's my responsibility. The board belongs to all of you who participate here. But if you think everyone can have their own way here, that won't happen. I believe there is a consensus about chat and I've implimented a no chat rule because off that. I believe the rest of the guidelines fit within the expectations of those who regularly post here. If not PM me and if I see a need we'll open the storyboard up for discussions etc.
*BOB*on*Bush*: But no matter how hard he tried, the huge ape just wouldn't disappear. Land mines continued to explode as coconuts continued to fall. Suddenly, another huge creature appeared in the distance. "How can that be?" thought Jim. "I wasn't thinking of a creature of any kind!" Then just as suddenly, the huge ape disappeared and the explosions ceased. But the beast in the distance grew bigger and bigger as it came closer and closer.
"This is madness!" Jim screamed as he desparately thought of peceful things. A quiet stream running through the valley appeared. That was Jim's thought. But the beast wasn't. And then it suddenly occured to Jim. Not only was he not alone, but the thoughts of others became a reality to him as well! It was one thing to control his own thoughts but the thoughts of another? Impossible.
And then he saw the other. The person was running towards him with the beast following. They were too far away to tell if it was a man or a woman. But whoever it was, the beast was chasing after them. And both of them were running straight towards Jim.
Groucho: "What strange place is this?" Jim thought. "Whatever one thinks about, the Island creates a mirage of it. "
Suddenly it occured to him that such a situation could lead to trouble. What if he were thinking of something that led to a dangerous or even deadly mirage?
He hardly had time to think about that last question when a shudder surged throughout his body. Was he now seeing things? What was his last thought? He didn't have time to wonder any longer. Something was moving in the distance. Something big. And it was coming his way.....
Jim was flying his lear jet over Cuba on his flight to Brazil. He was a representative of a coffee company in Florida who was checking on companies in South America. All of a sudden all his gages were malfunctioning and he was loosing control of his plane....
...He found out a bird had hit one of the engines...
...Suddenly, the plane started to dive!
...The engine sputtered and choked as it tried to stay alive...
...As his plane spiraled down out of control Jim spotted a flash of emerald and tan through the clouds. As his plane sank lower he realized it was an island in a part of the ocean where no island should be.
...Was his fantasy becoming true?
...What fantasy was that?
...The island was incased in a fog or clouds. Soon his plane floated down. Till it reached the island.
...The fatiague from such a disorienting experience had caused Jim to question his perception of his surroundings.Could it be?......could that really be a Chuck E Cheese in the distance?
...Jim had dozed off and woke hours later on the island and his plane was no where in site. No wreckage whatsoever.
...He saw the Chucky Cheeser again and discovered that the island fabricated marages of what ev er you think about.
Ämne: Well, I suppose I woulnd't be doing my job unless
I pointed out that we should chat on GC and story only here. ;) I think people will appreciate it more if we stick to what this board was created for in the first place. ;) I get lost in all the chatter too. so.....
check the link for that. The book this is found in doesn't have that part. Like all good storytelling type stories, they get "tweaked" depending on who is doing the tellin....
Once upon a time there lived in the woods,
A boss little girl named Riding Hood.
I don't mean blue,
I don't mean green,
I don't mean yellow or aquamarine.
I said Red! — (clap) — Uh uh! (point left with right index finger),
I said Red! — (clap) — Uh uh! (point right with left index finger),
I said Red! — (clap) — Uh uh! (point forward and down pistol-style with both hands),
Red Riding Hood!
(Snap, two, three, four.)
Granny threw her back out on her skateboard on day,
So Red took her goodies and a tube of Ben-Gay.
"The busses aren't running and the 'vette's in the shop,
So I'll hoof it to Granny's house, clippity clop!"
I said clop! — (clap) — Uh uh! (point left with right index finger),
I said clop! — (clap) — Uh uh! (point right with left index finger),
I said clop! — (clap) — Uh uh! (point forward and down pistol-style with both hands),
Like clippity-clop!
(Snap, two, three, four.)
She was half way to Granny's a-singing a song,
When a big bad hairy wolf came walking along.
"Hey, hey, little girl, what's your hurry today?"
"Get lost!" said Red, and she went on her way.
But the wolf beat Red to Grandmother's pad
He threw her in the closet (OOOH!)* and got in the bed.
When Red got there, she was really grossed out
To see a fuzz-faced Granny with a big long snout!
She had bloodshot eyes and big sharp teeth,
A big pot belly and stinky feet.
"Come closer, my dear," said the wolf in disguise.
"All the better," said Red. "for YOUR surprise."
Then Little Red jammed a twinkie up his nose.
She stuck gum in his hair and stepped on his toes.
With one big kick, he was out on his tail.
All the way down the road, you could hear him wail.
(Snap, two, three, four.)
These days wolves don't go to good,
When they pick on girls like Riding Hood.
I don't mean blue,
I don't mean green,
I don't mean yellow or aquamarine.
I said Red! — (clap) — Uh uh! (point left with right index finger),
I said Red! — (clap) — Uh uh! (point right with left index finger),
I said Red! — (clap) — Uh uh! (point forward and down pistol-style with both hands),
Red Riding Hood! Yeah!
I can't find the author but the rap can be found in the book Crazy Gibberish by Naomi Baltuck. It's also located here:
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