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24. juni 2004, 07:55:15
if you have a scroll wheel on your mouse , press control on the keyboard and move your scroll wheel to make bigger or smaller ;)

23. juni 2004, 23:07:13
red dragon 
All I can suggest is you do a 'help' search on your browser for 'text size' (or 'font size'). Sorry!

23. juni 2004, 23:05:34
but I am using MSN explorer...

23. juni 2004, 23:04:27
red dragon 
It's on my IE, chattytea. On the same bar as 'Tools'.

23. juni 2004, 23:01:25
i have not got view on the top bar that i can see...
Is that on IE??

23. juni 2004, 22:56:16
Go to 'View' on the top bar then 'text size'.

23. juni 2004, 22:53:04
Ämne: help!
my cat has walked across my keyboard and now the screen writing is big and bold.. how can i reduce it back down to normal please...

23. juni 2004, 21:04:28
Ämne: Re: gmail
I got my gmail today too.

Yahoo lets you to "flag" messages, just like "Star" in gmail.

Also, did you notice, there is no "delete message" in gmail, only "move to trash". Same thing, don't know why they did that.

23. juni 2004, 20:01:09 
Ämne: gmail
My early review on gmail.

I really like it. A couple of the things that I really like about it:

1) The use of Labels instead of Folders. With folders, you put a message into any folder you wanted.

In normal mail, I might have a folder about Hot Air balloons that I put all the Balloon mail into. I might also have a folder called "family" which I put all my mail from family members.

With Gmail you create different labels - so you can place the "Balloon" label on any balloon e-mail. Or the "family" label on any family e-mail.

BUT lets say for example a family member e-mail's me about ballooning. With folder, I would have to choose which folder to put it into. With Gmail, I can give that message MULTIPLY labels, and could quickly find that message under either label.

2) It threads e-mail messages! So if you are having a conversation back and forth with someone through e-mail, it will "thread" all the messages for you so you can quickly skim through all the message in the thread. (or remove the thread if you don't like it.) Very cool once I tried it out.

3) "Starred" message. With 1 quick click on the mouse, you can "star" a message. Then you can quickly look at all the star messages. Just a very cool way to "highlight" a message that you can quickly find later.

Well those are my first impressions about gmail. And actually, none of my e-mails (other then the welcome message from gmail) had any AD's. And those Ad's are not in the message, just to the right of the message - and I barley even noticed them. Very cool so far.

23. juni 2004, 17:36:29
Ämne: Re: gmail
I just checked out thier web site. It looks like they dropped the free version. They used to have "Express", "Small Business", and "Professional" versions. I no longer see the "Express" version which was free. That's a too bad, because I really like IMail.

23. juni 2004, 17:18:49 
For Yahoo, I currently have 3 accounts that I use - 1 is for some-what important e-mail/newsletters. The other 2 are disposable account where I use to sign up for free things, etc... where the junk can fill & I know I can just go there every month or so and just delete everything... without reading.

Actually for all important everyday mail, I keep a private ISP address - well it's not too private, but given out a lot less then the "disposable" accounts. :-)

23. juni 2004, 16:53:28
Ämne: Re: gmail
Summertop: I thing that IMail server is not for free. Or if i live in mistake, show me, where can i find informations about free IMail server for 10 mailbox. Thanks.

Its simple for us, who know anough about PC, internet etc. Is there people, who have static IP, but dont know what IP address is. :-)

23. juni 2004, 16:43:52
Ämne: Re: gmail
Actually, I don't like the free online email servers. Yahoo! is the worse. I never use it, but I get tons of spam in it. I don't even check it anymore. I've even sent in a support question on how to disable it...NO REPLY.

I have a static IP address. I use a free product called IMail. The free version gives you 10 email addresses. Plenty for my family.

If anyone has a static IP address and is hosting a web web page on IIS, I also recomend Web Wiz Forums. A free messageboard.

23. juni 2004, 15:32:54 
Ämne: gmail
Google Mail - 1GB space, plus other cool stuff.

It is still in test mode, and the only way to get on is to get an invite from someone else that is already there!

If you want to get on early, I have a couple of invites to give out. (sorry - they randomly give a few to some of the current test users).

If you want an invite, I need your first & last name, plus your current e-mail address where the invite will be sent. NOTE: HOTMAIL automaticly deletes the Google invites as spam. Yahoo automaticly puts the Google invites in your Bulk Mail folder - so a different address would be the best.

[first come, first serve]

20. juni 2004, 16:07:02
Any time. I'm here to help :)

20. juni 2004, 16:05:28
I know I have problems because I sometimes can't shut down my ISP properly and programs freeze. I will send that error message, thanks Backoff. :o)

20. juni 2004, 15:57:16
gooner, the blue screen of death, as we call it, happens on startup sometimes after your computer gets shut down wrong (i.e. the power goes out, using the power button while still in windows, windows froze completly). When the screen comes up, windows normaly does a scan disk to make sure the hard drives are physicaly ok, then restarts.

20. juni 2004, 15:55:03
hummm try to make the error happen again and then either copy-paste the whole error message or take a screenshot and send it to me.

MM the knowledge base has all the error messages, reasons why errors happen, and fixes for errors. It's located Here. When I was working in tech support I used it 15 or 20 times a day.

20. juni 2004, 15:53:37
I have another problem aswell. Sometimes when in start up I get a blue screen with lots of numbers and error messages on it. I never have time to read any of it and my computer restarts. ??????

20. juni 2004, 15:48:47
I was trying to download and install scanner drivers. It seemed to download but thats where the problems started.

20. juni 2004, 15:47:35
microsoft knowledge base ??? oh me LOL

(BTW, had to disconnect 2 HDD this morning, started again) :o(

20. juni 2004, 15:45:28
lol I know you know, I was just trying to get more info about the error message. It will almost always give you an error code or number with the message and you can take and put that in the microsoft knowledge base.

20. juni 2004, 15:06:50
hey Backoff, i knew what a .dll file was, i often get an error message in IE with them in it, but normaly tells me which one .dll file it is :o)
Then i just type the error into google LOL

20. juni 2004, 14:50:53
what type of file are you downloading and do you use any download programs (like DAP).

20. juni 2004, 14:49:58
dynamic link libary file

it's a file that tells other files where to find other files on the computer :)

20. juni 2004, 12:33:36
gooner: Is that a Windows error message ? Never seen that before.
If so it should tell you what .dll file it is.

20. juni 2004, 12:29:38
When I try to download certain files and try to open them, I keep getting a message saying "DLL files damaged or corrupt". Any ideas?

19. juni 2004, 21:36:12
lol I think we all have that problem.

19. juni 2004, 21:27:51
I think i am going to have to start work on building a new one to be honest. This one is a Compaq (though i have got a few other base units here lol) and a nightmare to work on, although i must say it has been great the 3 years i have had it, and has been vastly upgraded. I think its just got to big for itself ROFL. Just one problem - money :(

19. juni 2004, 21:21:02
well, there's always the Alabama method.

gather the following items:

1 Gallon of Regular Unleaded Gasoline (appox 4Lt's for you brits :)
1 match
Your Computer

Combine items 1 and 3, then light item two and combine with the mixture. Run like hell.

problem solved!

19. juni 2004, 21:09:07
Well i have tried every possible combination with various different results from just have 1 HD, 2HD, no Roms, 1 Rom, 2 Roms LOL. Even at one point told me i had an invalid system disk and put in a new one (so i used Go-Back to revert back to earlier).
Well i now have it set is:

IDE1 MB - old HD (master) - new HD (slave)
IDE2 MB - CD/RW (cable select) - DVD/RW (cable select)

Have to admit i am lost. System is running (well doesn't appear to be freezing now) BUT the disk still spins (or does something anyway lol) every now and again.

I have not tried to use either ROM drive though. Just wait and see i guess, but i presume the CD/RW one will give the problem if i try.

19. juni 2004, 20:38:40
yep, they way you should set it up is the drive on the end of the cable is the master.

19. juni 2004, 18:22:04
ok - thanks, i will have a play in a bit and let you know.
So is what you are saying is that each cable should have a Master,well i know the IDE1 should for you MAIN drive.
Got me thinking now, this CD drive was a new one put in about 18 months ago, while machine was still on warrenty. He may have done it wrong then.
So both IDE's need a MASTER - OK :-)

19. juni 2004, 18:15:53
it's jsut hard to trouble-shoot problems like this without being there to work on it :(

19. juni 2004, 18:15:07
I would maybe try to change your jumper settings. Set the cd drive on the end of the cable to master the other the slave. Also the HDD's set your old HDD to master and make sure it's on the end of the cable and the new drive to slave and put it in the middle of the cable.

19. juni 2004, 18:10:50
I am lost now - odd eh.
Do i play around with the jumpers or not ? If so which ones whould i changes to what ? Should adding that new HD on IDE1 mean i have to change jumpers on the cd rom drives ?
Sorry to be a pain Backoff, but if i can get some stuff of this disk and onto another, its just going to pack up, like it keeps trying to LOL

19. juni 2004, 16:46:50
Thats how they are set, both on CS, so the DVD/RW is the MASTER, but its not set as it ?

19. juni 2004, 16:43:20
But i have NEVER had a need to touch the jumpers on either of them?

19. juni 2004, 16:33:11
if they are both on CS, then the one on the end of the cable will be the master.

19. juni 2004, 16:32:19
one should be slave, one master

19. juni 2004, 16:29:48
hmmmm thats interesting, just taken cover back off (Backoff LOL). I have never touched jumper settings on DVD/RW or CD/RW, but they are both set the same anyway ?

19. juni 2004, 16:19:41
One problem I ran into when I added my 2nd HDD is that my motherboard wouldn't see it on the IDE1 cable. So my system is set up like this:

IDE2---2nd HDD(slave)------CD/RW(master)

(jumper settings)

19. juni 2004, 16:19:39
Dam, put the cover back on now LOL.
IDE1 must be, comes from the board to Main Drive (C:) then onto the 2nd new drive.
IDE2 comes off the board into CD player then to DVD as it always has.
There is no other spare slot to put as drive.

19. juni 2004, 16:13:08
do you have the 2nd HDD on IDE1 or IDE2?

19. juni 2004, 16:08:42
Backoff: I tried a few times, just re-booting. Sometimes it would see the cd rom and sometimes it would not. Now i have taken the extra HD out, all is fine :-(

19. juni 2004, 16:07:15
Ämne: Re: PC problem update
OK - last try :(

I took out the 20.0 GB Hard Drive out (that i had installed as a slave for storage 2 days ago) to see what would happen then. NOW everything is working fine again. So we are left with the question:

What is causing an extra Hard drive to conflict with my CD player and freeze my PC up every other minute for 1 to 2 seconds.
As far as i know all jumpers are set correct, everything is plugged where it should be. It must be something simple. I can not be the only person on here tryig to get 2 Hard drives and 2 CD drives (1 DVD & 1 CD) on the same machine.

19. juni 2004, 15:57:07
so the device manger now doesn't see the cd-rom at all??? And it's still spinning up?

19. juni 2004, 10:45:08
Ämne: PC problem update
Spent 2 hours on this problem this morning. I stripped ALL cables (IDE, power etc...) out totaly. Made sure all boards were in ok and connections all clean, then re-connected all leads back up.
Turned machine on, NOW it has re-configured disks - 2 Hard (C: Main Disk & D: The New storage Disk) & only ONE DVD drive (it has ignored the CD player).
I can still hear the CD player spin every couple of minutes, BUT the PC is no longer freezing.

So where is the problem ?

19. juni 2004, 02:33:17
Well this is doing my head in. Im off to bed. If you think of anything Backoff (or anyone else), please post here or PM me and i will try to get on in the morning. Nite

19. juni 2004, 02:29:03
Had my connection up on screen to see what happened to that when it happens.
576,000bps stays ok
Duration: clockstops
bytes sent: stop where it is
bytes received: stops where is is

then just jump on, when it unfreezes.

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